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== Scene Summary ==
== Scene Summary ==
Casper, Colin, Ginevra, Ian, and Maeve are all in the [[Limbo]] parking lot after the show. Ginevra runs inside to Maeve's dressing room and retrieves a cooler with blood packs before running back to join the other four, who are walking to Ian's car. She and Colin make fun of Ian's obsession with cars as she opens the door to get Colin, herself, and Maeve into the back seat, ordering Casper to ride in the front with Ian. Casper is upset to hear them speaking Italian, which he associates with [[Octavius Sage]], and wants to sit in the back seat with Maeve, but decides not to argue about it. Colin and Maeve briefly discuss [[Jacque Beaumont]]'s recent [[Embrace]] and Maeve gives him a rose Ian left in the dressing room for him, delighting Colin, who immediately begins to tease Ian. Ian tells Casper about his car and agrees that he is too large to ride in the back and needs to sit up front, which Casper agrees to. Ginevra and Maeve tease Casper about being built like a rugby player, and he tells them about playing all-[[Brujah]] sports with his broodmates in the [[Heim]] while Ian grumbles over the reminder of how muscular Casper is. Ginevra jokes that she and Maeve should visit Scandinavia if everyone there looks like Casper, and Maeve teases that she'll pay for her to go on vacation there if she makes sure to have some scandalous relationships when she does.
Casper, Colin, Ginevra, Ian, and Maeve are all in the [[Limbo]] parking lot after the show. Ginevra runs inside to Maeve's dressing room and retrieves a cooler with blood packs before running back to join the other four, who are walking to Ian's car. She and Colin make fun of Ian's obsession with cars as she opens the door to get Colin, herself, and Maeve into the back seat, ordering Casper to ride in the front with Ian. Casper is upset to hear them speaking Italian, which he associates with [[Octavius Sage]], and wants to sit in the back seat with Maeve, but decides not to argue about it.
Colin and Maeve encourage Casper to find a radio station for everyone to listen to while Colin and the two women cuddle in the back seat. Ginevra is surprised but not unhappy at both of their physically demonstrative affections. Casper chooses a station that plays oldies jazz, which reminds him of his childhood and life before becoming a vampire. Colin and Maeve compliment one another for their performances tonight but agree that playing a role is more exhausting than being themselves. Colin teases Ian, causing Ian to tell him that he's affecting his driving, and Ginevra and Maeve remind everyone that they are not as durable in a car crash.
Colin and Maeve briefly discuss [[Jacque Beaumont]]'s recent [[Embrace]] and Maeve gives him a rose Ian left in the dressing room for him, delighting Colin, who immediately begins to tease Ian. Ian tells Casper about his car and agrees that he is too large to ride in the back and needs to sit up front, which Casper agrees to. Ginevra and Maeve tease Casper about being built like a rugby player, and he tells them about playing all-[[Brujah]] sports with his broodmates in the [[Heim]] while Ian grumbles over the reminder of how muscular Casper is. Ginevra jokes that she and Maeve should visit Scandinavia if everyone there looks like Casper, and Maeve teases that she'll pay for her to go on vacation there if she makes sure to have some scandalous relationships when she does.
Ian attempts to compliment Colin and Maeve for the show, but also complains that they barely made it out alive, causing them to make fun of him for being overdramatic. Casper is confused by how physically affectionate Colin and Maeve are, considering it inappropriate behavior for a brother and a sister, but he also praises their performance, especially Colin's guitar-playing. Colin and Maeve tease each other about him going to a crossroads to sell his soul for musical talent, guessing that if he did, [[Pieter Van Reise]] would be there doing the same thing. Maeve claims that everyone will want to send Colin lover letters after that show and Colin teases Ian about it, saying that he won't like it because he'll feel unappreciated and sparking an argument about whether or not love letters and flowers are actually meaningful.
Colin and Maeve encourage Casper to find a radio station for everyone to listen to while Colin and the two women cuddle in the back seat. Ginevra is surprised but not unhappy at both of their physically demonstrative affections. Casper chooses a station that plays oldies jazz, which reminds him of his childhood and life before becoming a vampire. Colin and Maeve compliment one another for their performances tonight but agree that playing a role is more exhausting than being themselves. Colin teases Ian, causing Ian to tell him that he's affecting his driving, and Ginevra and Maeve remind everyone that they are not as durable in the event of a car crash.
A new song begins to play on the radio and Casper begins to cry when he hears it, recalling his parents and his mortal life. Ginevra and Ian are uncomfortable and not sure what to do, but Maeve reaches out to Casper and apologizes for teasing him too much. Casper explains that the song was written by his father for his mother
Ian attempts to compliment Colin and Maeve for the show, but also complains that they barely made it out alive, causing them to make fun of him for being overdramatic. Casper is confused and aroused by how physically affectionate Colin and Maeve are, considering it inappropriate behavior for a brother and a sister, but he also praises their performance, especially Colin's guitar-playing. Colin and Maeve tease each other about him going to a crossroads to sell his soul for musical talent, guessing that if he did, [[Pieter Van Reise]] would be there doing the same thing. Maeve claims that everyone will want to send Colin lover letters after that show and Colin teases Ian about it, saying that he won't like it because he'll feel unappreciated and sparking an argument about whether or not love letters and flowers are actually meaningful.
A new song begins to play on the radio and Casper begins to cry when he hears it, recalling his parents and his mortal life. Ginevra and Ian are uncomfortable and not sure what to do, but Maeve reaches out to Casper and apologizes for teasing him too much. Casper explains that the song was written by his father for his mother and after being encouraged by Colin and Maeve tells them the story of his parents' courtship and his birth. Everyone is pleased by the story, although Ian is upset by similar memories of living in poverty with his own wife, and Casper sings a version of the song that was later used as a commercial jingle, entertaining Colin. They arrive at [[Thomas Circle Apartments]] and Maeve remarks that she is not good enough with languages to understand the jingle, causing Ginevra and Casper to make fun of her and Colin to use her hair to give her a temporary beard, making everyone laugh.
Maeve invites Casper to join them for drinks and he agrees, although Ian is privately uncomfortable about this. Ginevra takes the rose from Colin in order to keep him from destroying it before it can be vased. The group gets out of the car and goes into the building, where they ride the elevator up to the penthouse and discuss Colin's habit of creating volatile alcohols. Colin and Maeve begin playing a game to replace his name with a new one, prompting several wild suggestions from her and Casper and amusement from Ginevra and Ian, who also make fun of each others' names. Colin jumps onto Casper's back and Casper runs into the penthouse with him, calling that the last one inside has to drink Colin's mystery liquors. Casper also offers to text Andres with a drinks order, which he does in spite of Ginevra's annoyance at being replaced while on duty.
Everyone enters the penthouse, where Maeve takes off her shoes and lets down her hair and Ginevra begins taking all the liquor out of the kitchen to provide drinks. Colin drags Casper to his bedroom, where he rummages in the closet until he finds several more liquor options and some marijuana. They bring their finds back to the living room, where Ian is attempting to hit on Maeve but is prevented by their arrival. Maeve helps them put the liquor on the counter with Ginevra's finds and they begin deciding who will drink what. Colin gives Maeve a thermos of butterscotch liqueur that she drinks as the loser of the race to get inside, and Ginevra helps him prank Ian by giving him an empty bottle of gin. Ginevra returns Colin's rose to him, now in a vase. Casper opens a bottle of champagne and pours everyone a glass, using [[Celerity]] to catch the cork and prompting discussion of the proper way to open champagne. Ginevra realizes that she left the flowers from Maeve's admirers at Limbo, but Maeve rejects her offer to go back for them.
Andres arrives with a box of liquor and Casper pre-empts Ginevra to answer the door; he invites Andres to stay, but is told that he has things to do. Casper passes out bottles of alcohol to everyone, giving Ian scotch, Colin whiskey, and Ginevra and Maeve both wine. Maeve is already becoming drunk from Colin's thermos but thanks Casper anyway as she asks for someone to open her wine, remarking that she is surprised that Casper knew she likes overly sweet wine before he reminds her that she has told him before. She makes fun of herself for having unrefined tastes. Colin shows off his flute of champagne and rose and Maeve praises him, encouraging everyone to tell him how well he performed tonight. Colin rolls a joint and tries to teach Casper how to smoke it, although Casper tells him that he has smoked before when spending time as a young man with jazz musicians. Colin kisses and cuddles Maeve, telling her not to pay attention to Ian's mockery due to her prestigious Irish pedigree. Ian teases Maeve and takes her wine bottle to the kitchen, where he opens it but decides to prank her by returning it with no glass.
Colin and Ginevra discuss Americanisms and Maeve attempts a western American accent, which Ian makes fun of her for but Colin praises, claiming that they could turn her into a good example of a cowboy. The conversation causes Casper to mention that cowboys remind him of old movie depicitons of Vegas Vic, a giant neon sign in the shape of a cowboy that stands in Las Vegas. Colin is excited to tell him the story of the sign, which he has seen in person, and they begin to discuss Casper's childhood dreams of seeing America. Colin and Maeve nuzzle and snuggle one another and Casper becomes aroused again as he watches, loosening his clothing as he wishes it were him that Maeve was paying attention to. Maeve smokes from the joint and blows heart-shaped smoke rings, prompting Colin to praise her and Ian to be startled but amused. She then drinks from the wine bottle Ian brought her without a glass, which annoys Ginevra so much that she gets up to go the kitchen to get her one. Colin and Maeve tease Ian by offering him the joint, which he doesn't want, only to take it away again.
Colin mentions [[Rob Amblin]] as an example of a good American performer and hopes out loud that he survived the evening, causing Casper to identify him as the man sitting with [[Rachel Evans]], whom Maeve is glad to identify as her clanmate and another singer. Ian asks whether he met Rachel, making Maeve angrily jealous as she recalls Rachel sitting Ian's lap at Limbo, and she leaves to go to the kitchen. She crawls past Casper to get up and he becomes so aroused that he uses Celerity to begin vibrating at high speed, and Colin is confused and uses [[Animalism]] to calm him down with a kiss to his forehead. They lean against one another and discuss taking a road trip across the United States, listing places they have always wanted to visit and encouraging everyone to do the same.
In the kitchen, Maeve teases Ginevra about being so easy for Ian to annoy with his prank, and they hug and kiss one anothers' cheeks. Ian takes the joint and goes to the kitchen as well, confused by Maeve's abrupt departure into checking to see if she is all right. Maeve is still annoyed but the two begin to flirt about Ian's attempts to be romantic at Limbo, causing Ginevra to leave for the living room, where she scolds Colin for putting his feet on the furniture. Ian smokes and accuses Maeve of avoiding him and she teases him that she could do so much more effectively if she wanted to, and leaves the kitchen again after pointing out that they are ignoring the rest of the party. Ian chases her and kisses her before agreeing to let her go, while Casper becomes upset and jealous in the living room.
Colin suggests that they play blackjack as Maeve returns, which everyone agrees to, although Maeve claims she will need to be taught how to play. She sits back down on the couch, now on the other side of Casper, and Colin gets up to search in his closet and nightstand, finding two packs of cards and a lighter. Ginevra asks what vampires bet when they play cards, secretly worried that Maeve is too drunk to make good decisions, and Colin says they don't have to bet anything only to be contradicted by Maeve, who insists that the game needs it. Ian returns, complaining that there is no point to gambling with Colin but affectionately taking his hat from him and offering Casper another drink. Casper is still jealous and considers leaving, only to change his mind now that Maeve is sitting next to him, instead teasing her about her alcohol tolerance. Maeve jokes that she has no hope of winning and Casper becomes serious, cautioning her not to lose optimism about anything in life.
The discussion about what to bet continues, with Ginevra suggesting chores or strip poker, Maeve offering her earrings, Colin laying out an assortment of items including random keys from his pockets, and Ian suggesting that everyone drink when they lose a hand, prompting Maeve to be outraged and point out that his alcohol tolerance skews the suggestion heavily in his favor. Colin suggests that they could also bet stories or secrets while Ian protests that his natural advantages are not his fault. Casper notices that Maeve is drunk and asks Ginevra to make her some tea, which she gets up to do, annoyed that so many people other than her boss keep giving her orders.
Colin deals out cards and explains how to play the game, showing his own hand and taking a card to get a score of nineteen. Ian also takes two cards and goes over twenty-one, losing the hand. Casper asks Maeve what his cards mean and she leans in to see them, causing him to become aroused again and get an erection from her nearness while she explains that he needs more cards to beat Colin's hand. Colin gives him cards until he also loses the hand. Casper calls Maeve by an old Norse word for "queen", causing her to ask what it means and then laugh at him for calling her such a thing, teasing that he would know, being the son of a king himself. Ian is aggravated, reading their conversation as flirting. Maeve asks for a card and gets a final score of twenty, winning the round, but Ian objects, pointing out that Colin was dealing creatively and must have cheated to let her win. Colin and Maeve pretend to be outraged by this suggestion, with Colin insisting that Maeve is naturally lucky, and Casper and Ian call on Ginevra to referee, who returns with a tray of tea but refuses to admit that Maeve would ever cheat.
Casper and Colin agree that the winner of each round can choose their prize, so Maeve takes one of Colin's keys and then demands that Casper drink and Ian tell her a story. Casper becomes further aroused, wondering if Maeve is implying that he should drink her blood. Ian objects to the broadness of Maeve's request for a story and everyone makes fun of him while Colin does an impression of his accent, making him laugh in embarrassment. Colin deals the next round, assuming that Ian will refuse to tell the story, but after a moment Ian tells them a brief story about being taken to a local bar by his father as a child and being allowed to drink watered-down ale, causing everyone to be pleased that he participated.
Maeve goes first in the next round, showing her starting hand with a score of eighteen and taunting Colin to win his key back from her. He takes several cards and ends up with a total of twenty, which beats her. He leans across Casper and kisses her. Ian shows a starting hand of twenty as well, but loses when he takes another card. Casper asks for Maeve's help with his cards again and then becomes even further aroused as she leans in and makes suggestions about his hand, then loses when he takes a card. As the winner of the hand, Colin takes the key back from Maeve and demands that Ian smoke the joint and Casper tell them what his mother called him as a child. Maeve realizes that Casper has an erection and crawls away from him and into Colin's lap, while Casper is embarrassed but interprets her failure to scold him for it and the fact that her feet are still touching him as signs of her interest. He begins stroking her feet, making her giggle, while he explains that his mother used to call him "honeycake" in Yiddish.
Colin deals the next round and flips over his starting hand to reveal twenty-one, automatically winning. He collapses into giggles as an outraged Ian complains that there is no point in playing with him because his Irish Traveller heritage makes him instinctively cheat. Maeve defends him and bets him the color of her hair before flipping over her hand, taking three more cards, and losing. They kiss and nuzzle and Maeve uses [[Obfuscate]] to give him red hair and herself blonde, making Ian laugh and impressing Casper and Ginevra. Colin is excited to see the results and picks Maeve up, spinning around with her before carrying her to a mirror to admire their new looks. Ginevra and Ian are both worried about how drunk the two are and beg them to sit back down so that they don't fall. Casper finally remembers to look at his cards and discovers that he would have tied Colin, but throws them away rather than interfere in Maeve's enjoyment.
Colin and Maeve compliment one another in the mirror and Colin objects to everyone's worries, offended that they think he can't take care of Maeve when he's been drinking. He threatens to take them to bed and leave everyone behind, but then throws Maeve up in the air, using Celerity to circle several times before catching her to prove that he can, while Maeve laughs at his antics. Ginevra and Ian both panic at the idea of Maeve being injured and Ian gets up, taking Maeve from Colin's arms and carrying her back to his chair with him, where he kisses her forehead and tells her to stay out of trouble. Casper becomes jealous at the sight and excuses himself, claiming to be getting a phone call before retreating to the bathroom. He cries in the mirror and splashes water on his face before calling [[Rosalina de Leon]] and leaving her a drunken voicemail asking for her company.
Maeve teases Ian for his worries, telling him that Colin would never let her be hurt and kissing him in between threats to give him blond hair as well if he doesn't behave. Colin lies down on the couch, complaining that he shouldn't have to see a blond Ian at his own party, while Ian demands that Maeve behave herself, pointing out that she ran Casper off. Maeve is concerned and asks if she should go after him, but Ian holds onto her and tells her to leave Casper alone. Maeve uses Obfuscate to turn Ian's hair the same blue as his eyes for teasing her, causing Colin and Ginevra to laugh hysterically, and also makes him appear to have gained her freckles when he scolds her for it. They kiss and Ian has difficulty not being amorous, complaining that there are too many people in the house for this kind of behavior. He kisses her repeatedly while she laughingly threatens him with further vandalism. Colin suggests that Ian looks like a troll and he and Maeve discuss what to do to make him into more of one, eventually calling for Casper to return to tell them about the troll folklore of his native Sweden.
Maeve ducks out of Ian's lap and Colin grabs him to stop him from following her, reminding him that he still needs to smoke the joint more after losing his last hand. Colin climbs onto the arm of Ian's chair as Ian objects that he was injured the night before, then leans his face into Colin's hand as they share the joint. Casper hears Colin calling for him and returns from the bathroom, pretending to finish his phone call before laughing at Ian's new appearance and privately being surprised by how close Ian and Colin appear to be. He kneels in front of Maeve and agrees to let her turn him pink as Colin is suggesting, only for her to disagree that the color would suit him. She instead touches his face and uses Obfuscate to cause him to appear to be eight feet tall. Casper blushes and becomes aroused at her touch and moans as she leans close.
Maeve pulls away and asks Ginevra to go to the kitchen with her, apologizing that she doesn't have enough energy to transform her as well and asking for something to eat. Ginevra is startled by Casper's transformation but excited that Maeve is willing to eat and ushers her into the kitchen. She hands her a bloodbag from the refrigerator, which Maeve drains while watching the living room, then puts another in a glass dish for her to take with her.
Colin gets up and circles Casper before tackling him, laughing and declaring he will fight this troll. Casper and Colin wrestle with Celerity and Ian attempts to pull Colin off him, only to trip and fall, becoming part of the wrestling on the floor. Ginevra and Maeve return from the kitchen and Ginevra scolds the wrestling men, while Maeve sits down on the floor near them and asks if she should get involved. Casper bangs his head on the coffee table and then falls into Maeve's lap, where he teases her in French and is aroused by the realization that she is drinking blood, reminding him of her recently drinking his. Maeve cheers Colin on at his request but then scrambles away before she can be injured by the struggle.
Casper grabs both Colin and Ian and throws them over his shoulders as he stands up, threatening to turn them into stew unless Maeve properly asks for them back. Colin tries to encourage Casper to eat Ian instead of him and slaps Ian's ass, causing the two of them to begin fighting on Casper's shoulders. Maeve playfully asks Casper to return them to her, noting that they are dear to her and that she will pay him back in some other way, causing him to reply that he will trust her word. He puts both Colin and Ian down and holds them apart to stop their fighting. Maeve gets in between them and pets and soothes Ian, then Colin, and Casper goes back to the couch to sit down.
Colin sits on the floor, but Ian demands that Maeve sit with him, pulling her into his chair with him as he complains, leading to Colin going to the couch to sit in Casper's lap. Maeve asks Casper if he feels any change from being larger, noting that she has never done it herself and is not sure that she can; Casper explains that he feels the same but looks larger, and Colin tells them about what shapeshifting into a dog is like, noting that it involves having thoughts and senses that humans do not. Ian scolds Maeve for her antics and she pretends to be chastened, both of them affectionately nuzzling one another while Casper becomes jealous again. He tells everyone that he is frequently hungry and only barely avoids starvation, using the idea as a cover to express his feelings for Maeve. Ian attempts to drink more whiskey, but Maeve stops him with flirtation.
Casper puts Colin on one of his shoulders and carries him around the room, offering to let someone else have the other shoulder; Ginevra and Ian refuse, while Maeve says that only Colin should be allowed on his victor's lap. Casper is disappointed that no one accepts his offer and upset that Ian and Maeve are still affectionate, but he takes Colin to the kitchen when he mentions needing laurels for his victory, offering to make him a flower crown. Maeve teases Ian about being jealous of Colin having everyone's attention and they laugh and kiss while the others are in the kitchen. Casper uses Maeve's admirers' flower arrangements to make Colin a crown, explaining that he used to make them for his daughter, who he and Colin briefly discuss. Casper declares Colin a King in May and the group debates what else to call him, culminating in Colin playfully declaring himself the be an incarnation of the god Bel and suggesting religious rites they can perform in his honor.
Ian playfully teases Maeve for not making him a crown and she takes him seriously; she goes to the kitchen, where she inspects Colin's crown and asks Casper to teach her how to make one. Casper is jealous that she wants to involve Ian but agrees as long as she allows him to make crowns for her and Ginevra as well. Colin puts Maeve on the counter in his place and they nuzzle before he returns to the living room, again confusing Casper with their closeness. Maeve explains the meanings of various flowers they are using and decides to use [[Prince]] [[Marcus Vitel]]'s gift arrangement to make Ian's crown, which she is not very good at, repeatedly making mistakes or weaving her or Casper's fingers into it. Casper leans into her and attempts to nuzzle and touch her as much as he can while appearing to do so accidentally. Colin teases Ian, comparing him to the god Donn or the fairy folk and claiming he needs tribute to be appeased. Ginevra and Ian both attempt to give the other a reason to leave, Ginevra by suggesting Ian can go to bed and Ian by suggesting Ginevra can go visit her boyfriend [[Jacque Beaumont]], but both of them decide to stay.
Casper makes a crown of yellow flowers for Ginevra and a multicolored crown for Maeve, which he designs to tell her about his feelings through the language of flowers. He is distracted by her abnormal hair color and the fact that they don't have the right color flowers for her; he asks her if she still has the artificial blue rose he gave her and is touched that she does, but Maeve turns her hair pink instead of going to get it, making the existing wreath match her. Colin points out her new hair color as evidence that Ian should relax and accept change, but Ian disagrees, laughing at the absurd color. Casper puts Maeve's crown on her head and then lifts her off the counter, kneeling to her and calling her a queen. Maeve laughs at him, asking what he imagines she is queen of, but he refuses to answer. Colin comforts Ian with philosophy, which Ian does not understand but enjoys anyway.
Casper remains in the kitchen, watching the rest of the group, while Maeve takes the other two flower crowns back to the living room and sits in Ginevra's lap. She crowns her with the yellow flower crown and compliments her beauty, suggesting that she should call her boyfriend to come and see her and offering to do so herself. Ginevra is slightly discombobulated by Maeve's physical closeness but hugs her and refuses, pointing out that it is too late to invite anyone else to come over. Colin compliments Ginevra and smacks Ian to make him do the same, saying that anyone who wants to date her should make sure to bring her many gifts. He realizes that she is talking about his friend Jacque and is excited, but confusion ensues when Ian mistakes him for referring to [[Jackson Trapp]], something both Colin and Maeve make fun of him for.
Maeve gets back up and goes to Ian, who she crowns with the remaining flower crown. She begins to tease him about it, but is so drunk that she loses her balance and falls, worrying everyone except for Colin, who finds her amusing. He repeats an Irish proverb about drunkenness to tease her as Ian picks up her up from the floor and puts her in his lap. He complains that she will feel bad tomorrow when she's hung over and has slept on a floor, and she teases him as she adjusts his crown and tells him that she will be fine. Ginevra gets up to go to the kitchen and clean, offering for Casper to take her seat, which Ian also encourages him to do. Casper goes to the living room but has trouble sitting in the chair, which now appears too small for his increased size. He asks how long the illusion will last and Maeve explains that it will fade when he leaves the apartment, remarking that it takes a lot of effort to maintain so many illusions at once.
Maeve realizes that Casper is the only person present who does not have a flower crown and offers hers to Colin to take to him, noting that he is a prince and should have one, information that disgruntles Ian. Colin puts her crown back on her head, making fun of her for not realizing that she would be the one left out then, while Casper also demurs, claiming he does not need one. Colin goes to the kitchen and makes Casper a crown from one of the flowers used for each of the other ones, then returns to the living room and places it on Casper's head. Maeve calls him an alder-king's son, distracting Colin, who traces the phrase to its root as part of the Norse religion and is uncomfortable at its implications. Casper objects to the title, claiming that he is only a servant. Ian suggests that it has become late and Maeve should start returning people to normal.
Contrite, Maeve returns everyone's appearances to normal except for Colin, whose red hair she considers a prize won in the card game. She cuddles into Ian and closes her eyes, resting from the effort. Colin objects, encouraging her to stay awake and play, but Ian tells him to let her rest, suggesting that they watch television for the end of the night. Casper is saddened by the return to normal and tells Maeve to make sure she is mischievous again in the future, and whimpers when he sees that she is falling asleep on Ian. He offers to go home if the rest of the party wants to go to bed, but also suggests to Colin that they tell more stories to pass the time, recognizing as he does that he is trying to delay to avoid having to leave Maeve's presence. Ginevra suggests taking Maeve to bed so that the men can remain up to socialize, and Ian tells her that he will take her as he will have to sleep soon himself. Maeve rouses enough to object to everyone trying to get rid of her, causing Casper to protest and Ian to kiss her and clarify that they are only trying to take care of her.
Colin disagrees with Casper's identification of himself as a servant and the two have a discussion about the political difference between personal and leadership responsibilities, Casper advocating for choosing good leaders to support and Colin for individuals making their own decisions. Ian privately agrees with Casper but decides not to get involved. Colin challenges Maeve to stay awake longer than he does, claiming that his winning is a foregone conclusion while she disagrees, saying she outlasts him all the time. He threatens to draw a moustache on her while she sleeps and she threatens to give him floor-length hair in return. Ian slumps sleepily in his chair and teases Maeve for her behavior all night.
Ginevra tells Maeve that she is as drunk as if she had had mulled wine, prompting everyone to become excited by the prospect and Ginevra to eventually promise to make them some on another evening; Maeve recalls that the last time she had it was at a Christmas with [[Octavius Sage]]. Recognizing that Casper is reluctant to leave, Ginevra offers to make up the couch in the den for him to sleep on, something that both Colin and Maeve agree to but Ian objects to, pointing out that Casper lives in the same building and can just go downstairs to his own bed. Colin offers Casper his own bed, which he does not plan to sleep in tonight, but Casper agrees with Ian that he can go downstairs to bed, although he privately thinks that he does not want to. Maeve is saddened by the signs of Ian's impending sleep for the day and mentions that everyone always leaves her behind since she is usually awake the longest, to which Casper replies that he will always be there for her.
Colin teases Ian, claiming that he might have a concussion from the wrestling earlier, and a drunk Maeve sits up in his lap to check his head for injuries. Ian flirts with her and Casper becomes angry, believing that he is doing it on purpose to make him jealous. Casper asks if Colin will tell him a story if he outlasts him, and Ginevra points out that as a human she will outlast everyone before asking whether or not vampires can stay awake past sunrise. Colin explains that younger vampires can stay awake longer than older ones but adds that it isn't universal, using Ian falling asleep at dawn since his Embrace as an example. Maeve argues that Ian used to fall asleep earlier than he does now, causing Ian to be uncomfortable as Colin explains that this was due to his loss of [[Humanity]]. He hopes out loud that Maeve does not mind him being awake more often and she reassures him that she enjoys it. Casper is troubled by the idea of Ian having had less Humanity and recognizes it as similar to the story of his behavior told to him by [[Vanessa Keasley]].
Casper praises Maeve again and she tells him that he always makes her sound perfect when she isn't, and Ian teases that he'll change his mind when he's known her longer, causing Casper to growl and grip his chair until it cracks in anger at what he sees as a slight against her. He calls Ian tactless in French to Ginevra and they are both surprised when Colin chimes in as well. Maeve argues that Casper only remembers the nice parts of their history, but he claims that stories should always be different depending on who tells them. Colin agrees with him and the two of them and Ginevra discuss the purpose of storytelling, arguing about whether or not it has to be realistic or have a moral point to be considered good.
Colin offers to trade stories until someone is the winner at staying up late, and Casper encourages Ian to start them off. Ian tries to object, but relents and tells the story of Audie Murphy, an American soldier in World War II who singlehandedly held a road against an overwhelming German force for hours. Casper enjoys the story and remarks that Murphy was heroic, but Ian disagrees, saying that it is the soldiers in the trenches that win wars rather than single heroes. He tells Casper that Murphy made a movie about his exploits but that the plot had to be changed because the truth was too unbelievable, sparking another round of discussion about realism in storytelling. Colin disagrees with Ian that anyone ever wins wars, and Maeve agrees that war stories are always about death and are never good.
Casper wants to leave but feels pressured to stay when Ian suggests he tell the next story. He remembers being asked about trolls and explains that troll stories in Sweden are intended to explain landscape features and natural phenomena. He tells a story about two guardian trolls named Braun and Hulda who fell in love while being paid in vegetables to guard their respective villages and created a bridge between them by holding one another each morning so that they turn to stone during the day. He is embarrassed when he finishes, remarking that the story is not as good in English.
Maeve dislikes this story as well, saying that it's nicer than Ian's but still about people dying, and says that dying for love is just as sad as dying in a war. Colin disagrees, arguing that death is part of every story eventually and that dying for love is better than dying for nothing. Ian likes the story and argues that the trolls didn't die, which Casper confirms, explaining that trolls only turn to stone during the day. Colin privately thinks that Casper is incorrect about how trolls work, while Ginevra is disturbed by the idea that trolls might actually exist. Maeve accepts these corrections but privately does not believe all of them.
Ian complains that he only knows war stories and that Maeve will be bored if he isn't allowed to tell those, prompting her to tease him and the two of them to make fun of each other for being boring. Casper is disgusted by Ian's implication of Maeve's imperfection and wonders if she cares that he visited tonight and why he continues to torture himself by being near her. Colin begins teasing Maeve again, asking if she wants him to get her ready for bed when she inevitably loses their game and offering to sing her a lullabye. Ian objects to any more singing tonight but Maeve kisses him and begs him to let Colin sing for her, complaining that no one ever sings for her anymore. Casper misunderstands Ian's complaint about doing things for a lark to refer to real larks and they have a brief conversation about songbirds in captivity, in which Casper uses larks as a metaphor for Maeve and Ian talks about his history of hunting game birds when he was alive.
Colin puts his feet up on th ecoffee table and challenges Maeve to stay awake before singing a World War I-era love song. Ian hugs Maeve close and everyone except Ginevra closes their eyes and dozes. Ginevra praises Colin's singing and he thanks her. Maeve also appreciates the song and tells Colin he is more skilled than she is since she can't make people as large as Casper and Ian fall asleep. Colin laughs at her, saying that it isn't difficult, before Casper proves he is still awake by saying hello to Maeve, who he implies he would allow to [[bloodbond]] him if she asked. Casper recalls owning a dog named Felix after the cartoon cat and Colin is excited to tell him that he saw those cartoons as well. They discuss dogs, Ginevra approving of them but feeling she does not have time to take care of one properly while Casper and Colin try to convince her to get one anyway.
Casper mentions that Ian was rich when he was alive and Maeve makes fun of Ian for it, mentioning that he was heir to an earl; Colin corrects her to say marquess, an intentional inaccuracy meant to annoy Ian. Casper asks what these titles mean and Maeve explains English hierarchical titles, after which Colin explains how they relate to the ancient Norse ones Casper is more familiar with. Casper makes a brief but impassioned speech about his dislike of inherited titles and positions, and Colin agrees. Ian, who is barely still awake, asks what time it is and then gets up when Ginevra tells him that it is six o'clock, declaring that the night is over and everyone needs to go home so they can go to bed. Maeve objects, saying that not everyone goes to sleep as early as he does, but then relents and agrees. Casper is upset by Ian's implication that he and Maeve will be sleeping together, and is confused again by the idea that Colin appears to be joining them.
Casper offers to help Ginevra clean up, but she declines, saying good night to everyone. She and Maeve make plans to meet later after everyone else is asleep and Ginevra leaves for the night after offering to help take Casper home and being refused. Maeve laughs at Casper trying to do chores and hugs him, bidding him goodnight. Casper takes his coat from the coat closet and goes home, accidentally leaving his jacket and tie behind in the living room, and downstairs spends the rest of the night thinking about his experience and his newfound grudging fondness for Colin and Ian.
Colin complains that he doesn't want to go to bed yet and Ian grabs him by the arm, pulling him upright as he protests. He picks Maeve up under his other arm and carries both of them off to the bedroom, scolding them as they complain. He shoves Colin at the bed and throws Maeve after him. Colin threatens Ian that he and Maeve will misbehave if he goes to sleep and leaves them alone, but Ian is barely still awake and cannot even successfully unbutton his shirt. Maeve crawls across the bed to help him, but Ian grabs her and holds her tightly in his sleep, causing her to complain that he is cheating on Colin's behalf to make her fall asleep. Colin decides the competition isn't fair and blows in Ian's ear to wake him up, pulling Maeve out of his arms when he briefly flails.
Colin helps Ian take his shirt off, but Ian grabs him and falls asleep for the day, causing Colin to compare himself to the Greek hero Icarus. Maeve laughs and crawls over to them, lamenting that she cannot free him the way he did her; Colin begins to try to wriggle free, but Maeve crawls to the other side to cuddle him, sandwiching him between her and Ian. She declares that the contest is now fair, and Colin realizes that she is becoming tired, too. He reaches back to pull her close and buries his face in Ian's neck. Maeve falls asleep and Colin rests between them for a while.
== Script Summary ==
== Script Summary ==
Line 147: Line 227:
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: Everyone needs practice , and you'd be surprised, we did play sports back at the Heim.</p>
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: Everyone needs practice, and you'd be surprised, we did play sports back at the Heim.</p>
Line 349: Line 429:
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: I cant wait to see you two there again Shaggy. I'll have to teach you to speed up your fingers while not harming the strings, it takes a bit of practice but I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time.</p>
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: I can't wait to see you two there again Shaggy. I'll have to teach you to speed up your fingers while not harming the strings, it takes a bit of practice but I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time.</p>
Line 425: Line 505:
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: A story? Not sure it's remarkable or interesting, but I suppose I can... My Mama and Papa were always poor, both from the wrong side of Södermalm, lots of people with little to put together. She was a baker's daughter from Norway and my Papa the son of farmers who came to the big city to learn music. He was very good, but like many young men his age his dreams were larger than his luck. He first set eyes on my mother in a bar he was performing at for supper and a single drink and for whatever reason she fell for him - until he started talking to her. He called her exotic - which you must understand my mother - didn't not go well for him. Now he found out from one of her friends that she was a regular at this establishment, and booked stage time - for supper and a single drink - just so he could see her again. They would talk, from time to time, mostly little jabs and snipes but it was clear to everyone they couldn't stop gravitating towards one another. She told him of course she couldn't marry a man who only played for supper and one drink - she would want many children, and need someone to provide for them.</p>
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: A story? Not sure it's remarkable or interesting, but I suppose I can... My Mama and Papa were always poor, both from the wrong side of Södermalm, lots of people with little to put together. She was a baker's daughter from Norway and my Papa the son of farmers who came to the big city to learn music. He was very good, but like many young men his age his dreams were larger than his luck. He first set eyes on my mother in a bar he was performing at for supper and a single drink and for whatever reason she fell for him - until he started talking to her. He called her exotic - which you must understand my mother - didn't go well for him. Now he found out from one of her friends that she was a regular at this establishment, and booked stage time - for supper and a single drink - just so he could see her again. They would talk, from time to time, mostly little jabs and snipes but it was clear to everyone they couldn't stop gravitating towards one another. She told him of course she couldn't marry a man who only played for supper and one drink - she would want many children, and need someone to provide for them.</p>
Line 1,483: Line 1,563:
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: Lets go see it then! Who else could say they've seen the biggest ball of yarn, pretty niche!</p>
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: Let's go see it then! Who else could say they've seen the biggest ball of yarn, pretty niche!</p>
Line 2,304: Line 2,384:
''Maeve flips over her cards to reveal a ten and a three. She waves for another card. Colin flips over a six. Maeve bites her lip and flips over the last card herself to reveal a seven. She notices Casper's erection and tries to get up. Casper bites his tongue and holds his breath, then moans as she slides past him to sit in Colin's lap. Casper grabs her ankle and pets her foot. Colin hugs her and buries his face in her hair. She puts her arms around Colin's neck."
''Maeve flips over her cards to reveal a ten and a three. She waves for another card. Colin flips over a six. Maeve bites her lip and flips over the last card herself to reveal a seven. She notices Casper's erection and tries to get up. Casper bites his tongue and holds his breath, then moans as she slides past him to sit in Colin's lap. Casper grabs her ankle and pets her foot. Colin hugs her and buries his face in her hair. She puts her arms around Colin's neck.''
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
Line 2,798: Line 2,878:
''She giggles. Ginevra goes to the refrigeratorand takes out a bag of blood, which she hands to Maeve. Maeve drinks it quickly and trades it back to Ginevra for a second one. She puts the new bag in a glass ice cream dish and begins sucking on it as she returns to the living room. She sits down cross-legged on the floor near the wrestling men.''
''She giggles. Ginevra goes to the refrigerator and takes out a bag of blood, which she hands to Maeve. Maeve drinks it quickly and trades it back to Ginevra for a second one. She puts the new bag in a glass ice cream dish and begins sucking on it as she returns to the living room. She sits down cross-legged on the floor near the wrestling men.''
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
Line 3,109: Line 3,189:
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: It is not a life I would chose for anyone. I rather enjoyed being a ghoul. I was good at it. Had I a choice in the matter... I miss baked goods the best. So forgive me if I foist them on you from time to time. It's Nostalgic.</p>
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: It is not a life I would choose for anyone. I rather enjoyed being a ghoul. I was good at it. Had I a choice in the matter... I miss baked goods the best. So forgive me if I foist them on you from time to time. It's Nostalgic.</p>
Line 4,727: Line 4,807:
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
{| style="margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; max-width:80%; min-width:80%; border: none; text-align:center;"
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: I know! One of the biggest tragedies of the embrace is dogs don't like you anyone- not without ghouling them...which hardly seems fair since they don't get to chose yes or no... You should get one. They are golden.</p>
|<div style="float:left; vertical-align:middle; padding:0px;">[[File:CasperFace.png | left | 50px]]</div><p>CASPER: I know! One of the biggest tragedies of the embrace is dogs don't like you anymore - not without ghouling them...which hardly seems fair since they don't get to chose yes or no... You should get one. They are golden.</p>
Line 5,026: Line 5,106:
* Maeve tells Ginevra not to give Ian the Kahlua since he has behaved himself tonight; she knows that Ian dislikes coffee-flavored liquors.<br><br>
* Maeve tells Ginevra not to give Ian the Kahlua since he has behaved himself tonight; she knows that Ian dislikes coffee-flavored liquors.<br><br>
* Although none of the characters recognize the yellow cyclopean creature on Colin's thermos, it is most likely a Minion, a character from the popular animtaed film franchise ''Despicable Me'' and its spin-offs.<br><br>
* Although none of the characters recognize the yellow cyclopean creature on Colin's thermos, it is most likely a Minion, a character from the popular animtaed film franchise ''Despicable Me'' and its spin-offs.<br><br>
* Colin's mention of running out of "the good stuff" with Pieter refers to their adventures in [[Three Things That Were Real and One That Wasn't Scene Summary | Three Things That Were Real and One That Wasn't]].<br><br>
* Colin's mention of running out of "the good stuff" with [[Pieter Van Reise]] refers to having spent the night with him and various recreational substances the previous evening.<br><br>
* Andres refers to Colin as "the oddly attractive ''Trainspotting'' cowboy"; ''Trainspotting'' is a 1996 film about heroin addiction and Colin is both skinny and addicted to heroin (although Andres does not know this).<br><br>
* Andres refers to Colin as "the oddly attractive ''Trainspotting'' cowboy"; ''Trainspotting'' is a 1996 film about heroin addiction and Colin is both skinny and addicted to heroin (although Andres does not know this).<br><br>
* The scotch Casper provides for Ian is The Macallan brand and retails for approximately $250 - $500 per bottle, depending on the batch and variety.<br><br>
* The scotch Casper provides for Ian is The Macallan brand and retails for approximately $250 - $500 per bottle, depending on the batch and variety.<br><br>

Latest revision as of 03:52, 11 July 2021

Scene Summary: Caravan
link-Andres_Lund CasperFace.png ColinFace2.png
GinevraFace.png IanFace.png MaeveFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Real Date October 20 - December 27, 2018
Characters Andres Lund
Casper Iversson
Colin Thomas
Ginevra Bianchi
Ian Kross
Maeve Glaistig
Locations Limbo
Thomas Circle Apartments
Thomas Circle Penthouse
Previous Scene Sign Here and Also Here (Andres)
Be of Good Cheer (Casper, Colin, Ginevra, Ian, Maeve)
Next Scene Adrift (Casper, Maeve)
Three Things That Were Real and One That Wasn't (Colin)
Green-Eyed Monster (Ginevra, Ian)
Content Warnings Ableism, Animal Cruelty, Dubious Consent, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Misogyny, Racism, Substance Abuse, Violence
Original Scene Caravan

Caravan is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Casper Iversson, Colin Thomas, Ginevra Bianchi, Ian Kross, and Maeve Glaistig , with a minor appearance by Andres Lund. It depicts the group socializing and telling stories after being affected by a joy-inducing supernatural power. Unlike most scenes, it begins in medias res immediately after Be of Good Cheer.

Scene Summary

Casper, Colin, Ginevra, Ian, and Maeve are all in the Limbo parking lot after the show. Ginevra runs inside to Maeve's dressing room and retrieves a cooler with blood packs before running back to join the other four, who are walking to Ian's car. She and Colin make fun of Ian's obsession with cars as she opens the door to get Colin, herself, and Maeve into the back seat, ordering Casper to ride in the front with Ian. Casper is upset to hear them speaking Italian, which he associates with Octavius Sage, and wants to sit in the back seat with Maeve, but decides not to argue about it.

Colin and Maeve briefly discuss Jacque Beaumont's recent Embrace and Maeve gives him a rose Ian left in the dressing room for him, delighting Colin, who immediately begins to tease Ian. Ian tells Casper about his car and agrees that he is too large to ride in the back and needs to sit up front, which Casper agrees to. Ginevra and Maeve tease Casper about being built like a rugby player, and he tells them about playing all-Brujah sports with his broodmates in the Heim while Ian grumbles over the reminder of how muscular Casper is. Ginevra jokes that she and Maeve should visit Scandinavia if everyone there looks like Casper, and Maeve teases that she'll pay for her to go on vacation there if she makes sure to have some scandalous relationships when she does.

Colin and Maeve encourage Casper to find a radio station for everyone to listen to while Colin and the two women cuddle in the back seat. Ginevra is surprised but not unhappy at both of their physically demonstrative affections. Casper chooses a station that plays oldies jazz, which reminds him of his childhood and life before becoming a vampire. Colin and Maeve compliment one another for their performances tonight but agree that playing a role is more exhausting than being themselves. Colin teases Ian, causing Ian to tell him that he's affecting his driving, and Ginevra and Maeve remind everyone that they are not as durable in the event of a car crash.

Ian attempts to compliment Colin and Maeve for the show, but also complains that they barely made it out alive, causing them to make fun of him for being overdramatic. Casper is confused and aroused by how physically affectionate Colin and Maeve are, considering it inappropriate behavior for a brother and a sister, but he also praises their performance, especially Colin's guitar-playing. Colin and Maeve tease each other about him going to a crossroads to sell his soul for musical talent, guessing that if he did, Pieter Van Reise would be there doing the same thing. Maeve claims that everyone will want to send Colin lover letters after that show and Colin teases Ian about it, saying that he won't like it because he'll feel unappreciated and sparking an argument about whether or not love letters and flowers are actually meaningful.

A new song begins to play on the radio and Casper begins to cry when he hears it, recalling his parents and his mortal life. Ginevra and Ian are uncomfortable and not sure what to do, but Maeve reaches out to Casper and apologizes for teasing him too much. Casper explains that the song was written by his father for his mother and after being encouraged by Colin and Maeve tells them the story of his parents' courtship and his birth. Everyone is pleased by the story, although Ian is upset by similar memories of living in poverty with his own wife, and Casper sings a version of the song that was later used as a commercial jingle, entertaining Colin. They arrive at Thomas Circle Apartments and Maeve remarks that she is not good enough with languages to understand the jingle, causing Ginevra and Casper to make fun of her and Colin to use her hair to give her a temporary beard, making everyone laugh.

Maeve invites Casper to join them for drinks and he agrees, although Ian is privately uncomfortable about this. Ginevra takes the rose from Colin in order to keep him from destroying it before it can be vased. The group gets out of the car and goes into the building, where they ride the elevator up to the penthouse and discuss Colin's habit of creating volatile alcohols. Colin and Maeve begin playing a game to replace his name with a new one, prompting several wild suggestions from her and Casper and amusement from Ginevra and Ian, who also make fun of each others' names. Colin jumps onto Casper's back and Casper runs into the penthouse with him, calling that the last one inside has to drink Colin's mystery liquors. Casper also offers to text Andres with a drinks order, which he does in spite of Ginevra's annoyance at being replaced while on duty.

Everyone enters the penthouse, where Maeve takes off her shoes and lets down her hair and Ginevra begins taking all the liquor out of the kitchen to provide drinks. Colin drags Casper to his bedroom, where he rummages in the closet until he finds several more liquor options and some marijuana. They bring their finds back to the living room, where Ian is attempting to hit on Maeve but is prevented by their arrival. Maeve helps them put the liquor on the counter with Ginevra's finds and they begin deciding who will drink what. Colin gives Maeve a thermos of butterscotch liqueur that she drinks as the loser of the race to get inside, and Ginevra helps him prank Ian by giving him an empty bottle of gin. Ginevra returns Colin's rose to him, now in a vase. Casper opens a bottle of champagne and pours everyone a glass, using Celerity to catch the cork and prompting discussion of the proper way to open champagne. Ginevra realizes that she left the flowers from Maeve's admirers at Limbo, but Maeve rejects her offer to go back for them.

Andres arrives with a box of liquor and Casper pre-empts Ginevra to answer the door; he invites Andres to stay, but is told that he has things to do. Casper passes out bottles of alcohol to everyone, giving Ian scotch, Colin whiskey, and Ginevra and Maeve both wine. Maeve is already becoming drunk from Colin's thermos but thanks Casper anyway as she asks for someone to open her wine, remarking that she is surprised that Casper knew she likes overly sweet wine before he reminds her that she has told him before. She makes fun of herself for having unrefined tastes. Colin shows off his flute of champagne and rose and Maeve praises him, encouraging everyone to tell him how well he performed tonight. Colin rolls a joint and tries to teach Casper how to smoke it, although Casper tells him that he has smoked before when spending time as a young man with jazz musicians. Colin kisses and cuddles Maeve, telling her not to pay attention to Ian's mockery due to her prestigious Irish pedigree. Ian teases Maeve and takes her wine bottle to the kitchen, where he opens it but decides to prank her by returning it with no glass.

Colin and Ginevra discuss Americanisms and Maeve attempts a western American accent, which Ian makes fun of her for but Colin praises, claiming that they could turn her into a good example of a cowboy. The conversation causes Casper to mention that cowboys remind him of old movie depicitons of Vegas Vic, a giant neon sign in the shape of a cowboy that stands in Las Vegas. Colin is excited to tell him the story of the sign, which he has seen in person, and they begin to discuss Casper's childhood dreams of seeing America. Colin and Maeve nuzzle and snuggle one another and Casper becomes aroused again as he watches, loosening his clothing as he wishes it were him that Maeve was paying attention to. Maeve smokes from the joint and blows heart-shaped smoke rings, prompting Colin to praise her and Ian to be startled but amused. She then drinks from the wine bottle Ian brought her without a glass, which annoys Ginevra so much that she gets up to go the kitchen to get her one. Colin and Maeve tease Ian by offering him the joint, which he doesn't want, only to take it away again.

Colin mentions Rob Amblin as an example of a good American performer and hopes out loud that he survived the evening, causing Casper to identify him as the man sitting with Rachel Evans, whom Maeve is glad to identify as her clanmate and another singer. Ian asks whether he met Rachel, making Maeve angrily jealous as she recalls Rachel sitting Ian's lap at Limbo, and she leaves to go to the kitchen. She crawls past Casper to get up and he becomes so aroused that he uses Celerity to begin vibrating at high speed, and Colin is confused and uses Animalism to calm him down with a kiss to his forehead. They lean against one another and discuss taking a road trip across the United States, listing places they have always wanted to visit and encouraging everyone to do the same.

In the kitchen, Maeve teases Ginevra about being so easy for Ian to annoy with his prank, and they hug and kiss one anothers' cheeks. Ian takes the joint and goes to the kitchen as well, confused by Maeve's abrupt departure into checking to see if she is all right. Maeve is still annoyed but the two begin to flirt about Ian's attempts to be romantic at Limbo, causing Ginevra to leave for the living room, where she scolds Colin for putting his feet on the furniture. Ian smokes and accuses Maeve of avoiding him and she teases him that she could do so much more effectively if she wanted to, and leaves the kitchen again after pointing out that they are ignoring the rest of the party. Ian chases her and kisses her before agreeing to let her go, while Casper becomes upset and jealous in the living room.

Colin suggests that they play blackjack as Maeve returns, which everyone agrees to, although Maeve claims she will need to be taught how to play. She sits back down on the couch, now on the other side of Casper, and Colin gets up to search in his closet and nightstand, finding two packs of cards and a lighter. Ginevra asks what vampires bet when they play cards, secretly worried that Maeve is too drunk to make good decisions, and Colin says they don't have to bet anything only to be contradicted by Maeve, who insists that the game needs it. Ian returns, complaining that there is no point to gambling with Colin but affectionately taking his hat from him and offering Casper another drink. Casper is still jealous and considers leaving, only to change his mind now that Maeve is sitting next to him, instead teasing her about her alcohol tolerance. Maeve jokes that she has no hope of winning and Casper becomes serious, cautioning her not to lose optimism about anything in life.

The discussion about what to bet continues, with Ginevra suggesting chores or strip poker, Maeve offering her earrings, Colin laying out an assortment of items including random keys from his pockets, and Ian suggesting that everyone drink when they lose a hand, prompting Maeve to be outraged and point out that his alcohol tolerance skews the suggestion heavily in his favor. Colin suggests that they could also bet stories or secrets while Ian protests that his natural advantages are not his fault. Casper notices that Maeve is drunk and asks Ginevra to make her some tea, which she gets up to do, annoyed that so many people other than her boss keep giving her orders.

Colin deals out cards and explains how to play the game, showing his own hand and taking a card to get a score of nineteen. Ian also takes two cards and goes over twenty-one, losing the hand. Casper asks Maeve what his cards mean and she leans in to see them, causing him to become aroused again and get an erection from her nearness while she explains that he needs more cards to beat Colin's hand. Colin gives him cards until he also loses the hand. Casper calls Maeve by an old Norse word for "queen", causing her to ask what it means and then laugh at him for calling her such a thing, teasing that he would know, being the son of a king himself. Ian is aggravated, reading their conversation as flirting. Maeve asks for a card and gets a final score of twenty, winning the round, but Ian objects, pointing out that Colin was dealing creatively and must have cheated to let her win. Colin and Maeve pretend to be outraged by this suggestion, with Colin insisting that Maeve is naturally lucky, and Casper and Ian call on Ginevra to referee, who returns with a tray of tea but refuses to admit that Maeve would ever cheat.

Casper and Colin agree that the winner of each round can choose their prize, so Maeve takes one of Colin's keys and then demands that Casper drink and Ian tell her a story. Casper becomes further aroused, wondering if Maeve is implying that he should drink her blood. Ian objects to the broadness of Maeve's request for a story and everyone makes fun of him while Colin does an impression of his accent, making him laugh in embarrassment. Colin deals the next round, assuming that Ian will refuse to tell the story, but after a moment Ian tells them a brief story about being taken to a local bar by his father as a child and being allowed to drink watered-down ale, causing everyone to be pleased that he participated.

Maeve goes first in the next round, showing her starting hand with a score of eighteen and taunting Colin to win his key back from her. He takes several cards and ends up with a total of twenty, which beats her. He leans across Casper and kisses her. Ian shows a starting hand of twenty as well, but loses when he takes another card. Casper asks for Maeve's help with his cards again and then becomes even further aroused as she leans in and makes suggestions about his hand, then loses when he takes a card. As the winner of the hand, Colin takes the key back from Maeve and demands that Ian smoke the joint and Casper tell them what his mother called him as a child. Maeve realizes that Casper has an erection and crawls away from him and into Colin's lap, while Casper is embarrassed but interprets her failure to scold him for it and the fact that her feet are still touching him as signs of her interest. He begins stroking her feet, making her giggle, while he explains that his mother used to call him "honeycake" in Yiddish.

Colin deals the next round and flips over his starting hand to reveal twenty-one, automatically winning. He collapses into giggles as an outraged Ian complains that there is no point in playing with him because his Irish Traveller heritage makes him instinctively cheat. Maeve defends him and bets him the color of her hair before flipping over her hand, taking three more cards, and losing. They kiss and nuzzle and Maeve uses Obfuscate to give him red hair and herself blonde, making Ian laugh and impressing Casper and Ginevra. Colin is excited to see the results and picks Maeve up, spinning around with her before carrying her to a mirror to admire their new looks. Ginevra and Ian are both worried about how drunk the two are and beg them to sit back down so that they don't fall. Casper finally remembers to look at his cards and discovers that he would have tied Colin, but throws them away rather than interfere in Maeve's enjoyment.

Colin and Maeve compliment one another in the mirror and Colin objects to everyone's worries, offended that they think he can't take care of Maeve when he's been drinking. He threatens to take them to bed and leave everyone behind, but then throws Maeve up in the air, using Celerity to circle several times before catching her to prove that he can, while Maeve laughs at his antics. Ginevra and Ian both panic at the idea of Maeve being injured and Ian gets up, taking Maeve from Colin's arms and carrying her back to his chair with him, where he kisses her forehead and tells her to stay out of trouble. Casper becomes jealous at the sight and excuses himself, claiming to be getting a phone call before retreating to the bathroom. He cries in the mirror and splashes water on his face before calling Rosalina de Leon and leaving her a drunken voicemail asking for her company.

Maeve teases Ian for his worries, telling him that Colin would never let her be hurt and kissing him in between threats to give him blond hair as well if he doesn't behave. Colin lies down on the couch, complaining that he shouldn't have to see a blond Ian at his own party, while Ian demands that Maeve behave herself, pointing out that she ran Casper off. Maeve is concerned and asks if she should go after him, but Ian holds onto her and tells her to leave Casper alone. Maeve uses Obfuscate to turn Ian's hair the same blue as his eyes for teasing her, causing Colin and Ginevra to laugh hysterically, and also makes him appear to have gained her freckles when he scolds her for it. They kiss and Ian has difficulty not being amorous, complaining that there are too many people in the house for this kind of behavior. He kisses her repeatedly while she laughingly threatens him with further vandalism. Colin suggests that Ian looks like a troll and he and Maeve discuss what to do to make him into more of one, eventually calling for Casper to return to tell them about the troll folklore of his native Sweden.

Maeve ducks out of Ian's lap and Colin grabs him to stop him from following her, reminding him that he still needs to smoke the joint more after losing his last hand. Colin climbs onto the arm of Ian's chair as Ian objects that he was injured the night before, then leans his face into Colin's hand as they share the joint. Casper hears Colin calling for him and returns from the bathroom, pretending to finish his phone call before laughing at Ian's new appearance and privately being surprised by how close Ian and Colin appear to be. He kneels in front of Maeve and agrees to let her turn him pink as Colin is suggesting, only for her to disagree that the color would suit him. She instead touches his face and uses Obfuscate to cause him to appear to be eight feet tall. Casper blushes and becomes aroused at her touch and moans as she leans close.

Maeve pulls away and asks Ginevra to go to the kitchen with her, apologizing that she doesn't have enough energy to transform her as well and asking for something to eat. Ginevra is startled by Casper's transformation but excited that Maeve is willing to eat and ushers her into the kitchen. She hands her a bloodbag from the refrigerator, which Maeve drains while watching the living room, then puts another in a glass dish for her to take with her.

Colin gets up and circles Casper before tackling him, laughing and declaring he will fight this troll. Casper and Colin wrestle with Celerity and Ian attempts to pull Colin off him, only to trip and fall, becoming part of the wrestling on the floor. Ginevra and Maeve return from the kitchen and Ginevra scolds the wrestling men, while Maeve sits down on the floor near them and asks if she should get involved. Casper bangs his head on the coffee table and then falls into Maeve's lap, where he teases her in French and is aroused by the realization that she is drinking blood, reminding him of her recently drinking his. Maeve cheers Colin on at his request but then scrambles away before she can be injured by the struggle.

Casper grabs both Colin and Ian and throws them over his shoulders as he stands up, threatening to turn them into stew unless Maeve properly asks for them back. Colin tries to encourage Casper to eat Ian instead of him and slaps Ian's ass, causing the two of them to begin fighting on Casper's shoulders. Maeve playfully asks Casper to return them to her, noting that they are dear to her and that she will pay him back in some other way, causing him to reply that he will trust her word. He puts both Colin and Ian down and holds them apart to stop their fighting. Maeve gets in between them and pets and soothes Ian, then Colin, and Casper goes back to the couch to sit down.

Colin sits on the floor, but Ian demands that Maeve sit with him, pulling her into his chair with him as he complains, leading to Colin going to the couch to sit in Casper's lap. Maeve asks Casper if he feels any change from being larger, noting that she has never done it herself and is not sure that she can; Casper explains that he feels the same but looks larger, and Colin tells them about what shapeshifting into a dog is like, noting that it involves having thoughts and senses that humans do not. Ian scolds Maeve for her antics and she pretends to be chastened, both of them affectionately nuzzling one another while Casper becomes jealous again. He tells everyone that he is frequently hungry and only barely avoids starvation, using the idea as a cover to express his feelings for Maeve. Ian attempts to drink more whiskey, but Maeve stops him with flirtation.

Casper puts Colin on one of his shoulders and carries him around the room, offering to let someone else have the other shoulder; Ginevra and Ian refuse, while Maeve says that only Colin should be allowed on his victor's lap. Casper is disappointed that no one accepts his offer and upset that Ian and Maeve are still affectionate, but he takes Colin to the kitchen when he mentions needing laurels for his victory, offering to make him a flower crown. Maeve teases Ian about being jealous of Colin having everyone's attention and they laugh and kiss while the others are in the kitchen. Casper uses Maeve's admirers' flower arrangements to make Colin a crown, explaining that he used to make them for his daughter, who he and Colin briefly discuss. Casper declares Colin a King in May and the group debates what else to call him, culminating in Colin playfully declaring himself the be an incarnation of the god Bel and suggesting religious rites they can perform in his honor.

Ian playfully teases Maeve for not making him a crown and she takes him seriously; she goes to the kitchen, where she inspects Colin's crown and asks Casper to teach her how to make one. Casper is jealous that she wants to involve Ian but agrees as long as she allows him to make crowns for her and Ginevra as well. Colin puts Maeve on the counter in his place and they nuzzle before he returns to the living room, again confusing Casper with their closeness. Maeve explains the meanings of various flowers they are using and decides to use Prince Marcus Vitel's gift arrangement to make Ian's crown, which she is not very good at, repeatedly making mistakes or weaving her or Casper's fingers into it. Casper leans into her and attempts to nuzzle and touch her as much as he can while appearing to do so accidentally. Colin teases Ian, comparing him to the god Donn or the fairy folk and claiming he needs tribute to be appeased. Ginevra and Ian both attempt to give the other a reason to leave, Ginevra by suggesting Ian can go to bed and Ian by suggesting Ginevra can go visit her boyfriend Jacque Beaumont, but both of them decide to stay.

Casper makes a crown of yellow flowers for Ginevra and a multicolored crown for Maeve, which he designs to tell her about his feelings through the language of flowers. He is distracted by her abnormal hair color and the fact that they don't have the right color flowers for her; he asks her if she still has the artificial blue rose he gave her and is touched that she does, but Maeve turns her hair pink instead of going to get it, making the existing wreath match her. Colin points out her new hair color as evidence that Ian should relax and accept change, but Ian disagrees, laughing at the absurd color. Casper puts Maeve's crown on her head and then lifts her off the counter, kneeling to her and calling her a queen. Maeve laughs at him, asking what he imagines she is queen of, but he refuses to answer. Colin comforts Ian with philosophy, which Ian does not understand but enjoys anyway.

Casper remains in the kitchen, watching the rest of the group, while Maeve takes the other two flower crowns back to the living room and sits in Ginevra's lap. She crowns her with the yellow flower crown and compliments her beauty, suggesting that she should call her boyfriend to come and see her and offering to do so herself. Ginevra is slightly discombobulated by Maeve's physical closeness but hugs her and refuses, pointing out that it is too late to invite anyone else to come over. Colin compliments Ginevra and smacks Ian to make him do the same, saying that anyone who wants to date her should make sure to bring her many gifts. He realizes that she is talking about his friend Jacque and is excited, but confusion ensues when Ian mistakes him for referring to Jackson Trapp, something both Colin and Maeve make fun of him for.

Maeve gets back up and goes to Ian, who she crowns with the remaining flower crown. She begins to tease him about it, but is so drunk that she loses her balance and falls, worrying everyone except for Colin, who finds her amusing. He repeats an Irish proverb about drunkenness to tease her as Ian picks up her up from the floor and puts her in his lap. He complains that she will feel bad tomorrow when she's hung over and has slept on a floor, and she teases him as she adjusts his crown and tells him that she will be fine. Ginevra gets up to go to the kitchen and clean, offering for Casper to take her seat, which Ian also encourages him to do. Casper goes to the living room but has trouble sitting in the chair, which now appears too small for his increased size. He asks how long the illusion will last and Maeve explains that it will fade when he leaves the apartment, remarking that it takes a lot of effort to maintain so many illusions at once.

Maeve realizes that Casper is the only person present who does not have a flower crown and offers hers to Colin to take to him, noting that he is a prince and should have one, information that disgruntles Ian. Colin puts her crown back on her head, making fun of her for not realizing that she would be the one left out then, while Casper also demurs, claiming he does not need one. Colin goes to the kitchen and makes Casper a crown from one of the flowers used for each of the other ones, then returns to the living room and places it on Casper's head. Maeve calls him an alder-king's son, distracting Colin, who traces the phrase to its root as part of the Norse religion and is uncomfortable at its implications. Casper objects to the title, claiming that he is only a servant. Ian suggests that it has become late and Maeve should start returning people to normal.

Contrite, Maeve returns everyone's appearances to normal except for Colin, whose red hair she considers a prize won in the card game. She cuddles into Ian and closes her eyes, resting from the effort. Colin objects, encouraging her to stay awake and play, but Ian tells him to let her rest, suggesting that they watch television for the end of the night. Casper is saddened by the return to normal and tells Maeve to make sure she is mischievous again in the future, and whimpers when he sees that she is falling asleep on Ian. He offers to go home if the rest of the party wants to go to bed, but also suggests to Colin that they tell more stories to pass the time, recognizing as he does that he is trying to delay to avoid having to leave Maeve's presence. Ginevra suggests taking Maeve to bed so that the men can remain up to socialize, and Ian tells her that he will take her as he will have to sleep soon himself. Maeve rouses enough to object to everyone trying to get rid of her, causing Casper to protest and Ian to kiss her and clarify that they are only trying to take care of her.

Colin disagrees with Casper's identification of himself as a servant and the two have a discussion about the political difference between personal and leadership responsibilities, Casper advocating for choosing good leaders to support and Colin for individuals making their own decisions. Ian privately agrees with Casper but decides not to get involved. Colin challenges Maeve to stay awake longer than he does, claiming that his winning is a foregone conclusion while she disagrees, saying she outlasts him all the time. He threatens to draw a moustache on her while she sleeps and she threatens to give him floor-length hair in return. Ian slumps sleepily in his chair and teases Maeve for her behavior all night.

Ginevra tells Maeve that she is as drunk as if she had had mulled wine, prompting everyone to become excited by the prospect and Ginevra to eventually promise to make them some on another evening; Maeve recalls that the last time she had it was at a Christmas with Octavius Sage. Recognizing that Casper is reluctant to leave, Ginevra offers to make up the couch in the den for him to sleep on, something that both Colin and Maeve agree to but Ian objects to, pointing out that Casper lives in the same building and can just go downstairs to his own bed. Colin offers Casper his own bed, which he does not plan to sleep in tonight, but Casper agrees with Ian that he can go downstairs to bed, although he privately thinks that he does not want to. Maeve is saddened by the signs of Ian's impending sleep for the day and mentions that everyone always leaves her behind since she is usually awake the longest, to which Casper replies that he will always be there for her.

Colin teases Ian, claiming that he might have a concussion from the wrestling earlier, and a drunk Maeve sits up in his lap to check his head for injuries. Ian flirts with her and Casper becomes angry, believing that he is doing it on purpose to make him jealous. Casper asks if Colin will tell him a story if he outlasts him, and Ginevra points out that as a human she will outlast everyone before asking whether or not vampires can stay awake past sunrise. Colin explains that younger vampires can stay awake longer than older ones but adds that it isn't universal, using Ian falling asleep at dawn since his Embrace as an example. Maeve argues that Ian used to fall asleep earlier than he does now, causing Ian to be uncomfortable as Colin explains that this was due to his loss of Humanity. He hopes out loud that Maeve does not mind him being awake more often and she reassures him that she enjoys it. Casper is troubled by the idea of Ian having had less Humanity and recognizes it as similar to the story of his behavior told to him by Vanessa Keasley.

Casper praises Maeve again and she tells him that he always makes her sound perfect when she isn't, and Ian teases that he'll change his mind when he's known her longer, causing Casper to growl and grip his chair until it cracks in anger at what he sees as a slight against her. He calls Ian tactless in French to Ginevra and they are both surprised when Colin chimes in as well. Maeve argues that Casper only remembers the nice parts of their history, but he claims that stories should always be different depending on who tells them. Colin agrees with him and the two of them and Ginevra discuss the purpose of storytelling, arguing about whether or not it has to be realistic or have a moral point to be considered good.

Colin offers to trade stories until someone is the winner at staying up late, and Casper encourages Ian to start them off. Ian tries to object, but relents and tells the story of Audie Murphy, an American soldier in World War II who singlehandedly held a road against an overwhelming German force for hours. Casper enjoys the story and remarks that Murphy was heroic, but Ian disagrees, saying that it is the soldiers in the trenches that win wars rather than single heroes. He tells Casper that Murphy made a movie about his exploits but that the plot had to be changed because the truth was too unbelievable, sparking another round of discussion about realism in storytelling. Colin disagrees with Ian that anyone ever wins wars, and Maeve agrees that war stories are always about death and are never good.

Casper wants to leave but feels pressured to stay when Ian suggests he tell the next story. He remembers being asked about trolls and explains that troll stories in Sweden are intended to explain landscape features and natural phenomena. He tells a story about two guardian trolls named Braun and Hulda who fell in love while being paid in vegetables to guard their respective villages and created a bridge between them by holding one another each morning so that they turn to stone during the day. He is embarrassed when he finishes, remarking that the story is not as good in English.

Maeve dislikes this story as well, saying that it's nicer than Ian's but still about people dying, and says that dying for love is just as sad as dying in a war. Colin disagrees, arguing that death is part of every story eventually and that dying for love is better than dying for nothing. Ian likes the story and argues that the trolls didn't die, which Casper confirms, explaining that trolls only turn to stone during the day. Colin privately thinks that Casper is incorrect about how trolls work, while Ginevra is disturbed by the idea that trolls might actually exist. Maeve accepts these corrections but privately does not believe all of them.

Ian complains that he only knows war stories and that Maeve will be bored if he isn't allowed to tell those, prompting her to tease him and the two of them to make fun of each other for being boring. Casper is disgusted by Ian's implication of Maeve's imperfection and wonders if she cares that he visited tonight and why he continues to torture himself by being near her. Colin begins teasing Maeve again, asking if she wants him to get her ready for bed when she inevitably loses their game and offering to sing her a lullabye. Ian objects to any more singing tonight but Maeve kisses him and begs him to let Colin sing for her, complaining that no one ever sings for her anymore. Casper misunderstands Ian's complaint about doing things for a lark to refer to real larks and they have a brief conversation about songbirds in captivity, in which Casper uses larks as a metaphor for Maeve and Ian talks about his history of hunting game birds when he was alive.

Colin puts his feet up on th ecoffee table and challenges Maeve to stay awake before singing a World War I-era love song. Ian hugs Maeve close and everyone except Ginevra closes their eyes and dozes. Ginevra praises Colin's singing and he thanks her. Maeve also appreciates the song and tells Colin he is more skilled than she is since she can't make people as large as Casper and Ian fall asleep. Colin laughs at her, saying that it isn't difficult, before Casper proves he is still awake by saying hello to Maeve, who he implies he would allow to bloodbond him if she asked. Casper recalls owning a dog named Felix after the cartoon cat and Colin is excited to tell him that he saw those cartoons as well. They discuss dogs, Ginevra approving of them but feeling she does not have time to take care of one properly while Casper and Colin try to convince her to get one anyway.

Casper mentions that Ian was rich when he was alive and Maeve makes fun of Ian for it, mentioning that he was heir to an earl; Colin corrects her to say marquess, an intentional inaccuracy meant to annoy Ian. Casper asks what these titles mean and Maeve explains English hierarchical titles, after which Colin explains how they relate to the ancient Norse ones Casper is more familiar with. Casper makes a brief but impassioned speech about his dislike of inherited titles and positions, and Colin agrees. Ian, who is barely still awake, asks what time it is and then gets up when Ginevra tells him that it is six o'clock, declaring that the night is over and everyone needs to go home so they can go to bed. Maeve objects, saying that not everyone goes to sleep as early as he does, but then relents and agrees. Casper is upset by Ian's implication that he and Maeve will be sleeping together, and is confused again by the idea that Colin appears to be joining them.

Casper offers to help Ginevra clean up, but she declines, saying good night to everyone. She and Maeve make plans to meet later after everyone else is asleep and Ginevra leaves for the night after offering to help take Casper home and being refused. Maeve laughs at Casper trying to do chores and hugs him, bidding him goodnight. Casper takes his coat from the coat closet and goes home, accidentally leaving his jacket and tie behind in the living room, and downstairs spends the rest of the night thinking about his experience and his newfound grudging fondness for Colin and Ian.

Colin complains that he doesn't want to go to bed yet and Ian grabs him by the arm, pulling him upright as he protests. He picks Maeve up under his other arm and carries both of them off to the bedroom, scolding them as they complain. He shoves Colin at the bed and throws Maeve after him. Colin threatens Ian that he and Maeve will misbehave if he goes to sleep and leaves them alone, but Ian is barely still awake and cannot even successfully unbutton his shirt. Maeve crawls across the bed to help him, but Ian grabs her and holds her tightly in his sleep, causing her to complain that he is cheating on Colin's behalf to make her fall asleep. Colin decides the competition isn't fair and blows in Ian's ear to wake him up, pulling Maeve out of his arms when he briefly flails.

Colin helps Ian take his shirt off, but Ian grabs him and falls asleep for the day, causing Colin to compare himself to the Greek hero Icarus. Maeve laughs and crawls over to them, lamenting that she cannot free him the way he did her; Colin begins to try to wriggle free, but Maeve crawls to the other side to cuddle him, sandwiching him between her and Ian. She declares that the contest is now fair, and Colin realizes that she is becoming tired, too. He reaches back to pull her close and buries his face in Ian's neck. Maeve falls asleep and Colin rests between them for a while.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Caravan Script Summary

Casper, Ginevra, Ian, and Maeve are in the parking lot at Limbo. Ginevra runs inside to Maeve's dressing room, where she collects a cooler bag before running out again. Outside, Casper, Ian, and Maeve are heading toward Ian's car. Casper and Ian are talking while Colin and Maeve are whispering together.


IAN: Oh no, I doubt that. It's only a recreation.

Colin nods at Maeve.


COLIN: I reckon you're right. Folk can get real ornery when they find out, too.

He accepts the rose from Ian that Maeve is holding out to him.


COLIN: Now ain't that something.

He yells at Ian.


COLIN: You soft as shit, boy! Oh, I don't know, girl. Sure he hems'n haws 'bout that car'a his so much you'd think it was his own child, but has he ever bought it a red rose?


MAEVE: That is true, mo ghra.[1] Look at you, loved more than the car! That's how you know you've truly made it with a Ventrue.

She winks at Casper. Ginevra catches up and hears the end of the conversation.


GINEVRA: Immagino che Sua Signoria non possa più collezionare cavalli, o qualunque cosa facesse.[2]


COLIN: And it's always been cars, don't let him tell you no different. He ain't never had the right kinda appreciation for good horseflesh.

Ginevra opens the passenger car door for Maeve.


GINEVRA: Ecco, piccola.[3]

She pauses, then opens the back right door.


GINEVRA: Aspetti.[4] One of you two sirs go ahead and take the front.

Maeve kisses Ginevra's cheek and gets into the car, sitting in the middle of the back seat. Ginevra kisses her back.


CASPER: Probably less snug if I sit up front, if that's alright with you Shaggy? It might be a tight squeeze back there if I tried.

Ian gets into the driver's seat and adjusts the mirrors.


IAN: I doubt you'd fit back there even without company.


COLIN: Course I'm getting in the back! You gotta give the ladies what they want, I say.


IAN: That's the problem with the Zagato, really. They elongated the nose, which looks much nicer, but they made up for it in back. I don't know why they bothered with a backseat at all, honestly. I'd rather a decent-sized trunk myself.


GINEVRA: Yeah, this back seat is not designed for somebody built like a firefighter who plays rugby on the weekends, sorry, Mr. Iversson.

Colin taps Ian's nose with the rose, then gets into the car and crawls to the far side. Ginevra gets in behind him and closes the door.


CASPER: Wait was rugby practice this weekend?

He gets in the passenger side of the car and closes the door. Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: You don't need the practice. I daresay it's perilously near to cheating already, unless you're only playing your clanmates.


CASPER: Everyone needs practice, and you'd be surprised, we did play sports back at the Heim.


MAEVE: Oh, you're wrong, Casper. I'm not surprised at all.


CASPER: Over a dozen Brujah in full speed and contact sports - exhilarating if a little bruising. Mostly I just trained the ghouls as the youngest. Sword fighting, the old languages, how to use the gifts of the blood they were starting to develop in case they ever made the change.


GINEVRA: Riuscite a immaginare, una dozzina di lui? Viviamo nel paese sbagliato.[5]


MAEVE: Comprerò i biglietti aerei se mi prometti di mandarmi tutte le foto della tua crociera in Scandinavia. Dovrà avere almeno tre scandali, altrimenti non ne varrebbe nemmeno la pena.[6]


COLIN: You need least fourteen for'a good game'a rugby, but I bet'cha they got teams all over, if you looking.


MAEVE: That sounds nice, a great big family like that. You always have such lovely stories. We'd have made room. It is probably best if you sit up front, though, if only for the sake of your poor legs, Casper!

She arranges her skirts and then cuddles Colin. Ian grumbles.


MAEVE: And besides, now I get to be the luckiest of all the ladies tonight, because every one of them will be jealous of Ginevra and me getting to take the gentleman of the hour home with us.


COLIN: Ain't no place I'd rather be, darling! Them folks was nice'n all, but I get turned around something awful if I go too long pretendin' words ain't got meanings behind 'em.


MAEVE: I understand. They can get away from you after a while. But you did so marvelously! I am sure I will get nothing in my mail except for love letters for you all week.


COLIN: He ain't goin' like that. Thinks it means we won't appreciate him.

He taps her nose with the rose.


MAEVE: As if people sending cards around ever meant anything.


GINEVRA: She's wrong. People sending cards and flowers totally means things. You get your fifteen minutes.


IAN: Too right, Ginevra. No one goes through all the effort to send something for no reason.


GINEVRA: Exactly. If someone bothered sending a card, at the very least they want you to pay attention to something.


MAEVE: I didn't mean you, Mr. Kross, of course. With you it is always effortful, I never doubt. Why, the effort you put in is positively enormous, anyone can see that.


GINEVRA: Well, there you go.


IAN: That's not - It's not just anyone I'm concerned with, Ms. Glaistig. I'm surprised any of us got out in one piece. I hope it's not always so eventful.


CASPER: Usually not, I would say you're right that tonight was particularly exuberant.


MAEVE: Even if Ian apparently wishes he were putting us in the trunk instead of the back seat. Maybe we don't rank above the car after all. Oh, listen to him, as if all of us had as much trouble getting outside as he did. You'd think we were all nearly chained up in a dungeon.


IAN: I recall a fair bit of trouble now and then.


GINEVRA: Honey, if anyone ever puts you in a trunk...

She puts her arm around Maeve's waist.


IAN: Don't tempt me.


COLIN: He wouldn't never!

He taps the back of Ian's head with the rose.


COLIN: Then what'd he have to fuss about? He needs us, girl. We're the only thing keeping him from shoutin' at strangers on the street.


MAEVE: Oh, then we're a public service, sweetest heart. Think of all the people who would be frowned at if we weren't there.

Ian and Maeve both laugh.


IAN: Dammit, Colin. I'm driving, you're going to get us all killed.


MAEVE: Yes, you think that's funny because the both of you wouldn't even skin your knees. The rest of us would be a tragedy.


GINEVRA: Yeah, speaking as the breathing portion of the car, don't harass the driver, Mr. Colin. Some of us don't bounce.

Colin taps Ginevra's nose with the rose.


COLIN: Naw, girl, I bet you'd bounce least once. Though it prolly depends on how fast we was going at the time. But still. You'd be surprised, sorts'a things that bounce.


GINEVRA: Okay, yeah, but I wouldn't walk away. Stop hitting people with that thing or you'll knock the head off before we can get it in water, Mr. Colin.

Colin lays the rose in his lap.


COLIN: Don't you worry, none, girl. It's already dead. It died when they went'n cut it off the bush.


IAN: Keep him from doing anything stupid and we'll be fine.


COLIN: I ain't never done nothing stupid in my whole life! The very idea.


CASPER: It is a very impressive vehicle all the same. I am not sure they make luxury mini vans so trunk space might be the price you pay.


COLIN: I used t'have me a van. Could fit 'bout near anything in the back'a there. People, motorcycles, lawn mowers, one time I got a cow in there, which she won't too happy about, I tell you that.

He pulls Maeve close. She hums happily and nuzzles his chin, then nuzzles Ginevra as well.


COLIN: Hey! Casper. Casper. Son. You start fiddling with that radio and you find us something good to listen to while we go.


IAN: There won't be anything good on, you know. But you're welcome to try.

He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot to begin driving home.


MAEVE: Oh, he'll find something good, I'm sure, he always does! Probably jazz.

Casper chuckles.


CASPER: That predictable am I? Hmm.


MAEVE: Predictable? I never called you predictable. Would I ever say such a thing to someone, Ginevra? Of course I wouldn't.


GINEVRA: You would never say something like that.

Casper pokes hesitantly at the flatscreen. He huffs and selects a channel entitled Oldies Jazz (1910-1940).


IAN: It was a rather good show. I can't say I absolutely hated it, at least.


MAEVE: Oh, you see? He didn't hate it. That's almost as good as being let in the car, you know. That's praise.


COLIN: Don't let on you noticed or we'll all be bouncing down the road. You know how he gets.


CASPER: I can't wait to see you two there again Shaggy. I'll have to teach you to speed up your fingers while not harming the strings, it takes a bit of practice but I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time.


COLIN: That'd be real swell'a you, son! Think'a all the songs I could play then. Shoot.

He tickles Maeve.


COLIN: What'chu say? You reckon I ought'a wander on down to the crossroads after, win myself one'a them fine guitars'a gold?


MAEVE: Hmm, is that guitars? Be careful, or you'll run into Pieter doing the same thing and the two of you would have to duel or something.


COLIN: Oh, I reckon we'll just share, it comes to that. We real good at sharing.


MAEVE: Oh, of course you are, siúil.[7] I can't think of two people more likely to play turn and turnabout fairly, of course.

A new song begins to play on the radio.


MAEVE: That's lovely, there, didn't I say he'd choose something good?

Casper begins to cry, a moment later also laughing. He blots his face with a handkerchief.


CASPER: ...Well... I'll be damned.

Ian clears his throat.


IAN: Not bad at all.



Maeve sits forward and reaches to put her hand on Casper's shoulder.


MAEVE: Casper. Are you all right? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease.

Casper laughs.


CASPER: Oh goodness no! I am sorry - it's just the song. I hadn't heard it in a while - that's my father.

Maeve pets his shoulder.


MAEVE: Oh! Then this really was meant just for you, wasn't it? What a lovely way to be outmatched in music for the evening.


COLIN: Stories and music are two dancin' partners that never did tire of one another. You oughta tell us a story to go along.


MAEVE: Oh, yes! Unless you'd rather not, of course.

Casper shakes his head.


CASPER: A story? Not sure it's remarkable or interesting, but I suppose I can... My Mama and Papa were always poor, both from the wrong side of Södermalm, lots of people with little to put together. She was a baker's daughter from Norway and my Papa the son of farmers who came to the big city to learn music. He was very good, but like many young men his age his dreams were larger than his luck. He first set eyes on my mother in a bar he was performing at for supper and a single drink and for whatever reason she fell for him - until he started talking to her. He called her exotic - which you must understand my mother - didn't go well for him. Now he found out from one of her friends that she was a regular at this establishment, and booked stage time - for supper and a single drink - just so he could see her again. They would talk, from time to time, mostly little jabs and snipes but it was clear to everyone they couldn't stop gravitating towards one another. She told him of course she couldn't marry a man who only played for supper and one drink - she would want many children, and need someone to provide for them.

He shrugs. Maeve lets go of his shoulder and nestles against Colin.


CASPER: So my father wrote a thousand songs - I know, I don't believe the number either - each with her name. They say a broken clock is right at least twice a day, and he actually had a minor hit. It provided a small nest egg and he told my mother that it must be destiny because the song was named after her. It was enough to start a family, my Mother, stubborn as she was already knew she was in love with the man and eventually I was born. We survived on the small nest egg for a little while, eventually, the money dried up. Turns out after 1930 marrying a Jewish woman wasn't particularly popular and it made finding work difficult. So we struggled and as the war continued on it got more and more bleak. They even considered fleeing to the Americas but we didn't have enough money - but as luck would have it some ad man found my Papa's old song, used it as a backing for a crooning jingle for ladies stockings of all things. It got popular enough that my father started to get offers to play again and with the war over he could afford to even send me to a decent school where I learned a little law and city planning. Thanks to ladies stockings.


COLIN: So that means that song right there is the only reason you're right here? Hot dang, that's a helluva origin story, son.

He searches his pockets. Thomas Circle Apartments appear on the horizon.


CASPER: I suppose you're right, it is. I'd sing you the jingle but I am not sure the awful puns would translate.


COLIN: Try it out on me. I love me a good untranslatable pun.

Maeve laughs. She and Ginevra hold hands.


MAEVE: He's right! If anyone can at least catch the spirit, it'll be him. Wasted on me, though, I'm afraid. Linguistics are not really my talent, as I'm sure anyone in this car could tell you. My accents alone.


IAN: I can agree there.


GINEVRA: Yeah, you do sound like a Lombard. No offense.

Maeve laughs. Casper sings a short song in Swedish, laughing several times throughout.


COLIN: Son, they's ladies in the car.


IAN: A happy ending, after all. And here we are.


CASPER: Happy is not the word my Mama would use, the grumpy old woman, but yes I think they were. Thank you. You're right, Miss Bianchi, she DOES sound like one of the starlets of the silver screen doesn't she!?

Ian pulls into the Thomas Circle parking lot and parks the car. Colin gathers handsful of Maeve's hair and pulls them under her chin.


COLIN: Yeah. I reckon I can see it. Hey. Hey, Casper. Hey, Casper, look. Langbarðr,[8] yeah?

Maeve collapses in laughter, followed shortly by Ginevra and Casper. Ian tries to cover his mouth but fails and laughs.


IAN: Beautiful. Really. It suits you.


MAEVE: I have missed my true style all these years.

Casper points both Colin and Ginevra.


CASPER: Muninn! Huginn!

Ian gets out of the car. Maeve takes her hair back from Colin.


MAEVE: You've - you've killed my poor assistant - Ginevra - You silly creature, she meant Lombard. From Lombardy. I sound like I'm from Milan, in Italian. Because I am. She was trying to say I have a northern accent. Sweet of you to compare me to movie stars though it was, Casper.


COLIN: That's what I said, girl! Longobardi.[9]

She shoves Colin and Ginevra toward the car doors.


MAEVE: We have to go upstairs, someone will call security because they think there are... hyenas in the parking lot or something.

She covers her mouth but laughs through her fingers.


GINEVRA: Dio è andato in barca.[10]

She gets out of the car and holds the door for Maeve. Colin gets out on the other side.


MAEVE: E i santi che inseguono le anatre.[11] And then they'll just call poor Ginevra. Our secrets will be out. Are you coming up with us?

Ginevra laughs.


CASPER: I suppose I have before sunrise.


GINEVRA: Yeah, let's get everybody inside before I get complaint calls. Babe, you take a lot of looking after. I don't know if we have much up in the fridge to drink. I can run and grab something, though?


MAEVE: No! Of course not, farfallina,[12] don't leave me here with all these gentlemen. The minute you're out of the room it's all feet on furniture and rings on tabletops and, oh heavens, the swearing. It's truly terrible. Stay, we will all suffer polite company and whatever liqueurs are upstairs together.


CASPER: Miss Bianchi, you've done so much already - just ask Andres to pick up whatever you need, tell him I say you're in charge tonight. Besides who else will keep us all in line?


GINEVRA: Thank you, sir.


COLIN: He's right. You goin' run yourself t'death, angelo.[13] Now I know you on duty'n all and so you can't go havin' a good time or nothing, but you can kick your heels up a spell, can't you? 'sides, I might have me a bottle or two tucked away in my room, ya know. For a rainy day.

Ginevra snorts.


GINEVRA: Nonsense, Mr. Colin. Working for all of you is having a good time.

Casper looks at Ian, who is locking the car.


CASPER: You still like scotch, yes?


IAN: On occasion. Only when the mood strikes.

He claps Casper's shoulder. Maeve laughs and touches Ian's arm.


MAEVE: Oh, always. Scotch is, I think, slightly below cars, but significantly above watches.

Ian takes her hand.


IAN: Depends on the scotch. If you're coming up, Iversson, there's only one rule and that's to never drink anything Colin gives you. You will live to regret it, I can promise you that.

Maeve rolls her eyes at him. Casper texts Andres to ask for drinks, then to explain that he is spending the evening at the Penthouse instead of with Rosalina de Leon. He orders scotch for Ian, bourbon for Colin, strawberry wine for Maeve, and a white Italian wine for Ginevra.


CASPER: Scotch you will have then, Kross. My Ma used to say its bad luck to not bring liquor to a host whose invited you drinking.


MAEVE: Oh, but Colin promised to share, and now you've prejudiced poor Casper against him. Colin!

She waves at Colin.


MAEVE: Your name is being dragged through the mud and I am not poet enough to save it!


COLIN: Oh, I heard him! It's fine, darling, I can just get me a new one.

Ginevra grabs for the rose Colin is still carrying.


GINEVRA: Give me that before it disintegrates, I'll give it back in a vase. Fine, we're coming. Get a move on, tu polpetta dalle gambe lunghe.[14]

Colin lets her take the rose and laughs.


COLIN: Ma'am, yes, ma'am!

He salutes Ginevra, then follows her. She nods at him and holds the door for everyone to go inside. Maeve laughs.


IAN: Don't encourage him or we'll be stuck calling him something ridiculous the rest of the night. I'll just text Vincent if it comes to it. If he's not already prepared for exactly this sort of eventuality, then he's not nearly as on top of things as he pretends to be.

They all get into the elevator in the lobby.


MAEVE: It seems best to be prepared, though, doesn't it? Something appropriately dramatic. He played for us all tonight, after all. Sebastian, Charlemagne, Solomon the wisest?


GINEVRA: Charlemagne.


IAN: Charlemagne. He does not need the help.


MAEVE: Charlemagne is a lovely name. Regal suits Colin. Does no one else have any sense for the dramatic?


COLIN: That's true enough, it is. And that ain't a cloud you're wantin' t'be under. That's the sort'a luck that lingers. I like Solomon. Least for tonight. I got all kinds'a wisdom to share.


CASPER: Something ridiculous? That doesnt sound like the Shaggy I know.

He puts his arm around Colin's shoulders and jostles him. Colin laughs. Ian pulls Maeve closer.


IAN: Yes, well then obviously you don't know him. I think we can all agree that Shaggy rather proves the point, hm?


MAEVE: Exactly, only the most dignified for my thaisce.[15] What would they call him where you come from?


GINEVRA: Don't look at me. I'd name my kids things like Aldo or Pietro, something normal. I didn't take whatever weird names class you all get when you, uh, make the switch.


COLIN: But Aldo ain't too bad, I reckon. That one could grow on me.

The elevator reaches the top floor and chimes as the doors open. Ginevra scurries out and unlocks and opens the door to the penthouse. Colin jumps onto Casper's back.


GINEVRA: After you, sirs.


MAEVE: You see, if you had just helped him choose one, you could have prevented all of this with something more sensible. Now we must all be at the mercy of Casper and Ginevra.

Casper scratches his head.


CASPER: Beowulf. A brave king and hero we can all tell the legends of.


MAEVE: Oh, not Beowulf. Don't send our darling away to fight dragons. My nerves couldn't manage it.


COLIN: Don't seem right, though. Me havin' a shiny new name all by my lonesome.

He bends forward to look at Casper.


COLIN: How 'bout Finn?

Casper laughs and runs toward the penthouse door. Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: Finn is lovely, though.


IAN: First of all, Ian is both a perfectly reasonable name and the one I was born with, thank you. And secondly, people named Ginevra really shouldn't throw stones.


GINEVRA: Right, because names that are nothing but vowels aren't lazy or anything. Sir.


MAEVE: Oh, don't be jealous of Ginevra just because she has the loveliest name. Ian is a perfectly handsome name, too, and it has the advantage of being an original. It's... sturdy.

Ian snorts.


IAN: I never said it wasn't a nice name. It's just not a normal name. There's nothing wrong with that.


CASPER: Last ones there gotta drink Colin's surprise liquor! Vi måste dra våra klackar för att ge dem en chans.[16]


COLIN: Now why would we do something like that? Fair's fair, son. Ain't no way 'round it.


MAEVE: Oh, no, that'll be me, then. It always is. Well, I'm sure he'll be considerate of me.

They go inside. Maeve lets go of Ian to unbuckle her shoes, which she leaves next to the door.


MAEVE: Dai, tesoro.[17]

Ginevra enters and closes and locks the door behind them, then picks up Maeve's shoes. Maeve begins unpinning her hair to fall down around her shoulders. Ginevra goes to the kitchen and rummages through the cabinets, pulling out a bottle of melon liqueur, a bottle of Kahlua, and an empty bottle of gin. She goes to the refrigerator and also pulls out a bottle of champagne. Colin jumps down from Casper's back.


COLIN: And that's half the dang fun, Miss Ginevra! If it was easy, everybody would do it!

He grabs Casper and drags him back to his bedroom. Ginevra begins moving flower arrangements in the kitchen. Ian sits down in a chair in the living room. He reaches out toward Maeve.


IAN: Come here.

Maeve comes closer and leans on the arm of the chair.


MAEVE: Yes? Does your Lordship--

In his bedroom, Colin looks through his closet and tosses a pile of band t-shirts on his bed. Casper picks one up to look at it.


CASPER: Wow, do all bands get a shirt now?


COLIN: Yeah, I reckon they do.

He gathers up several small stuffed animals and puts them on top of his dresser. He pulls out a blue milk crate.


COLIN: Hot dang. All right, son.

He gathers up several bottles and hands them to Casper.


COLIN: That'll work for a start. Go on share the good news.


CASPER: To start?! Uh oh.

They return to the living room.


COLIN: Good news! Ain't nobody goin' thirsty tonight.


CASPER: By a little alcohol, he apparently meant half the aisle.


GINEVRA: If any of you ever went to the emergency room, I'd have it on speed dial, sirs.

Ian groans. Maeve slides away from him and goes to help Casper carry the bottles to the kitchen.


MAEVE: Oh, here, use the counter. I might possibly be induced to admit that some of these might be difficult to find in any aisle, but only if it doesn't impugn Colin's honor any. I'm sure he'll be responsible.


CASPER: I have no doubt he will mix something wonderful... in... whatever those are...

Ginevra puts Colin's rose in a vase and puts it on the counter.


GINEVRA: There you are, Mr. Colin, that'll last a bit longer. I'm sorry, hon, I forgot to bring yours with us, they're still in the dressing room. I, uh... it was, era il caos[18], there was a lot going on. I can go back for them.

Maeve grabs Ginevra's wrist.


MAEVE: Of course not! Leave them! I'm sure Delia will bring them by, and even if she doesn't, for heaven's sake, it's not as if we don't have enough flowers around. Look at Colin. If the Prince accidentally reads anything into it, I will just explain it to him.

Colin takes the rose and thanks Ginevra.


MAEVE: He beat me in the door, I'm afraid. Longer legs than me, you know.


COLIN: Course he did. I guess chivalry's dead'n buried, ain't it, son?


MAEVE: Oh, not dead, surely, not with all you gentlemen here.


IAN: What can I say? I'm a modern man now. Feminism and all that.

He chuckles. Ginevra snorts.


COLIN: I got'chu, girl, don't worry none. You're safe as a babe in its mama's arms.


MAEVE: You see, right now, for example. Thank you for sharing.


COLIN: What's mine is yours, darling. And that's for better or worse, you catch my drift.


IAN: Don't listen to her, Iversson. He'd poison the lot of us and he'd do it with a smile on his face.

Maeve steps back and surveys the counter.


MAEVE: Well, fair's fair. I'm at your mercy. Oh, and we need to take something to Mr. Kross, of course. Not the Kahlua. He's been very nice this evening.

Ginevra gets a text message and sends one back.


GINEVRA: Well, if he can survive for a little longer, there will probably be something more formal coming up.

Colin looks through the bottles. He hands Maeve a thermos in the shape of a cartoon Minion.


COLIN: All right, this one's either pineapple or... butterscotch. Casper, you go on'n open up that champagne, we can start this here celebration. Ian can have the gin.


CASPER: ...I fear I may have spoke to soon - where in the world you find that?


COLIN: Oh, you'd be surprised, you'd be surprised. I find me all sorts'a things.


IAN: Oh yes, I've been on my best behavior, ask anyone. I think that deserves a little something. Though I'll settle for the gin.


MAEVE: Oh, not the gin. I couldn't consign you to the gin, Mr. Kross. Juniper tastes so much like medicine.

She goes to the living room and drinks from the thermos. She coughs.


MAEVE: This, on the other hand, tastes like butterscotch. Like butterscotch pudding.

She coughs again and sits down on the couch. Casper opens the bottle of champagne by hand and catches the cork before it can fly away. He pours a glass for everyone and hands them out. Maeve tugs at Casper's arm and accepts a glass of champagne.


CASPER: It can't have been that bad?


MAEVE: Thank you. Of course not. It's lovely, Colin. It's like... oh, all the nice things we've left behind.


COLIN: Don't that taste good?

He sits down between her and Casper. He puts down his flower vase and rifles through a shoebox from his closet as Maeve drinks champagne. He finds rolling papers and loose marijuana and rolls a joint. He hands the joint and a lighter to Casper as he accepts his glass of champagne.


CASPER: Oh, I think I am good, do you own an ashtray though?


GINEVRA: Oh, I'll get it.

She takes the empty bottle of gin and puts it on the end table next to Ian. She sits down in a chair across the living room and sips her own champagne.


IAN: Thank you, Ginevra. I'm glad someone in this house is--

He picks up the empty bottle and shakes it.


IAN: Reasonable. I was going to say reasonable.

He puts the bottle back down and shakes his head. He falls back in his chair and groans.


MAEVE: I did try to say that you didn't want it.


COLIN: There's a sucker born every minute and all of 'em stacked one on top the other still wouldn't have nothing on you, boy.


GINEVRA: Don't look at me. I don't put empty bottles back in cabinets. I recycle.


IAN: Jesus Christ. You've left me with Iversson. And he can't even open champagne properly.


CASPER: There is a proper way to open champagne now? My apologies. Andres is bringing your scotch shortly, so no fear of whatever is in the little yellow spaceman.


MAEVE: Oh, yes! There's a proper way to do everything, didn't you know?

She winks at Casper.


CASPER: Never did know. They keep trying to teach me to be cultured but it never did stick.

He shrugs.


MAEVE: I was taught that you should put a cloth over it first, just in case, so it doesn't pop and take someone's eye out. Of course, that's not a worry for you, I'm sure.


IAN: You can just keep a good enough hold on the cork, if you're strong enough. The towel's really just for show if you do it right.


COLIN: Now would'ja look at me? I feel right fancy.

He poses with his glass several different ways.


MAEVE: You are fancy, dearest! Look at you. You carried off the night beautifully, I think. Don't you think so?


COLIN: Why thank ya, darling. You didn't do half bad yourself.

Maeve giggles.


MAEVE: Thank you, gallant sir, for being gracious to say so.

Casper hands Ian a glass of champagne.


IAN: What am I going to do with that? Well, we might be outnumbered but there's something to be said for determination. And the timely application of brute force, if necessary. Obviously.


MAEVE: Poor Ian; good thing Casper is here to save you. Although if brute force enters into anything, I'm taking all these delicious things with me into the stairwell.

Ian leans forward to whisper to Maeve.


IAN: And I was taught that it was wrong to mislead people. It's things like this that make me question your upbringing, Ms. Glaistig.

Maeve huffs.


MAEVE: Oh, yes, I'm sure it's only that. As if you could name one moment I have ever misled you, Mr. Kross.


CASPER: What about the spaceman? Do you serve it over ice or...?

Andres arrives outside, carrying a cardboard box full of bottles of alcohol. He sighs and knocks. Ginevra starts to get up.


CASPER: Oh that must be Andres - I can get it.

He gets up and answers the door. Ginevra sits back down. Casper takes the box from Andres and asks if he will stay. Andres shakes his head.


ANDRES: Got things to do.

Andres leaves and Casper closes the door. He returns to the living room and sets the box down on the counter. He removes bottles from it and gives Ian the scotch, Maeve the strawberry wine, Colin the bourbon, and Ginevra the white wine.


CASPER: Kross, Andres says this is the "good stuff". Hope it's alright.


IAN: Well, your man has excellent taste, I'll say that much.

Casper gives him a thumbs-up.


GINEVRA: Thank you, sir.


COLIN: Heck yeah! If that ain't just what I was looking for!

He opens the bourbon and drinks from the bottle.


MAEVE: Oh! How did you know I love absolutely unrefined wine, Casper? You see? I also can't open this bottle with my bare hands. I'm quite helpless. Would someone mind?


CASPER: Sweeter, lighter, fruiter the better? Maeve, I wasn't about to forget.


MAEVE: Oh, dear, we are all remembering my failings tonight. Maybe we should all question my upbringing after all. If I must be terrible with wine, the least I could do is not tell people about it. Thank you for the bottle, Casper, it's lovely and I'll enjoy it.


IAN: I would never describe you as helpless.


MAEVE: Of course you wouldn't. That, of course, is because you are a gentleman.

Ian scoffs.


IAN: That's what they say. That Ian Kross, what a gentleman.


COLIN: Don't you listen t'him, girl. Tá fuil Medb Chonnacht agat i do fuileadán.[19]The rest'a them, they's just jealous.

He kisses the top of her head. Ian sighs and stands up. He takes Maeve's wine bottle and his scotch bottle to the kitchen. Colin takes the unlit joint back from Casper.


CASPER: Regardless of what anyone has to say about the value of strawberry wine, I can assure you this one is the sweetest and among the finest around. When it comes to wine hidden gems like to hide behind labels as far as I am concerned.


COLIN: Naw, that ain't quite it. You gotta put it in your mouth like this, ya see? Then you gotta light the end right here and inhale in the smoke.

He mimes how to smoke and then hands the joint back to Casper.


COLIN: Go on. Now you try.


CASPER: I'll have you know I have smoked the marijuana plenty in my day, I used to party with Jazz men you know, I know my way around a pod.

He pinches his beer open with the Potence discipline.


IAN: You don't say. Never would have pegged you as the sort to smoke the marijuana. You're just full of surprises, Iversson.


CASPER: I had a life I'll have you know.


COLIN: Well now ain't that something. Jazz men.

Colin snorts.


CASPER: Those boys were always hard to keep up with.


COLIN: That'll do ya, though.

He giggles. In the kitchen, Ian takes out a tumbler and a wine glass. He then puts the wine glass back and takes out a second tumbler.


IAN: And all wine is terrible. Everyone just pretends to like it to seem posh.

Maeve hugs Colin.


MAEVE: Wasn't he magnificent? Go on and say something nice to him; don't you think he deserves it?


IAN: Magnificent is one word for it. Outlandish is another. But I'm sure the Roses loved it. I've always said he was the embraced into the wrong clan.


MAEVE: I'm sure they agree with you. I'll be spending the next few weeks just keeping them from beating down the door after him, I shouldn't wonder.

Ginevra sighs.


GINEVRA: It was great. I'm not American but I'm pretty sure it was some good quality... cowboying.


COLIN: Oh, being American ain't all that hard. Not at all. Ya just gotta say things like ya'll and yonder and the like. You'd pick it up real quick, I reckon.


GINEVRA: Yeah, I don't get the impression it's actually very hard. It's got to be easier than learning French.


MAEVE: Well, if they don't admit you were spectacular, it's only because you dazzled them too much, dearest heart. Never mind, I'm sure they mean it.

She nuzzles his neck and cuddles into him.


MAEVE: They're just distracted, practicing their yonders and yes, ma'ams. They'll sound quite native any moment.


GINEVRA: I said he was good. I was trying to vet the other new band, you know, the one that just showed up like fungus without warning. It's like the manager from hell just sending up whoever he saw that night.

Ian returns to the living room and puts Maeve's open wine bottle on the coffee table.


IAN: There you are, my lady.


MAEVE: Thank you sweetly, my lord.


COLIN: That ain't half bad, darling! And neither was that fella what came out'n played with us. He was all right.

He nuzzles Maeve's neck, hums, and sighs. Maeve hums back and noses at him.


COLIN: I sure hope he don't get et.


MAEVE: I'm sure he'll be all right. Pieter wouldn't let anything happen to him.


IAN: Oh, god, don't you start. One Irish cowboy's more than enough, thanks.


MAEVE: Oh, I always thought I'd do all right as a cowboy. Don't you think so? I look very attractive in spurs.


GINEVRA: Probably hard not to.


COLIN: Sure 'nuff you would. You'd make a right fine cowboy you set your mind to it. Just gotta teach ya to rope'n ride, a'course. Get ya a six shooter to strap on your hip.


MAEVE: I have a six-shooter. A very little one. Mr. Francetti gave it to me.

Maeve takes the wine bottle from the table and drinks directly out of it.


GINEVRA: Oh, for God's sake.

She gets up and goes to the kitchen.


CASPER: You know, he reminded me of the cowboy sign you see in every film depiction of Las Vegas, with the moving arm?


GINEVRA: That's a real thing?


COLIN: I know that sign!

He hugs Maeve and rests his cheek against her head.


COLIN: That there's Vegas Vic you're talking 'bout. D'you know he used t'talk? Heck yeah! It's true. But some fella in the 60s was in town all the way from Hollywood, California to film one'a them movies and he fussed 'bout it being too loud so the folks that owned the casino muted the dang thing.

He shakes his head.


COLIN: Ain't that always the way.


CASPER: He did? Is he still there? I'd love to see it someday - my childhood had so many of the sites of America painted in silver, never thought I'd be here to see them.


COLIN: Oh yeah, he's still there all right. Last I heard the arm don't wave no more, though, and it's a dang shame is what I say. Entropy, son. It's a helluva thing.

He shakes his head and hands Maeve the joint. She accepts it and takes a long inhalation. After several seconds, she exhales the smoke in rings and uses a finger to turn them into hearts.


COLIN: Look at you! Shoot, girl. I swear there ain't nothing you ain't good at.


IAN: I'm sure I could think of a few things.


MAEVE: I wasn't sure I remembered how! That's my one for the year.

She puts the joint in the ashtray on the table and slides it toward Ian.


COLIN: Oh, don't stir the pot now, darling.

Ian reaches for the joint. Colin puts one arm around Maeve and snatches the joint away from him. He stretches his arm so he can hold Casper's shoulder as well.


COLIN: You know he's laced too dang straight for all that. You just goin' have him fussin' 'bout stinkin' up his suits'n the like.

Ian slumps back into his chair. Ginevra opens cabinets loudly in the kitchen and he laughs before calling out to her.


IAN: Maybe something with a lid. And you're forgetting something very important, the both of you. There's no way you're getting on a horse without a ladder. Don't think that really fits with the aesthetic, luv.

Ginevra rolls her eyes.


GINEVRA: There is not one drop of romance in your soul, Mr. Kross.

Casper notices Maeve and Colin nuzzling and loosens his tie.


CASPER: We should all go see him! Road trips are so American after all! You can take your fancy car on all the high speed highways Kross.

He undoes the first few buttons of his shirt.


GINEVRA: Just what we all need, more time in a car.


CASPER: O-oh? That Robert fellow? He seemed to be doing alright, last I saw him, he was talking to Mr Voyager's childe?


MAEVE: Oh, I know her! Her name is Rachel. She's very nice. She's a singer, too, you know.

Casper snaps his fingers and points at Maeve. He pats her knee and leans against Colin.


CASPER: Oh oh that's her, yeah. Yeah, he played with you Beowulf, guess he was just making friends with fellow artists then.


IAN: Did I meet her?


MAEVE: Thoroughly.


CASPER: Yeah she was the one with the very modern hair style who sat next to you and the Harpies for a bit?


IAN: Ah. Then good luck, Robert.

Casper sinks into the couch cushions as he watches Colin and Maeve. He begins using the Celerity discipline to vibrate quickly and chuckles.


CASPER: This is.... a lot stronger than I remember.


MAEVE: All right, then, you all repair my aesthetic while I'm gone. Ginevra.

She gets up and wobbles, intoxicated, toward the kitchen. Casper whimpers as she touches him in passing. Colin grabs Casper's neck and kisses his forehead. He laughs and uses the Animalism discipline to calm him down. Casper hugs Colin.


COLIN: You're all right, Casper. And heck yeah, we should! I ain't been out that way in'a dog's age. I could show you all sorts'a things. You ever seen the Grand Canyon? Shoot. That's thing's huge, you wouldn't even believe it. Well then it's decided, darling girl. You strap on that six-shooter and we'll be singing campfire songs in no time.

He points the joint at Ian.


COLIN: She don't need no step stool neither, not with me around. Cuz some of us know how t'treat a lady?


MAEVE: Then it's settled. Think how jealous everyone will be. When we just disappear, and all our campfire songs are just for you and me.

She leaves for the kitchen. Colin stretches out on the couch and slings an arm around Casper's neck.


CASPER: I have only been in America for a few months, I never have seen any of it outside of pictures or films.

He leans his head against Colin's shoulder.


IAN: I think I'll pass. I've never been a fan of wide open spaces.


COLIN: Oh and you gotta get out there'n see all them stars in Hollywood. They got 'em right there on the pavement underneath your feet.


CASPER: Yeah... let's do it... see it all while there is time.

Ian gets up and grabs the joint out of Colin's mouth.


IAN: See what you've done?

He goes to the kitchen. Maeve is hugging Ginevra and kisses her cheek. Ginevra kisses Maeve's forehead and smells her hair.


MAEVE: Non sai quando qualcuno ti sta cacciando fuori dalla stanza?[20]


GINEVRA: Non so perché si sarebbe preoccupato. Il detto non è "cinque sono una folla".[21]

Ian arrives and leans against the doorframe.


IAN: You know, you don't have to drink everything they set in front of you. You okay?

Maeve lets go of Ginevra.


MAEVE: Of course I am. Why would you think I'm not, Mr. Kross?


GINEVRA: It's fine, Mr. Kross. If she gets too tipsy, I'll just take her to bed.

She takes a wine glass and goes back to the living room. Ian bites his lip.


IAN: Yes, of course. So you were just trying to get away from me then. If you're okay I mean.

He puts his glass down on the counter and begins searching through drawers.


IAN: That's fine. You've been avoiding me all night.

He finds a lighter and lights the joint. He begins smoking.


IAN: After my grand romantic gesture, too. It's a damn shame.


MAEVE: Oh, now, sir. Don't try to convince me that was for me when we both know it was for Colin's sake. You could send me flowers at any show, after all. Not that you shouldn't have. He'll probably never put it down.


IAN: What?

He scoffs and rolls his eyes.


IAN: That's not - Come on. It wasn't not for you, too. Don't twist it around.

He splutters and Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: That's a very nice way of thinking of the world. There are an extraordinary number of things that aren't not for me. Imagine all the legal grey areas.

She sighs.


MAEVE: But avoiding you? What a thing to say. I could have avoided you much more successfully. I could leave this kitchen right now, couldn't I?

Ian steps closer to Maeve.


IAN: You could leave.

He puffs from the joint, then coughs and laughs.


IAN: Oh, Goddammit.

He puts the joint on the counter.


IAN: Like I was saying... You could leave or you could stay in here with me. Tell me all about how much you missed me and what an excellent surprise that was. You know. All the things you've been waiting all night to say.

In the living room, Ginevra puts another ash tray on the table and sets the wine glass on Maeve's coaster. She puts her hands on her hips to look at Casper and Colin.


COLIN: We'll just have t'make it good then, yeah? Make up for all that lost time! D.C.'s nice'n all, but it ain't got nothing on the rest of it. Did you know that the biggest ball'a yarn in the whole wide world is right here in these United States of America?

He grabs the bottle of bourbon.


CASPER: Let's go see it then! Who else could say they've seen the biggest ball of yarn, pretty niche!


GINEVRA: I can just imagine you two terrorizing the locals from here to the coast. Mr. Colin, who do you think is going to have to clean up after your feet on the coffee table?

Colin sits up and wipes the table with his sleeve.


COLIN: There now, would ya look at that? Good as new! Don't fret none, Miss Ginevra. Why don't you come on'n lay down? You can help us decide all the places we goin' go on our roadtrip. You ever been out West?


GINEVRA: I can't lie down, Mr. Colin, you know that. It wouldn't be appropriate.

She sits back down in her chair.


CASPER: Oh - Oh! Niagara Falls! I remember when I was knee-high seeing a serial with a man going over in a barrel and surviving!

He drinks more whiskey. Colin leans against him and nods.


COLIN: Yup, I seen that one, too. That's goin' be first on the list. I ain't never been to Niagra Falls, I don't think, but you're right, we gotta do it. Then the ball'a yarn. Then Vegas Vic.


CASPER: Ending with those stars?


COLIN: Heck yeah ending with them stars, we ain't gonna miss 'em!

He tousles Casper's hair.


CASPER: Yes! Everyone gets to pick a thing! Where is somewhere you've always wanted to go Miss Ginevra, but never got the chance?


GINEVRA: I'm Italian, this is west for me. Chicago's the furthest in that direction I've ever gone. I wanted to go to New York when I was a kid, but I did that already. It's a lot dirtier than you would think in the movies, by the way. Wherever Maeve is going.


CASPER: Now come on, America isn't all bad. You never know what magical little places a country so big could be hiding.


GINEVRA: Yeah, this country is ungodly huge. There's no reason for it not to be normal-sized countries except pride.


COLIN: Most places are dirtier'n in the movies. I think it's cuz folks is pretty dirty, in the general sense. They don't show that in the picture shows, neither. You just ain't seen the right things yet, is all. I bet you'd like Vegas anyhow. They got all kinds'a shows t'see and you ain't gotta do more'n walk into one'a them casinos 'fore they start throwing money'n drinks at you. It's a helluva time.

He twists to look at Casper.


COLIN: You play cards, son?

Casper watches Ian and Maeve in the kitchen and sinks into the couch.


CASPER: Huh? Ah - not very well but I know how to play a few games. Gambling never exactly been my forte.


GINEVRA: I think we have cards around here somewhere. Probably in the top of one of the closets.

In the kitchen, Maeve leans against the counter.


MAEVE: I could. But I'm listening to you tell me all about how I missed you and what an excellent surprise it was. I'd hate to interrupt you.


IAN: I am captivating, I don't blame you.


MAEVE: I'm very good at waiting, don't you remember? I could wait even longer to say anything.

Ian chuckles.


IAN: That's certainly not how I remember it.


MAEVE: I can wait for all sorts of things.

She leans close to him and puts her hand on his arm.


MAEVE: But do you know who hates to wait? Colin. And here we are ignoring him. He'll kidnap Ginevra and Casper if we leave him any longer.

She lets go of him and turns to walk back to the living room.


MAEVE: Of course, the adventures they'll have will be lovely for them, but I would pine. Think of all the things you could tell me then. Nothing to do but tell me stories about all the things I'm always waiting to say.

Ian chases her and catches her arm. She laughs. Ian sighs and kisses her. She reciprocates and blushes, putting her hands on his chest.


IAN: I could come up with a few things. Go on. I'll survive. Somehow.


MAEVE: Do, please do. I believe in you.

Maeve returns to the living room and sits down on the couch next to Casper with a sigh. Ian watches her leave and then refills his glass. He takes another glass from the cabinet and fills it with water.


GINEVRA: No one is kidnapping me.

She puts her feet up on the rungs of the coffee table.


COLIN: Life's a gamble. Might as well try t'win, yeah?

He slaps Casper's back and gets up. He goes to the hall closet and searches it. Casper nervously plays with the buttons on his shirt.


COLIN: What y'all thinking? I could sure go for some Blackjack, myself.


GINEVRA: You don't bet anything weird, do you, Mr. Colin? This game is the same as it is for the rest of us, right?


MAEVE: Of course! Blackjack sounds lovely. Although someone may have to teach me how to play. Not very much gambling in Clan Toreador. Not this kind, anyway. Where did my wine go?

Casper laughs and slides the bottle to her. Ginevra reaches over to smooth Maeve's hair.


GINEVRA: It's next to Mr. Iversson, but honey.


CASPER: At this rate valkyrie, you'll drink me under the table.


MAEVE: We're definitely going to need a bigger table, then. But I doubt it. You see? I'm already being scolded for being such a featherweight.


CASPER: I could maybe use a coffee or tea if you wouldn't mind Miss Ginevra, would you be so kind to join me? Mr Beaumont gave me a wonderful collection of nice teas and I think I am hooked.


GINEVRA: I'll see what we have.


COLIN: Oh, there ain't no reason to bet or nothing.

He moves to his bedroom and continues to search. He finds a pack of cards in the top of his closet and another in his nightstand. He takes both and returns to the living room.


COLIN: And don't you fret none, my girl. I'll teach you everything you need t'know. It ain't hard at all, you'll be a dang pro in no time!

He sits down on the couch next to Maeve and pulls an ashtray over to his side of the table.


COLIN: You want me t'be the dealer?

Ian returns from the kitchen and puts the glass of water in front of Maeve and the joint in the ashtray. He sits back down in his chair and sighs loudly.


CASPER: Please do, I have not played in quite a while. I am glad we aren't betting money, if you're half as good at cards as you are at guitars I might be leaving in rags.

He nudges Colin.


COLIN: Oh, I wouldn't put ya out in yer drawers, Casper, it's cold out there.

He starts shuffling the decks together.


COLIN: I do like them shoes, though.


MAEVE: Oh, don't take his shoes. He looks so woebegone without shoes on.

She laughs.


MAEVE: If you two are already playing cards, then I'm already outmatched before I even try to start. But all right, Colin, I'll just trust you all to teach me so that I don't make too great a fool of myself.


CASPER: Do not say such things Maeve. You mustn't give up on yourself before the game even starts - we lose every hand we do not play is the old saying no?

He nudges Maeve.


CASPER: Besides if you play worse than me, I will be surprised even more than at Colin's ability to pick up the guitar in a week.


MAEVE: Or, in my case, you also lose every hand that you do play. That isn't giving up, Casper, it's just being prepared for the inevitable. Giving up is what Ian is trying to do over there, as if losing isn't more fun than winning anyway.


CASPER: I cannot believe that. If you accept defeat front he beginning then you lose all that is wondeful in life. The hope. If you say so, I'll just have to believe you.


MAEVE: All right, then, I'll believe you, too.


IAN: This is pointless and I want it on the record that I told all of you that very thing before the game ever started.


MAEVE: The point is to enjoy it. You can enjoy things, you know, Mr. Kross. You don't have to be dignified every second. I'm sure everyone here will keep your secret.

Ian takes Colin's hat off his head and puts it on an end table. Colin swats at his hand.


COLIN: Quit yer henpeckin'.


IAN: You're in the house. And sure, deal me in. Why the hell not?

He pours himself another drink and offers the bottle to Casper.


IAN: Come on, Iversson. Don't tell me you're done already.

Maeve drinks from the water and then from her wine glass. Casper rubs the back of his neck.


CASPER: Well if you insist, but if this is a trick to make me bad at cards, I assure you it was unnecessary.

He holds out his glass and Ian fills it with scotch.


IAN: No, this is a trick to make you not care how bad you are at cards. We're all going to lose, the trick is to enjoy yourself anyway.


MAEVE: But Colin, we do have to bet. That's part of it. You can't play half of a game, silly. It doesn't have to be money, though. We could do anything. Jewelry, each other's drinks. Anything we can think of. Everything has value all its own, right?


GINEVRA: Oh, just bet chores or play strip poker like normal people.

Casper blushes. Ginevra goes to the kitchen and fills the kettle before putting it on the stove. Colin offers the deck to Casper, who cuts it.


IAN: Oh! I could go for a cup. If you're already putting the kettle on.


COLIN: That's a real good point. We gotta bet something. I ain't got no jewelry or nothing like that, though. So I reckon that leaves clothes or drinks, yeah?

He shuffles again and puts the pack in front of Ian, tapping the top card.


IAN: No, we do not have to bet something, we don't have to do anything.


COLIN: Or secrets. Everybody's got secrets.


MAEVE: I'd give you jewels to wager with, but then you'd owe me, my darling. You'll just have to bet whatever you find in your pockets. Or secrets.

Ian grumbles. Casper leans back on the couch.


CASPER: If you insist on betting, then it is only fair that you chose out of the suggestions, Baubles, Tumblers, or Babbles.


IAN: I'll do drinks. How about everyone takes a drink whenever they lose a hand?


COLIN: Hey, now, ain't nothing decided yet.


MAEVE: That isn't fair. You, sir, could drink the entire liquor store and still manage to stagger to bed all by yourself, but some of the rest of us couldn't. Colin-a-ghra,[22] why that's... it's cheating, that's what it is. And before we even start, too.

She laughs and leans against Casper. Colin also laughs.


COLIN: He's always got his thumb on the scale, ya gotta watch him, girl.


IAN: That's not cheating! You can't call a natural advantage cheating. Don't be a sore loser, we haven't even started yet, remember?


MAEVE: Me, a sore loser?

She laughs, then huffs.


MAEVE: The awful things you say, Mr. Kross. And bold things, assuming you'll win anything at all. Now, you see, I could offer to wager drinks. It means something if I drink. But I think instead...

She removes her earrings and holds them up.


MAEVE: But these would look lovely on all of you. There, that's my wager.

Ian makes a face at her.


IAN: I could accuse you of the same, you know. I must have forgotten to put my earrings on this evening, you see.


COLIN: All right! I'mma deal each'a us two cards, face down. You toss in your bet, then you flip 'em over. Closest t'twenty-one without going over gets the pot. If you're real low, you can ask for another card, but if ya go over, that's it, you lost.

He deals out a round of cards to everyone. He digs in his front pocket and pulls out a hair tie, several loose keys, and an iPod and puts them on the table.


COLIN: See, them keys could go t'anything at all. Maybe like a car or a house or, heck, even a safe! And who knows what's up in there!

Ian takes out his wallet and throws a five dollar bill on the table.


IAN: There you are. All fair.


CASPER: I suppose all I have to offer of value is my ramblings - or getting more intoxicated... winner's choice I suppose.


COLIN: Yeah, how 'bout winner's choice? Whoever wins the pot can take their pick'a tales or drinks.

Colin grabs the bourbon bottle and flips over his cards to show a king and a two.


COLIN: Now looks like I got'a King and a two. I'mma go on and get another card... and that's a seven. King counts for ten, plus two'n seven, that brings me t'nineteen.

Ian flips over his cards to show a two and a ten.


IAN: Okay, hit me.

Colin flips over a six.


IAN: Hit me.

Colin flips over a queen.


IAN: Oh well, I look awful in yellow gold anyway.


MAEVE: Oh, now, that's not true, you're very handsome in gold.


COLIN: Ha! Serves ya right, accusing folks'a things all the time.


IAN: Don't be a sore winner, either.


MAEVE: I am never a sore winner. I... am a graceful winner.

Casper looks at his cards and then shows them to Colin and Maeve.


CASPER: What do these cards mean? Bet it all first round? That's what the pros in movies do.


MAEVE: Let me see!

She climbs over Casper's knee to get a look at his cards. He clenches his jaw and gets an erection.


MAEVE: Oh, those are good! Having an ace is always good. You can get more cards. You want more cards, or Colin will beat you, go on and get more.

She sits back down.


CASPER: Whatever you say, dróttning.[23]


MAEVE: Oh, Swedish again, what does that mean?

Casper hums.


CASPER: Not Swedish, older, much older. Votre Altesse.[24]

He winks at Maeve and leans back into the couch. Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: Quelle définition de la royauté ils doivent avoir d'où tu viens, Casper. Ah, mais vous le sauriez, j'avais oublié![25]

Casper laughs.


CASPER: Call 'em as I see 'em, Ma'am. Besides, I've met real royalty before - I think we can all agree we'd much rather enjoy your company.


MAEVE: If you say so, Casper.


COLIN: Oh! Now an Ace is special, all right. It can be'a one or it can be an eleven. It's tricky like that. So with'a five, you either got'a six or a sixteen, your choice.

He flips over another ace.


COLIN: So that's either a seven or'a seventeen.

He flips over a ten and laughs.


COLIN: That's a ten. So you're back to seventeen or bust. What'chu doing, son?

He shakes his head and flips over a seven.


COLIN: All right. Seven. That's twenty-four, so you're out. Better'n him, though, so that's something.

Maeve laughs and drinks more wine.


CASPER: Just my luck!


MAEVE: I, on the other hand...

She flips over her cards to reveal a seven and a king.


MAEVE: Hit me.


COLIN: Sure thing, darling.

He feels the backs of several cards and then pulls one and flips it over to reveal a three. He laughs uproariously.


COLIN: And that's makes twenty-one, Miss Maeve, looks like the pot's yours.

He pushes the items on the table toward Maeve. Ian laughs.


IAN: Bullshit! That's absolute bullshit and you both know it! Do you see this? It's blatant is what it is.

He finishes his drink and takes a twenty dollar bill from his wallet, which he throws onto the table.


IAN: Fine. Go on then. Deal me in. I'm a glutton for punishment, apparently.


MAEVE: Do you hear this man? He thinks I can't win without my brother's help!


IAN: You're more than welcome to prove me wrong, madam.

Casper raises his hands defensively.


CASPER: Who do we call in the event of a cheat? A referee? We'd need an objective bystander - and we are all playing.

He leans into Maeve.


IAN: Ginevra! We need you! These two have no sense of fair play!

Colin mimics Ian's accent.


COLIN: You can't call a natural advantage cheating. Girl can't help being favored, Ian. That's down to a matter'a birth is all.

Ian giggles and shoves Colin's shoulder. Maeve laughs.


IAN: Hey! Come on! I don't sound like that. I don't sound like a toff. Not that much of one, at least.

Colin collapses giggling against Maeve. Ginevra returns from the kitchen, carrying a tray of orange tea. She sets out saucers and cups on the coffee table.


CASPER: T-thank you Miss Bianchi.


GINEVRA: Ms. Glaistig doesn't cheat at cards.

She goes back to her chair and sits back down. Maeve waves an arm at her. Ginevra puts her feet up under the coffee table.


IAN: Ha! I see you're not playing against her, though.


GINEVRA: Of course not, sir. She pays me. What would be the point? Besides, the rest of you need a responsible adult to watch the time.


CASPER: Oh come now Miss Ginevra, you must know we only tease. We trust Maeve to play fair - and if she and Colin do have little tricks up their sleeves no one here is truly upset about that - Isn't that right Kross?


GINEVRA: Mr. Iversson, either you trust her, or you think she has tricks up her sleeve, it can't be both.


MAEVE: I'm not even wearing sleeves.


CASPER: So what will it be Maeve? Should I take a drink, or are we to answer questions?


MAEVE: My choice! Well, it has to be something that matters to each one of you, or else it won't matter at all. So you, my love, I'm taking this from you, and you can chase me around to try to win it back.

She takes one of the keys from the table and holds it up beside her face. Colin lights a cigarette and begins to smoke.


COLIN: Oh, I'mma get that back.


MAEVE: Since you have tolerance and twenties and I cannot possibly compete with them, Ian Kross, you can tell me a story.

She puts the five dollar bill back in the pile.


COLIN: Winner's choice, that was the deal.


IAN: Oh, no. I never agreed to that. Iversson gave you the choice, not me, I put in five dollars.


MAEVE: Just a little one, of course, I don't want you to feel punished. And you should drink.

She winks at Casper. Casper blushes. Colin deals another round of cards.


CASPER: As you wish.


IAN: Besides, you can't just demand a story. That's... that's too broad. I'm older than you are, I've lived a whole life. Ask a question or something, don't be difficult.

Maeve huffs.


MAEVE: So did I, thank you. It was just shorter than yours.


COLIN: Course she can just demand a story, ya great ninny, she won.


CASPER: Embarrassing stories are rarely fun outside a minute, something happy from his past?


COLIN: Naw, then he'd have to admit t'being happy once upon a time and we can't go spoiling that carefully crafted image'a his, now can we?


MAEVE: No, no, Casper, it's perfectly all right. If he doesn't want to pay up, I won't make him. Because, if you'll all remember, I... am a gracious winner.


COLIN: You go first this time, darling, since you won the last one.

Maeve flips over her cards to reveal an eight and a king. She crows.


MAEVE: Eighteen. All right, then, siúil,[26] if you want it...

She holds up the key she won last round.


MAEVE: Come and get it.


COLIN: All right, then.

He flips over his cards to reveal a four and a six. He flips another card to reveal an eight.


COLIN: Well, shoot, girl. We got us a stand-off.

He sets down his cigarette and blows on his fingertips. He flips over a two.


COLIN: Now would'ja look at that.

Maeve crows and giggles.


MAEVE: I am slain.

She puts the key back on the table. Colin reaches across Casper and grabs her, kissing both her cheeks. She hums and tries to grab him but misses as he lets go.


IAN: Before I went away to Eton, my father would take me with him into town when he'd meet with the county administrators. Uh. Well, they always met at the public house there and father would let me sit at the bar with a watered down ale while I waited for him. So. There. That's a happy memory.


COLIN: I always figured you started early.

He nudges Ian with a foot.


CASPER: It's those little moments, isn't it? See, he's a good sport - you just had to rub it in a little.


MAEVE: Too much, I think. And now he's gone and overpaid me.

Ian clears his throat and finishes his drink. He flips over his cards to reveal a queen and a ten. He gestures for another card. Colin flips over a seven.


IAN: Damn. Well, I only have so many happy memories, so you'll have to think of something else, mate.

He grumbles and refills his drink.


CASPER: Hey now, don't go leaving me behind, deal me in already, someone has to lose for the rest of you to win right? Two Jacks and an Ace - come on I know you got them hiding in there Shaggy.

He drums on the coffee table. Maeve laughs.


COLIN: Oh, when I'm cheatin', you'll know.


MAEVE: He already dealt you in, you dummy. What's that in front of you?

She flips over Casper's cards to reveal a six and a jack. She counts on her fingers.


MAEVE: Sixteen! That's not enough. You need another card. Colin, give him another card! You need a five. Or... or numbers that make five. Otherwise you will be like the rest of us, at the mercy of our county cardsharp.

She winks at Colin.


COLIN: Yup, you need another card.

He flips over a queen.


COLIN: Sorry, son, queen puts ya over.

He puts his cigarette in his mouth and gathers up all the cards. He starts shuffling. He snatches the key Maeve lost off the table and puts it in his shirt pocket. He deals new cards to everyone. He winks at Maeve, then rolls a new joint.


COLIN: All right, Casper, I reckon it's your turn t'entertain us. And I wanna know.... the name your mama called you when you was wee.

He hands the new joint to Ian.


COLIN: And you gotta smoke this.


IAN: I hate you.

He drinks from his glass and then starts to smoke the joint. Maeve leans close to Casper. Casper gets another erection and freezes.


CASPER: W-what? Pardon? Pet name...? My Mama used ta call me Lekach.[27]


MAEVE: What does that one mean? I never know half of what you say, Casper! I will just have to learn it one word at a time.


CASPER: I can teach you whenever you'd like, you need only ask. It's a Yiddish word. It means honeycake. Ma ma was a baker and would make it on holidays, and always made me help her... because I was her honeycake.

He covers his face and laughs.


CASPER: I think that is enough for your win Colin.

Colin smokes his cigarette for a moment, then flips over his cards to reveal an ace and a ten. He starts laughing and buries his face in Casper's shoulder. Ian chokes on the joint.


IAN: See?!

He gestures wildly at Ginevra and coughs.


IAN: Do you see? Every damn time with this! There's no, there's no damn point in playing games with him! He always cheats, he can't help it! It's in his blood. And you can all deny it, but I don't want any complaints come tomorrow when he's, when he's taken everyone's wallets and shoes and, and... tin.

Colin and Maeve giggle.


MAEVE: Don't be ridiculous. Why, he's just lucky, that's all. Besides, if I had any tin, I'm sure he knows I'd just give it to him.


COLIN: See? The day I gotta cheat to beat you is the day I hang my hat.


IAN: You're hardly in any position to vouch for him.


MAEVE: You've won too many, and now poor Ian is beginning to lose faith. So we'll have to up the stakes some. I bet to you, our performer of the night... the color of my hair.


IAN: I never had any faith to begin with, I want that on the record.

Maeve flips over her cards to reveal a ten and a three. She waves for another card. Colin flips over a six. Maeve bites her lip and flips over the last card herself to reveal a seven. She notices Casper's erection and tries to get up. Casper bites his tongue and holds his breath, then moans as she slides past him to sit in Colin's lap. Casper grabs her ankle and pets her foot. Colin hugs her and buries his face in her hair. She puts her arms around Colin's neck.


MAEVE: All right, Colin, he may call you a cheat but I trust you implicitly.

She kisses Colin's temple and nuzzles his skin. He nuzzles her back and she sighs. She uses the Obfuscate discipline to turn his hair the same red as hers and her hair to his usual blond. She laughs.


MAEVE: There, as promised! It suits you better than it ever did me. Don't you think?

Ginevra chokes on her tea. Ian leans back and almost falls out of his chair. Casper laughs.


IAN: Mary!




COLIN: Girl, what'd'ju do?

Maeve imitates his accent.


MAEVE: Nothin'. Just being honest and truthful.

He touches his hair and then examines hers. He gets up and throws Maeve over his shoulder. She squawks. He spins around once in the living room and then walks to a mirror. Maeve grabs his shoulders. Casper crosses his legs. Colin flips Maeve around to the front.


COLIN: Nothing, she says. Nothing. You've never done nothing the whole'a your life and you know it.


MAEVE: I do nothing all the time, you tell him.


IAN: Colin!


MAEVE: He'll-- he'll--


GINEVRA: What do you think you're doing, Mr. Colin? You've been drinking, you can't - you're going to drop her, hey!

She gets up to chase them. Maeve kisses the side of her head and Ginevra sighs.


COLIN: Now would'd'ja look at that? We look good, darling! 'Specially me, just sayin'.

He switches to carrying Maeve bridal-style. Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: Well, of course you do. How could I compete with you?


COLIN: I look right dashing. Debonair even.


MAEVE: And bold. Now all we need are people for you to sweep off their feet, but apparently they have to come to us because I think we're being scolded, ghra mo chroide.[28] Like we did something wrong!


COLIN: They always tryin' t'keep us down, you know how it is. Like I couldn't take care'a you upside down with both arms tied behind my back, drunk or not.


IAN: See? See?

He laughs and gestures at Colin and Maeve.


CASPER: I rather think red suits you Maeve, but it is an amazing trick, you could do a different color everyday of the week - I bet the other Roses would be jealous. But oh yeah - you look proper handsome as a ginger boy there Shaggy. Wouldn't you say Kross?


COLIN: Heck yeah, I do!


IAN: Not the word I would have used.


MAEVE: Oh, anyone can do that, Casper. That's what hair dye is for. And wigs.

She giggles.


CASPER: I thought we agreed on no wigs?


MAEVE: I would never make you wear a wig.


IAN: For God's sake, will you sit down.

He shakes his head.


CASPER: Oh. I didn't see my car--

Casper looks at his cards and sees that they add up to twenty-one, then puts them back on the pile.


CASPER: No matter. Lost again.


IAN: You're drunk, the both of you. Sit down. You're gonna... fall. It's fitting, Col. I'll give you that. I'll give you fitting. Sit down.


GINEVRA: Yes, sit down, please.


MAEVE: Hmm, where shall we sit? Are we exiled to the floor for the crime of being honest winners?


COLIN: It'd serve 'em right if we just went t'bed without 'em. They only lucky I ain't tired yet.

He sits on the floor in the middle of the room with Maeve.


MAEVE: It would serve them right, wouldn't it? Let them sleep out here and think about their behavior.


COLIN: And, I'll have you know, I ain't tipsy yet, neither.

He tosses Maeve up in the air, then uses the Celerity discipline to spin in several circles before catching her. Maeve squeals and then laughs when he catches her.


COLIN: See? Easy as that.


GINEVRA: Gesù, Maria, il Santo Bambino e il bordello.[29]


IAN: Colin! You son of a bitch, don't do that!

He jumps to his feet and takes Maeve out of Colin's arms. Maeve whimpers and kisses his nose.


IAN: That's it, that's enough. You've lost your privileges. You see what happens when you encourage him? He'll dangle you out the window next.


MAEVE: If he did, he'd just be at the bottom to catch me. Or I'd grow wings. You worry about the silliest things.


IAN: Yes, and you never worry about anything. I'm just making up the difference.


COLIN: Hey! You can't just go around grabbing folks! What's wrong wit'chu? Shoot. Boy ain't got a lick'a home trainin', does he?


MAEVE: He can't help it. He's been all alone in his chair all night.


COLIN: Ain't nobody kept him from joining in 'cept his own self. So I don't see no point turning that blame any other dang direction.

Ian kisses Maeve's forehead and carries her back to his chair, where he sits down with her.


IAN: There. That should keep you out of trouble.


MAEVE: I'm never in trouble, am I? Don't rumble at Colin. It's his night, you know. Be nice to him, or do you know what I'll do?

She taps the end of his nose.


MAEVE: I'll turn you blond, too.


IAN: Don't you dare. Haven't you done enough tonight?

Casper gets up.


CASPER: Excuse me, I have to take a quick call.

He goes to the bathroom. Colin gets up and sits down on the couch. He relights his cigarette.


IAN: See? You ran your friend off.


MAEVE: Oh! I thought he said... should I go get him? I could say I was sorry.


COLIN: It's my night. Means I ain't gotta see nothing unsettling. And that, m'darling, would be a sight'n a half. Don't know if I'd be able to sleep after, truth be told. There's just some things a man can't unsee.


IAN: I'll have you know that I would look amazing as a blond. You're just jealous, now don't encourage her.

Colin stretches out on the couch. Maeve taps Ian between the eyes with a finger and uses the Obfuscate discipline to turn his hair steel blue.


MAEVE: There. Keep pushing me, I'll give you my freckles next.

Ginevra chokes on her tea and starts laughing. Colin laughs hysterically.


COLIN: Oh, I'm jealous now, son! That's your best look yet!

He collapses laughing again. Ian touches his hair.


IAN: Mary! What did you do to my hair?


MAEVE: Nothing.


IAN: And no, you don't get to... to maim me and run off.

He puts his arm around her waist.


MAEVE: I didn't maim you. I just... vandalized you a little.


IAN: Let the man make his phone call in peace, he can survive two seconds without you. You have enough problems of your own.


COLIN: He'd make a right good troll, what'chu thinking, darling?


MAEVE: Oh, I don't think I could make him a troll, Colin. He's too tall. I'd have to take off... six inches, at least. I don't think he'd like it.


COLIN: Yeah'n you'd have t'make the rest of him blue, too.

Maeve giggles. She wipes her cheeks and then uses the Obfuscate discipline to hide her freckles and make Ian appear to have them. She leans back and laughs. Colin and Ginevra start laughing again.


COLIN: Angel kisses, my Mama used t'call 'em angel kisses.


MAEVE: Oh, I love that! I should have kept some for myself, then, or saved some for you! And Ginevra!


GINEVRA: We'll try freckles the easy way some other time, babe, you can get the press-on kind at Sephora.


MAEVE: Okay, we'll go shopping. Not tonight, though. It's... some late time, I think.


IAN: Dammit, woman! Can you please control yourself?

She holds onto Ian's collar and kisses him. He kisses her back and moans.


MAEVE: I don't remember any problems. I am controlling myself. I'm perfectly controlled. Do you know what else I could do? I could...

She squirms in Ian's arms.


MAEVE: You don't even know what I could do.

Ian kisses her cheek, then her neck, then her ear.


IAN: Are you trying to drive me mad?

Maeve chuckles.


MAEVE: Of course not, I'm always very careful of you, aren't I? I'll be good. I promise.


IAN: Perhaps I am a troll then. Which means you ought to be careful, hm?

Ginevra gets up and starts clearing off the coffee table. Colin stubs out his cigarette and starts smoking the joint.


COLIN: Casper! Boy, you're missing everything!


MAEVE: Oh, yes! Casper can tell us about trolls, he... he knows stories. Taking away wicked girls, or something. I'm not sure, but he'll know.

She slips out of Ian's lap. Ian groans and starts to get up to chase her, but Colin grabs his shoulder and pulls him back down. Colin hands Ian the joint and leans over the arm of his chair.


COLIN: Where you running off to? You got debts t'pay and don't forget.


IAN: Would you be careful? I'm injured.

He leans his head into Colin's hand and smokes the joint.


IAN: In case you've forgotten, I spent all of last night being... gallant and... noble. For all the thanks I ever get.

Maeve uses the coffee table as a support as she walks to the middle of the room.


MAEVE: Oh, Mr. Kross, very gallant and very noble. Have we forgotten to appreciate you? That can't be.

Colin sits on the arm of Ian's chair and starts sharing the joint with him. He rests his head against Ian's.


COLIN: Thought that was meant t'be every night, comrádaí.[30] You must be slippin'.


IAN: I'm only human, mate.


GINEVRA: Anyone else need anything from the kitchen?


COLIN: Oh, we're good, girl! Why don't you rest your heels a spell? We need something, I reckon we got legs enough 'tween the three of us to get it ourselves. Shoot. Four'a us. Casper! Boy, where you at? You best get out here 'fore Miss Maeve gets any more ideas. I reckon you'd look real good a shade'a pink!


GINEVRA: I just had my feet up.

In the bathroom, Casper splashes cold water on his face. He cries and washes the tears off his face. He looks at himself in the mirror. He reaches for the doorknob, then pauses and wets his hand to clean a teardrop off his shoe. He returns to the living room and pretends to put his phone back in his pocket.


CASPER: Sorry, business. Good Lord, she really did a number on you didn't she?


IAN: You have no idea.


CASPER: What's this about troll stories now? I have a hundred and one of them. My Papa used to tell them to me, explainin' the rocks in the Fjords up north.

Casper walks to Maeve and goes to one knee.


CASPER: Alright, pink my hair, as long as it isn't a wig I suppose I can play along.


MAEVE: No, that's not right. You have no fashion sense, mo ghra,[31] can't you see he's too pale for pink? Yes, yes, I promised, didn't I? No itching. Oh!

She uses her fingers to tap Casper beside each eye and then in the center of his forehead. She uses the Obfuscate discipline to make him appear to grow to eight feet tall. She laughs. Colin giggles.


MAEVE: There! Now proof against any threat from trolls he might conjure up, don't you think?


COLIN: See? Now that's a troll!

Ginevra turns around and almost drops the glasses she is carrying.


GINEVRA: Gesù Cristo Onnipotente e ogni santo santo.[32]


IAN: Will you talk some sense into her?

Maeve wobbles and almost falls on Casper. Casper blushes and whimpers.


MAEVE: Oh. Oh, excuse me, I... am going to the kitchen with Ginevra.

She grabs Ginevra's arm and lets her lead her to the kitchen.


MAEVE: Tesoro, mi dispiace così tanto, lo farei anche a te. Ma non posso, sono...[33]


GINEVRA: Non MI stai rendendo azzurro o gigantesco.[34]


MAEVE: Posso mangiare qualcosa, per favore?[35]


GINEVRA: Ovviamente. Ovviamente! Dai, andiamo a prenderti qualcosa da mangiare, piccola, sei qui fuori a lasciarti accompagnare da questi ragazzi dopo che sei dovuto andare al Limbo stasera, per l'amor di Dio. Scio, dai, ti ho preso.[36]

She pulls Maeve into the kitchen. Colin gets out of Ian's chair and circles Casper.


COLIN: Woo! Would'ja look at that!


CASPER: What? What did she do? Oh... she made me grow.

Colin claps his hands and tackles Casper.


IAN: Colin! No!

He jumps to his feet and tries to grab the back of Colin's shirt. Casper whuffs and uses the Celerity discipline to catch Colin and throw him over his shoulder.


CASPER: Gotcha! Do you want a story or not?

Ian trips and falls, knocking Casper and Colin to the ground as well. All three men begin to wrestle.


COLIN: We ain't tellin' stories, now, son, we making 'em! Come on, you ain't even trying! What kinda troll are you!


CASPER: Not troll enough for you am I? Er ek takþúr ek munu toss þú inn potr ok gerstewr![37]

In the kitchen, Maeve kisses Ginevra's cheek and temple several times.


MAEVE: Rallenta, tesoro, mi farai inciampare.[38]

She giggles. Ginevra goes to the refrigerator and takes out a bag of blood, which she hands to Maeve. Maeve drinks it quickly and trades it back to Ginevra for a second one. She puts the new bag in a glass ice cream dish and begins sucking on it as she returns to the living room. She sits down cross-legged on the floor near the wrestling men.


MAEVE: Is there someone I should be rooting for?


COLIN: Me, of course! I'm outnumbered!


MAEVE: Then make it a good story, darling mine! Should I do something? I'm sure I could come up with something. I think I might have made it unfair.

Ginevra returns from the kitchen and puts her hands on her hips. She sighs.


GINEVRA: Absolutely not. That's what they want. Don't let them drag you in there. You'll suffocate. Do any of you realize you're rolling around on the floor? Not sitting up in chairs?

Ian curses and struggles. Casper laughs repeatedly.


IAN: Yes, I am aware! Will you two get off me!

Casper hits his head on the coffee table and falls back. His head lands in Maeve's lap. Maeve squeaks.


MAEVE: Casper.


CASPER: Bonjour ma dróttning[39], ne vous en faites pas, nous cherchons juste à qui appartient quel pont.[40]

He notices her drinking blood and freezes to stare.


COLIN: Oh, don't you think she'll save you.

He grabs Casper around the waist.


IAN: Dammit, Iversson, grab him already or we'll be down here all night!


CASPER: Excusez-moi, je suis appelé, nous devrons terminer cette conversation plus tard.[41] Whatever you say, sir!

He winks at Maeve, then uses the Celerity and Potence disciplines to grab Colin and Ian and throw them over a shoulder each. Colin squeals and kicks.


COLIN: Lord, he got me!


IAN: No, no, no, no!

Maeve scrambles away from the fight. Casper stands up, carrying both other men.


COLIN: Save me, darling! He's goin' gobble me up!




CASPER: So, your majesty, I have claimed these men and will be taking them back home for stew, that is unless you'd like them back?

Maeve stands up.


MAEVE: I should never like to starve you, Sir Troll, but please don't take them from me. I should never have made you so big. It's gone right to your head.


COLIN: You don't want me, giant, I ain't nothing but bone, son. Now this one over here.

He reaches across Casper and slaps Ian's bottom.


COLIN: He'll feed ya for days. Put him in your stew!


IAN: Oh, you son of--

Colin and Ian begin fighting on top of Casper's shoulders.


CASPER: You sure you want them back? I've got half a mind to toss 'em away, no knowing what they'd do to the digestion, the jumping beans they are.


MAEVE: I'm sure. They've got bits of me all over them and they are dear to me, you know. Please let them go and I'll offer something proper in trade, if you like.


CASPER: Luckily I am not so hungry right now, you can repay me another time, I trust you.


MAEVE: Oh, I'll try to be worthy, then.


CASPER: You're lucky the lady is so fond of you loudmouths, now down we go!

He puts Colin and Ian down and holds them apart from one another. Maeve also gets between them and winks at Colin.


CASPER: Neither of you look like you'd make a good stew anyway. Even though we are all thoroughly marinated.


COLIN: That's your loss, Casper. I'm telling you. That there's Grade-A.

Casper goes back to the couch and sits down. Ginevra starts trying to clean up the coffee table again. Maeve tries to smooth out Ian's shirt.


MAEVE: Don't be angry with him, love. He's right that he's all skin and bones. It's your turn to be favored over him in something.


IAN: You know damn well that's not what I'm angry about.

She reaches up to brush at Ian's hair.


MAEVE: It's good, the hair. It's lovely on you.

She laughs. She turns and hugs Colin, nuzzling his chest.


MAEVE: Ah, Colin, I could do so many more things, you know. But maybe it's time to be well-behaved.


COLIN: Oh, you ain't gotta tell me. I know. But you're right, gotta be mindful of delicate constitutions.


MAEVE: I'm always very careful of delicate constitutions.

Colin squeezes Maeve and then lets her go. Maeve grabs Ian's hand and tugs him toward his chair. Ian groans and lets her.


MAEVE: Like yours.


IAN: Oh yes, very delicate. The time to be well-behaved passed five minutes ago.


MAEVE: Colin and I... well, we'll sit on the floor, won't we? Is that proper?

Ian sits in his chair and pulls Maeve in with him. Colin sits down on the living room floor.


IAN: Now come here. You two have done enough damage for one night.


MAEVE: And I am always well-behaved. I meant Colin. I didn't do any damage, I didn't... even do one thing.


IAN: Right, you did many things.


COLIN: Hey! That ain't right! See? You should'a et him while you had the chance.

He gets up and sits in Casper's lap on the couch.


COLIN: Ain't never met a bigger wet blanket. Me, on the other hand, I'd just get stuck in yer throat. Best not t'chance it.

Maeve begins trying to comb Ian's hair with her fingers. He whines when she stops.


MAEVE: Casper won't eat you, Colin. He promised. Though he does look like he could make a mouthful out of any of us, couldn't he? Do you get hungrier that big? I have never been large before. I probably could be, but it's a lot of effort, you know. Just holding onto you is hard enough.


CASPER: Famished, really. I am always hungry truth be told... it's hard to get satisfied some nights. Not that I ever starve...

Casper hugs Colin.


GINEVRA: Honey, if you get big, too, no one will have anywhere to sit. More tea, anybody?


MAEVE: I don't think I can, it's okay.


IAN: No, I'm all right. But you can hand me that bottle. If you would.

He nuzzles Maeve's ear and neck. Maeve hums.


IAN: So you're complaining it's a lot of work to antagonize everyone...

He chuckles.


IAN: Dear God, you are a piece of work.


MAEVE: I've been called that before. You don't have any hands for a bottle, Mr. Kross.

Ginevra starts to pick up the scotch bottle. Maeve grabs Ian's hand and wraps both of hers around it. Ginevra puts the bottle back on the coffee table. Ian bites his lip and covers Maeve's hands with his.


IAN: So I can't have that, either. Must you take everything from me?

Maeve taps his nose.


MAEVE: You would say that. Not everything, my lord.


COLIN: I get real hungry when I change shape. Mind, ain't much of'a size difference, truth be told. I reckon it's just enough t'remind my belly what it's for. What'chu say? You feel bigger or you just look bigger?

Maeve tries to reach for Colin but is too far away.


MAEVE: Because it's a different belly. You're not used to it, silly. Not too bad, though. They're both yours, after all.


CASPER: Its like... my eyes see I'm bigger... but my body feels the same. Little disorienting but... not boring. Like wearing a giant Me suit.

Colin nods. Maeve leans her head against Ian's and giggles.


MAEVE: Well, even when I haven't made you big, you're still big. So I'm not surprised. It is a giant you suit.

She laughs. Ginevra takes discarded glasses to the kitchen and then returns and sits back down.


COLIN: Eyes can't never be trusted anyhow. See just what you want 'em t'see half the time. Your nose, on the other hand. Your nose... Your nose knows, son.

He taps his own nose and begins taking off his boots.


GINEVRA: God, I can't imagine. Does other stuff get different when you do that? Like... do you get weird interests, I don't know.


IAN: I've noticed he tends to lick his ass far less when he's human, which is nice.

Colin, Ginevra, and Maeve laugh.


MAEVE: It's his night, you awful man. Stop trying to take all his dignity away.


COLIN: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure enough. It's a whole different thing, changing flesh'n bone. It's like... you know how some things don't right translate, one language to the next? Means thinking in Italian's goin' be a mite different than in English or what have ya. It's'a little like that. There's thoughts a dog has that a man just can't. Ain't got the parts t'speak the tongue.

He leans his head against Casper's shoulder.


COLIN: I tell ya, though, some things don't change. I ain't never made sense'a squirrels, don't matter what shape I'm in. What they need all them nuts for anyway?

Ginevra nods. Casper laughs.


CASPER: I think it's for winter so they don't get hungry.


COLIN: See, that's where your argument falls apart. You ever seen the size of'a squirrel? That's too many dang acorns, the ratio's all off. It just don't add up. Not mathematically speaking.


CASPER: It is not a life I would choose for anyone. I rather enjoyed being a ghoul. I was good at it. Had I a choice in the matter... I miss baked goods the best. So forgive me if I foist them on you from time to time. It's Nostalgic.

He winks at Maeve.


GINEVRA: That's perfectly all right, Mr. Iversson. I never say no to a nice cruller.


MAEVE: I miss food. I liked food.


COLIN: Sugar just made my teeth hurt. Couldn't never figure out how ya'll could eat all that mess without gettin' sick.


IAN: All the more reason to enjoy those little indulgences we're still allowed. For example, whiskey.


CASPER: I am what I am, and I think I am just the right size thank you very much. But since I wont have this chance again for awhile...

He lifts Colin and puts him on his right shoulder.


CASPER: Aha! Who wants the other one? Maeve? Kross? Miss Bianchi? When else will you get a piggy back from a literal giant?

He stands up and begins to walk around the room. Colin laughs.


COLIN: Hey, now. A fella could get used t'this.


GINEVRA: Some time when I'm not at work, at the very least. Thanks, though. Sir.


MAEVE: Oh! No, that's a victor's lap, isn't it? It wouldn't be fair to him for us to steal it. And besides, I wouldn't suggest trying to pick Mr. Kross up twice in one night. Something might... I'm not even sure. Go sideways.

She squeezes Ian's fingers and bumps his forehead with her own.


MAEVE: Amadan.[42] Don't be jealous. We'll all make you the belle of the ball next time, all right?

Ian rolls his eyes.


IAN: Why would I be jealous when Iversson just invited me up?

He kisses Maeve's temple. Casper winces.


IAN: I'm going to have to pass, though, mate. My feet were meant to stay planted on the ground.


COLIN: That's right, it's a victory lap. Quick, somebody get me some laurels.


CASPER: Well looks like we are the only ones who know how to have fun tonight. Ah yes! Beowulf's in need of a crown!

He carries a laughing Colin to the counter and puts him down.


MAEVE: To crown your... oh, no, I've taken your golden head.

She peeks over the back of the chair, then drops back into Ian's lap. She kisses him and laughs.


COLIN: They just sore they can't keep up is all. Just watch, that boy goin' be passed out in that chair 'fore we even get started.

He kicks his dangling feet.


CASPER: Oh I doubt Kross will pass out and miss your crowning ceremony. I used to make these all the time for my daughter...


GINEVRA: Yeah, actually, if anyone is going to pass out, let me know, if you would. I can get - whatever.


IAN: I'm not tired.

Ginevra shrugs. Casper takes flowers from the vases on the counter and begins weaving them into a crown.


COLIN: Oh, yeah? I didn't know you was a Pa. That's real nice.


CASPER: I was. She was a wonderful young woman. Sophia. You would have gotten along I imagine, she became a veterinarian. Loved animals ever since she could ask for a puppy so after the initial shock I would imagine she would be enamored by your ability to change into one...


COLIN: Yeah, you get used to it real quick, 'specially if you're still'a pup. Shoot, my Ma used t'say I didn't so much as whimper first time I seen it.

Casper finishes the crown and places it on Colin's head.


CASPER: A prince in May time wouldn't you say? Wait...

He takes a red rose and puts it in the center of the crown. Maeve looks over the back of the chair again.


MAEVE: I don't think prince suits him. What do we call him, our conquering hero?

She laughs.


MAEVE: Casper, you've gardened him!


COLIN: I'm Bel, a'course! God'a fire'n sun.

He nods at Casper.


COLIN: This is a fittin' tribute. You goin' have a real good harvest this year, don't you fret none. Now we gotta make two bonfires, run the cattle in between a couple'a times. Seal the deal.


CASPER: I thank you for the harvest. Well of course I Gardened him, it is what I do, what with the Harvest God's blessing I would be a fool to do otherwise. A toast to Bel it is!

He takes a glass from the counter and raises it.


GINEVRA: No bonfires in the house, please, sir.


IAN: You're not setting anything on fire. You can run the cat between two candlesticks if you're dead set, though. Never let it be said I'm a tyrant.


MAEVE: Well, no one offered to get you laurels.


IAN: Well, whose job would that be? No, you're much too busy, aren't you? It's hard work, driving me mad.


MAEVE: Oh! Oh, no, you're right, that is my fault. Of all people in this room, we can't have you crownless.



Maeve wriggles out of Ian's lap and pets his ear as she passes. He splutters, then grabs the whiskey bottle and pours himself a new glass. Maeve goes to the kitchen.


MAEVE: That's my cat. I'm sure she's hiding, I'm sorry. Bella is a sweetheart, but strangers make her nervous. And you're all tyrants, trying to make her run anywhere. If you want to run around in the dark, you'll have to do it yourself, siúil mo chroide.[43] Not yet, though, let me see!

She bumps into the counter, then reaches up to Colin's face.


MAEVE: Oh, he's given you Mr. Voyager's cosmos! That's good, they're very lucky, they mean... all good things. You're crowned and radiant indeed. If you can't have flame, tell me what else you'd like and I'll do it for you.

She laughs.


MAEVE: Oh, but not for a moment. I've been called to task for negligence, did you hear?

She leans into Colin's legs and lap.


MAEVE: He really is jealous, you know. It's not his fault. He just can't help it when you look so handsome and red, my love. So!


COLIN: He never could.


MAEVE: How do you do this? Lean down, Colin, and I'll see if I can learn it from looking at Casper's masterwork.

She reaches for a vase of dahlias. Colin jumps off the counter and picks her up to put her in his place. Maeve squeals. Colin nuzzles her nose. She tries to kiss him but misses and laughs. Casper stares.


MAEVE: These are good. Dahlias are for serious things. Power, determination, commitment, strength.


COLIN: Aye, very serious. That's what he says.

Maeve takes several dahlias from the vase.


MAEVE: That's why the Prince gave them to me, probably. I'm sure he didn't expect I'd be doing this with them.


GINEVRA: I bet he didn't.


IAN: You know, we could probably call it a night soon if you wanted to - if there was anything else you wanted to do tonight. You know.


GINEVRA: OF course not. This isn't my night off, Mr. Kross.

Colin goes back to the living room and sits down on the couch.


COLIN: Donn, I'd say, if not for the hair.

He chuckles.


COLIN: One'a the aos sí,[44] then. That we gotta make offerings to appease, now?

Ian splutters.


IAN: Yes, I demand tribute of some goddamn peace and quiet. What are you up to now?

He laughs.


COLIN: In this world'a ours? Good luck with that.

He puts his feet up on the coffee table. He finds a cigarette, lights it, and tosses the lighter onto the table.


IAN: Fine, suit yourself. You'll only have yourself to blame later.


COLIN: There'll be peace enough when you're dead, ah?


IAN: A man can dream, can't he?

Colin grabs Ian's knee and jostles it. Ian startles and swipes at him.


MAEVE: All right, since you are the expert, show me how!


CASPER: I will teach you then, but on the condition, I make you a crown - and Miss Ginevra too - You certainly have enough to make one for each of you.


MAEVE: That's a fair bargain. Okay. Oh, yes, I always have flowers. All right, show me!

Casper takes the flowers from Maeve and holds her hands to show her how to weave them. Maeve bumps into him and weaves their fingers together repeatedly, laughing.


CASPER: Here let me help you. Now, just keep wrapping like that, make sure the flowers each twist out and up without bruising the stem underneath the head... perfect you got it.

He brushes her cheek with his nose. He steps back and makes a crown of yellow flowers and hands it to Maeve.


CASPER: For Miss Bianchi.

He begins choosing more flowers.


CASPER: This... yours... needs blue, I think. You're eyes are still the Aurora, so these purples work... but your hair has changed... Do you still have the Blue Rose? I think with the blue... you will look the perfect queen...


MAEVE: Of course I do. It's somewhere... I think... in the bedroom? Or... by the mirror? Oh, I'm the wrong color.

She giggles.


CASPER: You kept it...

Maeve giggles again.


MAEVE: Of course, silly.


COLIN: Your problem is you never could be patient. Whatever's got your knickers in a twist, you just gotta wait a spell'n things'll change. They always do.


MAEVE: That's easy enough to fix, Casper, you should have said!

She covers Casper's eyes and uses the Obfuscate discipline to turn her hair pink. She takes her hand off his eyes.


MAEVE: There, close enough to red, right? It's Colin's favorite anyway, you know. He thinks pink suits me.

Casper laughs.


CASPER: Perfect.

He bows his head, then puts a multicolored flower crown on Maeve's head. Maeve laughs. Ginevra chokes on her tea and puts her cup down.


GINEVRA: I santi ci preservano. La prossima volta che verrà per me, lo sento.[45]


COLIN: See! Now would'ja look at that!


IAN: Good lord, really?

He laughs.


IAN: And there's the problem, right there. Things change, but it's always into something absurd.


COLIN: It's something, innit? There's no tellin' what's coming just 'round the bend.

He blows smoke at the ceiling.


COLIN: All I was saying was, you wearin' yourself out and for no good reason. You just gotta wait'n trust that eventually, the mountain'll come to you. Finish your drink.

He points at Ian's glass.


IAN: You know, I never understand a single thing you say.


CASPER: Now may I help you down and you can crown the others?

He grabs Maeve around the waist and sets her back on the floor.


MAEVE: You must all pick me up and toss me around all the time. Now Ginevra is the only one who hasn't.


CASPER: It is the benevolent queen that often bestows title and honors after all.

He kneels and bows his head.


MAEVE: Silly Casper. That doesn't make any sense. Queen of what?


CASPER: I suppose I am, aren't I? If you have to ask...

He bumps Maeve's forehead with his, then leans back against the counter. Maeve takes all the flower crowns and dashes to the living room. She goes to Ginevra's chair and sits in her lap, then puts the yellow flower crown on her head.


MAEVE: You have such beautiful hair. And now it has flowers. You are amore e prima vista, cara mia,[46] you will stop everyone's hearts.

Ginevra hugs Maeve. Maeve hums.


COLIN: Looking good, Miss Ginevra! That suits you.


GINEVRA: Thank you, Mr. Colin, yours suits you, too.

Colin smacks Ian.


COLIN: Say something nice.


IAN: Yes, very nice. I'm proper jealous now.


MAEVE: You should call your gentleman, cara![47] Or I can!


GINEVRA: No, babe, seriously. It's late, we're not calling anyone. I'm here with you, and besides, what do you think is going to happen, he's going to show up with a dozen roses and a Sephora gift card?


MAEVE: O qualcosa di meglio, la mia preferita?[48]

She giggles. Ginevra kisses Maeve's cheek.


GINEVRA: He can see my beautiful hair some other time.


COLIN: And if he don't, he's a dang fool, I say. Shoot. Any fella wantin' t'talk t'you best bring two dozen! And... two'a them cards. Three, even.


MAEVE: Yes. Two dozen! He'd be bringing his own flower hat, then.

She bumps her head into Ginevra's jaw and then kisses it.


GINEVRA: Tesoro, quel pover'uomo sarebbe morto all'arrivo e tu lo sai.[49]


COLIN: Hold up, hold up. You talking 'bout Jack?


IAN: Jack? God, no. She's talking about Beaumont, you dolt. Pay attention.

Maeve laughs and points at Ian.


MAEVE: So is he. That's his name. Jacque, Jack. They're the same. Jacque. It's French. French Jack. Jacque. You great big dummy. Say them out loud.


COLIN: That's what I said! Jack Beamont!

He starts laughing and puts his cigarette in the ashtray.


COLIN: Son, if brains was leather, you wouldn't have enough to saddle a junebug, you know that don't you?

He shoves Ian's shoulder.


IAN: I thought you meant Jackson, dammit. Jimmy's man. I didn't--

He sighs and throws up his hands.


MAEVE: Wait, wait, I forgot!

She stands up again and uses the coffee table as a support to walk back to Ian's chair. She puts the dahlia crown on his head.


MAEVE: There. Now you will have to find some other area where I have been negligent to scold me for, my lord.

She wobbles and falls, landing in front of Ian and bumping his chest with her face.


IAN: Shit!

Colin laughs and a moment later Ian does as well. Maeve grabs Ian's knee for balance.


MAEVE: Mph. Things I can do sitting down, maybe.


COLIN: Whelp, there she goes. Guess it's 'bout that time, ain't it?


IAN: Looks like.

Ginevra groans.


GINEVRA: Oh, dio, tesoro, resta lì.[50] Yes, stay sitting down. Spare us the first aid, sweetheart.

She glares at all three men and gets up.


GINEVRA: I'm going to clean things up, go on and take my chair, Mr. Iversson.

Colin stretches out on the couch.


COLIN: Look at the state o'you! Nuair a bhíonn an fíon istigh, bíonn an ciall amuigh.[51]

He taps Maeve between the eyes and goes back to smoking. Maeve nuzzles the side of his face.


MAEVE: Too bad I don't have any more freckles. You could use some.

Ian pulls Maeve from the floor into his lap.


IAN: Tomorrow's going to be bad enough without you waking up on the floor, luv.


MAEVE: Bully. Tomorrow will be fine. You'll worry yourself grey. I've slept on lots of floors. We'll call it a rescue, though, to get me somewhere with pillows later.

He hugs her and kisses the top of her head.


IAN: It's a very lovely flower hat.

Maeve nuzzles Ian's cheek and neck.


MAEVE: I just learned it.

She reaches up and readjusts the crown on his head.


IAN: Luckily for me, you're a fast learner. Can you imagine how ridiculous I'd look with an amateur flower arrangement on my head?


MAEVE: Yes, lucky for you.


IAN: Iversson! You're... you're looming. Don't loom. Sit down, mate.


CASPER: Huh? Oh! Sit, sure thing - wait do you need help?

Ginevra waves him away and he goes to the chair. He turns around several times to try to fit into it.


CASPER: ...This... is going to be a challenge...


COLIN: Close your eyes!


MAEVE: Oh, no! I'm sorry! Would you like to be small again? Well, smaller. Not small. Can you imagine if you were my size?


CASPER: Imagine all the things I could do if I were your size? I am sure life as a woodland Sprite would suit me well, certainly hit my head on fewer doorframes than if I were to remain like this.


MAEVE: More things you couldn't do, probably.

Casper sits down carefully.


CASPER: long does this usually last? Will I be this big forever?


MAEVE: No, of course not. It'll go away when you leave. You're already almost too far away to hold onto it. Can you imagine, Casper eight feet tall forever? I'd have ruined doors for him forever. I wouldn't do that to you, Casper.


COLIN: Oh, girl, I can imagine it. Ian'd have fits.

He and Maeve giggle.


MAEVE: Oh, well, good that I didn't, then. I can't make him any bigger, after all. Can you imagine that? Casper, look at your head! You're left out.

Casper waves his hands and shakes his head.


CASPER: Oh my no, I don't need one, honest, and I am not Prince.

She looks around, then takes her own crown off and hands it to Colin.


MAEVE: Love of mine, will you go and crown Casper? It's only fair. He got all the rest of us. I wouldn't have known how to do it without him. Besides, he is a prince. We did it all backwards.


CASPER: And there is no way I would dare take yours. I made it for you. One for each, specifically, they mean something - to take that away is - to ignore the rhythm of a song, the flow of a poem.

Colin gets up and drops his cigarette into the ashtray. He takes Maeve's crown and puts it back on her head.


COLIN: That'd leave you out, ya wee cabbage, and we can't be havin' that, neither.

He takes one flower from both her and Ian's crowns, then goes to the kitchen. He takes another flower from his own crown and one from Ginevra's. He lays them out on the counter and begins making a new crown.


MAEVE: Ian, he called me a cabbage.


IAN: If the shoe fits, dear. Besides, you'd blush to hear the things he's called me. I say count your blessings.

Colin finishes the crown and comes back to the living room to put it on Casper's head.


COLIN: There. I say that's right princely.


MAEVE: Yes, there we are! A proper alder-king's son.


CASPER: Alder King? Maeve, you always have a knack for making me out to be bigger than I am. I am just, and always have been nothing more than a simple servant. If I am lucky I get to pick my own lieges though.


IAN: Wonderful. Very regal, I'm sure. Though if we want it to fit, maybe it's time we set things back to right? As much as I love... whatever it is you've done to me.

Casper sighs.


CASPER: Et tu Kross? You happy with yourself?

Maeve pauses.


MAEVE: Oh. I misbehaved. It was only a little that I did.

She strokes Ian's cheek and her freckles return to her own face from his. She also lets his hair and her own turn back to their usual colors. She turns to Casper.


MAEVE: I'm happy for you. So you won't be left out. But I'm sorry, your poor legs.

She covers her eyes and returns him to his usual size. She leans her head against Ian with a sigh.


MAEVE: There. No more mischief.

She sighs and closes her eyes. Casper whimpers. Ian strokes her head. Colin sits back down on the couch and picks up his cigarette.


CASPER: For now, but reserve the right to find mischief again when the mood strikes you, I have had a splendid time.


IAN: Is that meant to sound like a threat?


MAEVE: No. I could threaten you much better than that. That's not even worth calling a threat, that's not.


COLIN: Oh, come on, girl, don't give up that quick!

He sighs.


IAN: Not everyone has your stamina when it comes to causing trouble. Let her rest, I'm sure she'll be in fit and fighting shape before you know it.


CASPER: I think that adding so much magic to our lives takes a lot of energy out of our Queen here.

Ginevra comes back from the kitchen.


GINEVRA: She's not tired, she's drunk. You should know better than to expect her to keep up with you drinking, Mr. Colin. Le gambe sono come gli scovolini ed entrambe devono essere anch'esse cave.[52]


MAEVE: I'm not drunk.


GINEVRA: Sei più ubriaco dei miei zii intorno al vin brulé di Natale, piccola. Va tutto bene, solo non dire che non te l'avevo detto domani.[53]


IAN: No, that's true, you're well past drunk. Which is all the more reason we should all be done. If only for the night.


COLIN: Well dang, what we goin' do now? Don't tell me you done for the night, darling. Not so close to the finish line here!


MAEVE: And not done, Colin, would I leave you behind? What counts as the finish line, sweetheart?


IAN: How about you let me enjoy my reprieve for once? Find something on the television, I don't know.


CASPER: If you'd like, but if everyone is getting heavy-eyed and needs to hit the hay I won't take offense if you ask me to head on my way. I hardly expect everyone to stay awake as late as I do, I am a bit of a night owl... or day owl...? You would think I would have gotten used to day for night metaphors by now. I did have a fine time, one way or another.


MAEVE: Daybird. That's what my sire used to call me, anyway.


CASPER: A proper Hamingja, trying to catch a glimpse of the sun, I know the feeling...


GINEVRA: That's a good idea, Mr. Iversson. I can go get her in bed if you all want to... hang out.


IAN: I'll have to head to bed before too long myself, but I'll do what I can to keep her from sleeping on the floor.

He kisses the top of Maeve's head.


IAN: For as much as that seems inevitable.


GINEVRA: If she gets away from you and ends up on the floor, I'll move her.

Maeve giggles.


MAEVE: You make it sound as though I like sleeping on the floor. I only do that when I have a good reason. You forget. It's much closer to me than it is to you, the floor. It's not as far a journey.


COLIN: Oh, I'll be up for a good while still, don't'chu worry 'bout that none. And o'course you wouldn't, girl! Wouldn't even think it. It's him what's the problem.

He nods at Ian.


COLIN: No surprise. Finish line's sun-up, same as always. I'm goin' win, but that don't mean everybody else shouldn't try.

Maeve huffs.


MAEVE: Oh, you think so, do you? I outlast you all the time. Sleepyhead.


COLIN: Aye, is that so? For that, I think, you're gettin' a mustache.

He reaches out and traces her upper lip.


COLIN: One'a them nice curly ones, yeah? It'll be your best look yet.

Maeve giggles.


MAEVE: That's unfair. What about you? Curls? You'd look too sweet in curls. Hair down to your toes, that's what. See how you like it for a change. You're lucky, dearest, that I'm pure of heart and I won't cheat just to see it.


GINEVRA: You're all wrong. I'm going to be up longer than any of you. Keep that in mind when you're deciding who passes out in the middle of the floor, please.


CASPER: Less you want some company Shaggy, we could let her Highness rest a spell, and we could find something to do to get rid of your restlessness? I owe you a story don't I?


MAEVE: Everyone is trying to get rid of me. I really must have done too much.


IAN: And don't be ridiculous. No one's trying to get rid of you. We're trying to take care of you.

He slumps in the chair and holds Maeve close.


IAN: Though yes, of course, you've done too much. You always do too much. It's part of your charm.

Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: You think I have charm, Ian?

She taps Ian's chest.


MAEVE: Poor man. Colin-a-run,[54] he's right, we've exhausted him into saying nice things to me. It really must be time to rest.


CASPER: Miss Maeve, the last thing anyone here wants is a lack of your company, I for one will stick around as long as you'll have me. So don't you for a second think we don't want you around.


COLIN: A good lord is hard t'find. Or so they say. But I say, the real trick is pickin' yourself.

He taps his own temple.


COLIN: Ain't nobody knows you better!


CASPER: I agree Shaggy, but when you know you just have to trust that feeling in your gut. Alla vill vara herrar, men ingen vill bära säcken.[55] - my mama used to say - uh... Everyone wants to be lords, but no one wants to carry the sack.

He shrugs and runs his hand through his hair.


CASPER: Sometimes that's all we can do, listen to our hjärta,[56] hope we chose the right path and follow the right people.


COLIN: Well, that's the whole point, ain't it? Folks ought t'just carry their own dang sacks. Cuz a gut's only as good as the brains what's attached. And the only thing worse'n payin' for your own mistakes is payin' for somebody else's. Throws the whole system off is what it does. Actions gotta have consequences, else the whole thing falls slap apart.


CASPER: Don't carry it all Shaggy. We are all each other's yokes. Better to help stand strong together than let someone fall under the weight.

Ian lifts his glass to Casper. Casper closes his eyes and laughs.


CASPER: I think I am still a little high...


GINEVRA: Well, it is getting late. Should I make up the den? It doesn't have an actual bed but the couch is decent-sized.


MAEVE: Oh, okay. She's right, the couch is very big, it might fit... most of you.


CASPER: At least half.


COLIN: I got some blankets in my room you can use. They're good'n soft. Might as well curl up on a cloud. Or, shoot. You can just go on'n use my bed if ya want. I ain't goin' need it after all.


IAN: I'm sure Mr. Iversson would rather sleep in his own bed. Leave the man a little dignity, hm?


CASPER: You really don't have to go to all that trouble for me - Kross is right I can just head down when we call it a night, I am sure I can handle a few stairs...


GINEVRA: All right, sir.


MAEVE: All right, then. I certainly don't want to make anyone sleep anywhere they don't want to.


CASPER: It's not that I wouldn't want to stay. Plus you kindly gave me my home Maeve, what kind of ungrateful man would I be to chose to sleep on a sofa instead?


MAEVE: I just helped a little.


CASPER: Each man tells a story their own way. What makes our stories so different from books.


COLIN: And that's true enough, son. True enough. Ain't two people see things the same way. Hero in one story can be the villain in another, easy as fallin' off'a log. Just depends on where ya stand'n how ya squint.


GINEVRA: Yeah, but just seeing something one way doesn't mean it is that way. Somebody thinking someone is a hero doesn't actually make them one. Stories aren't always accurate.


COLIN: Oh, but stories ain't meant t'be accurate, girl! Not at all. That ain't the way it bends.


MAEVE: Sometimes someone is the hero and the villain in the same story at once.

She nestles into Ian's chest. Ian pets her hair. She taps Ian's chin.


MAEVE: Shall we put you to bed, then? Unless you want to sleep on the floor. But then where will we all walk?

Colin laughs.


COLIN: You sure that boy didn't drop you on your head?

He sits up.


COLIN: I don't know if we should let him sleep, darling. He could have a concussion. We wouldn't want him to get brain damage or nothing. He ain't got that much t'spare.


IAN: Yes, I'm quite unfortunate. How sad for you then that I still have more sense than the both of you combined.

He hugs Maeve close.


IAN: I need to sleep. We all need to sleep. Preferably in our own beds. You know, like normal people. Everyone lives in the same damn building, you can bother him more tomorrow.

Maeve wriggles upright and carefully touches Ian's head.


MAEVE: I don't know how to tell. Poor love. Your poor head. How many of me do you see? Maybe he's right. Maybe we should keep you awake.


IAN: One. Which is more than enough, thank you.

He leans into her hand.


IAN: Though that's a thought for later.

Maeve strokes his cheek.


MAEVE: Later you'll be asleep.

She pets Ian's injuries.


MAEVE: That's right, none of you have to get rid of me. You'll all just... go away.


CASPER: Maeve... I am not going away, you know exactly where to find me - just a few stairs. All the same I'll stay as long as I can fight off the sun. Then, there will be a whole nother tomorrow to see one another and play tricks on who is what size.


MAEVE: No more tricks, Casper, I've promised. Colin will come and tell us a story instead...


CASPER: Me tricked? I am glad I chose to follow you, I got to be a proper giant for an evening. Who else can say that?


MAEVE: You're always a giant--


CASPER: Always? That sure explains my trouble with low set doors...


MAEVE: --and you always make too much of me, Casper. It's very nice of you to pretend I never do anything wrong. You'd think I was someone out of a story, to hear you talk.

Ian rests his cheek on the top of Maeve's head.


IAN: To be fair, he's only known you a few months. Give him time.


MAEVE: Yes, I'm sure it can't be too long.

Casper growls and grips the arms of the chair until they crack. He glares at Ian, then turns to Ginevra.


CASPER: A Paris, ils nous ont toujours dit que les Britanniques n'avaient aucun tact, visiblement ils ont dû se tromper.[57]


GINEVRA: Vous devriez l'entendre quand quelqu'un lui dit qu'il ne peut pas entrer quelque part.[58]

She clears her throat.


GINEVRA: Pas que j'en sache grand-chose, monsieur.[59]


COLIN: Merde, tu devrais entendre ce qu'on dit en Irlande.[60]


GINEVRA: Oh oui?[61]

Ginevra refills Casper's glass from the whiskey bottle.


MAEVE: I see he's still being polite for now, though. That's how you know he's a nice person.

Ian chuckles.


IAN: That's one word for it.


CASPER: If I outlast you do I get a story out if you? I imagine you have thousands!


COLIN: Tens'a thousands, at least. But you won't get'a one if you waitin' for me t'sleep. Might as well start lookin' for the sun t'rise in the West. You right, though, girl. I wouldn't risk it. Ain't like he's got his looks t'fall back on, after all.


MAEVE: Yes, so you say, and you'd know. It is the west, and Colin our hero the sun--

She giggles.


MAEVE: You can tell it's in the west. It's the hat, you see.


GINEVRA: Can you do that? Stay awake later?


MAEVE: If you try very hard, sometimes.


COLIN: And I reckon it depends. In general, young folks tend t'be able to stay up longer'n older ones, on account'a babes not brushin' up so close to the beast and all. But with some folks, it don't right matter. I don't sleep much, don't matter what time'a day it is.

He jerks a thumb at Ian.


COLIN: This one's been goin' stone cold soon as the birds start tweetin' since forever. So you really can't never tell.


GINEVRA: Figures.

She puts her feet up under the coffee table.


IAN: Colin. Just because I'm sensible and go to bed when I should doesn't mean I can't stay up when I need to.


MAEVE: That's not quite right. He used to sleep more. You don't sleep so soon now, right? I remember. You used to fall asleep so early.


COLIN: I got plenty'a stories, though. More'n plenty. Since ain't nobody stayin' up later'n me, I'll accept trade'n kind.


CASPER: Swapping tall tales it is then! What do you have for us tonight Beowulf?!

He claps his hands.


CASPER: And Kross, surely you have some tales to tell, if you feel the tug of the day would you like to share first?


COLIN: That's a real good idea, Casper. All right, Ian's first.


IAN: I'm good, actually. Like I said, I only have so many stories. Best to be sparing.


COLIN: Course he went t'sleep earlier before. Boy was half-wild. That's what happens, man ain't got'a code. That don't count as no story, though, don't'chu think it does. Naw, a story's gotta have excitement'n suspense'n a Hero with all the odds stacked against 'em. Don't forget. It ain't got them things, can't even right call it a story, now can you?


IAN: Never said it did. And yes, I... I believe I did go to sleep a bit earlier. There at the end. I hope it's not too awful. Seeing a bit more of me.


MAEVE: I love seeing a bit more of you. Not so awful.


IAN: Good. Though of course, you're free to send me to bed early whenever you need.

Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: I'll bear it in mind.


IAN: And dammit, Colin. I already said I don't know any good stories. Let alone stories that meet your ridiculous standards. You know what, fine. I've got one.

He moves Maeve and refills his glass of scotch.


IAN: You want a hero. I'll give you one. Audie Fucking Murphy.

He tips his glass at Colin.


IAN: All right. It's winter, 1945. Audie Murphy's stationed in North-East France with a troop of maybe forty men under his command. Imagine it. Middle of nowhere, snow and ice for miles around, and here's Audie. Barely nineteen years old and no bigger than my damn pinkie finger. No really. Really. He maybe would have been of a height with Ginevra with his boots on. Absolutely tiny lad. Anyway, he's been ordered to hold this road until reinforcements arrive except... they never do. The men are exhausted and hungry and damn sick of snow, I can tell you that, with no hope of relief. And that's when they hear artillery fire. Nearly three hundred Germans step out of the woods in the distance, fresh from the reserve with six tanks, six, to round it out. So what does Audie do? He orders his men to retreat to their defensive positions while he stays behind to radio in an artillery strike. He's barely had time to give his coordinates before the first German tank opens fire. He survives, but their tank destroyer is hit and just immediately goes up in flames. His men fire from the rear which holds the Germans off for a moment, but not nearly long enough.

He pauses to drink.


IAN: Audie empties his own clip, grabs the field radio, and dashes for the tank destroyer, fire be damned. The machine gun turret still works, you see, and in no time he's beaten the advancing line back. They can't see through the smoke and the flames to return fire. And all the while, he’s calling in positions and the Allies are raining artillery shells from the sky, just bloody-well decimating the Germans. But they keep coming. A small squad tries to cut him off from the side, so he quits the turret and kills the lot of them with his side arm. His position even gets hit by a tank, he nearly loses his leg to shrapnel, and the only reason he stops? The only reason? The bastard runs out of bullets.

He chuckles and shakes his head.


IAN: He pulls back to join his men after holding that road, by himself, for over an hour. He single-handedly killed over fifty men and who knows however many more with the airstrikes he directed. And after all that, he still refuses to let himself be evacuated. No. He rallies his men and they send the last of those Germans scampering right back over that field. That’s a damn hero. No magic tricks required.

Colin whistles.


MAEVE: Magic tricks don't help for that sort of thing.


COLIN: Well ain't that something! Now, I don't know if I'd go so far as t'say it's not magic, seeing as how some things carry in the blood. Not that you'd understand. But shoot. You tellin' me that this fella did all'a that all by his lonesome?

Ian finishes his drink.


IAN: That's not the point at all. Audie Murphy didn't win the damn war, thank you. He spent the rest of it doing a Goddamn press tour as America's token war hero. No, the war was won by blokes standing side by side in the rain and the snow scared for their damn lives, every one of them fighting for the man next to him. That's what wins wars. It just doesn't make for a good story.


COLIN: Yeah and if it won't for folks followin' after fools there wouldn't be no wars anyhow. Ain't no side by side nothing. Ya got one fella too yella t'do the killin' himself and another fella too yella t'do it of his own accord. Cowards ain't heroes, Ian.


MAEVE: No stories about people dying are good stories. That's what all stories about wars are, when you come down to it. Just stories about people dying. Never coming back.


IAN: And I told you I don't have that many stories. If war stories are out, what's left? Anecdotes? Can you imagine? You wouldn't last a fortnight. You'd be... You'd be bored to tears.


MAEVE: Maybe I like being bored. Perhaps I am always in pursuit of boredom.


IAN: Well then, my dear, you are in luck. Though if boredom is what you're after, I have to say you're fairly awful at it. Just absolute failure, all around.

He chuckles and kisses her temple.


MAEVE: I know I am. That's what I need you for, my love.


IAN: Least you can admit your failings.

Casper twitches and makes a face.


CASPER: The man's bravery sounds worthy of a story and then some!


IAN: Oh, that's the funny part! They made a film about him not long after the war. He even starred in it, as himself. But they had to change parts of his story because the producers didn't think anyone would believe the truth.


MAEVE: That's always true. The truth is always stranger than the story, isn't it? Stories are... they have to be sensible. Or no one would believe them. And then if someone finds out the truth, they'll say, that's ridiculous, and then the story might as well be the truth. Since everybody agrees on it. Ask Pieter, he'll tell you all about it. It's his favorite thing to talk about.


GINEVRA: Exactly, stories are supposed to be believable.

Ginevra looks up the movie on her phone.


COLIN: Stories ain't got nothin' t'do with reality. Reality, now, sometimes that's got a thing or two t'do with stories. Just like Pete says.

He nods at Maeve.


GINEVRA: Well, I guess you can write... fantasy, or whatever, wish fulfillment stuff. That can be as unlikely as you want. But no, she's right. Most things worth reading have to be believable. If it's not true, whatever, but there's no point if you can't, that thing. Suspend disbelief.


MAEVE: Will you go next, Casper, or do you think you can pry a story out of Colin instead?


IAN: I vote Iversson goes next. I've already heard all of your stories, Col. Let someone else have a go.


CASPER: I DID promise troll stories did I not?

He hums.


CASPER: You see there are the big famous troll stories, filled with recognizable names, then there are my favorites - the regional ones told from half blind grandmothers to wide eyed children. They are meant to answer childlike questions, like what's that rock? How did that get there? Back in the day, giant troll would stand guard over rural villages, farmers would leave gifts and offerings at their stony feet in the day and in the morning they would he gone. Two of these villages, each on the other side of an impassable ravine had guardians of sorts. Hilda and Braun. Hilda was known for being particularly fond of onions while Braun liked turnips the best. Each village distrusted the other, able to hear their unfamilliar music during festivities, smell their strange foods over the wind, and see the smoke and lights if one squinted just right at night. The villages grew suspicious of each other and each of the village elders gave great offerings to their stone protectors asking that they find out just what the other village was up to. By the light of the moon the trolls did awake and moved by the offerings went to the ravine to use their great size to peer at the other side only to find one another. Familiar but strange.

He mimics a deep, strange voice. Ian nods off several times throughout the story.


CASPER: Who are you? Hilda asked, curious of the other troll. I'm Braun. He asked simply as was his way. The two swapped stories of their villages finding quickly they shared much in common. Even across the ravine. They would soon meet each night when they moon allowed them to move. Sharing onions and turnips back and forth until it was clear they were desperately in love. They attempted to kiss, reaching across the ravine but never able to hold for longer than a second, their muscles unable to stretch for too long the great distance. Until one night Hilda asked Braun, before you leave my heart, kiss me as the sun rises, so I may hold you all day. The villagers the next morning were stunned to find a rocky odd shaped bridge in the morning allowing them to finally cross and meet. They became swift friends and allies. Trading onions and turnips. If you squint at that landbrigde to this day you can see the distinct impression of two faces meeting in the centre, in a rocky embrace.

He rubs his neck.


CASPER: It's probably more amusing in the original Swedish...


GINEVRA: Wouldn't be much more amusing if we couldn't understand it.


IAN: I like that.


MAEVE: Casper's story is sweeter, but dying for love is just as sad as dying for war, in the end. Besides, you know my feelings about trolls.


COLIN: Death's always part'a the story. Even when it's not. Especially when it's not. 'sides, only thing sadder'n dyin' for love or dying for war is dyin' for nothing at all, eh?


MAEVE: Not all of them. I don't know what that means, mo chroi.[62] But I suppose so. Dying for nothing is saddest of all.

Ginevra takes Casper's glass and finishes his drink.


GINEVRA: Nobody is dying.


IAN: They didn't die. Did they?


CASPER: Of course they didnt die! That's not how trolls work. The whole point was they come back every night forever and embrace until the night sky returns them to their flesh and blood form. Like Kindred, they sleep like stone during the day. It was always one of my favorites because somehow eternal love was sprouted all because of mutual admiration of root vegetables.

He chuckles.


IAN: No. They didn't die. Don't be maudlin.

He kisses Maeve's cheek.


MAEVE: Yes, sir.


GINEVRA: See? That's not how trolls work. Apparently.


COLIN: Nah, that ain't how trolls work at all. Like I said, stories'n truth ain't got all that much t'do with one another.


MAEVE: Oh. You make it sound so storybook, Casper.


CASPER: Someone needs to believe in storybooks. Otherwise it's just grim. I for one, don't wish to live in the darkness.


GINEVRA: Storybook is always doable. It just takes a little elbow grease Mr. Colin is already on it, apparently.


MAEVE: Both fine stories, though. Now what do we do, now that they've paid up? It's down to you and me to settle, and neither of us is paying until we know who's won, are we? I hope you don't think you can bully me into giving up and letting you win. You'll have to show me on a stopwatch, you will.


COLIN: You want me t'sing you a lullaby, álainn?[63] Warm some milk? You just fightin' the inevitable here.


GINEVRA: No milk, but that's a good idea, we should make something warm some time. Like mulled cider or wine or something.


MAEVE: Yes, actually! You tease, but it's your turn, isn't it? Sing for me, my lovely boy, and Ginevra will... will mull something for us.


IAN: That's a good idea. I haven't had mulled wine in ages.


MAEVE: Me, neither. I would love to have mulled wine again.


GINEVRA: I'll mull you something, but not tonight, babe. I don't have the stuff and if I went out now you might fall asleep before I got back. I'll make a big batch.


COLIN: You tell me what sorts'a things you need'n I can grab 'em next I'm out. Might as well make myself useful.


GINEVRA: Okay, thanks. I'll make you a list.


IAN: Why does every night have to end with someone singing? Why can't we all just be sensible for once? Take a shower, put on pajamas, go to bed at a decent hour. You know, for a lark.


CASPER: Careful what you wish for my friend, Larks sing too.


MAEVE: Only in the wild. If you keep larks as pets, they stop.


CASPER: I will always leave my window open then.


IAN: Then you're just out a lark, aren't you? It's gone and flown off, hasn't it?


COLIN: Larks sing when they're flyin'. Other birds don't do that, ya know. But I don't reckon any critter likes a cage. It ain't natural. Only folks is as foolish as all that.


MAEVE: Oh, I didn't know that. That's lovely.

Maeve kisses Ian's chin.


MAEVE: Oh, please, don't discourage him. Won't you let me have a little fun? I've been good for, oh... twenty minutes, at least. Let him. No one ever sings to me anymore, you know.

She sighs.


MAEVE: Besides, listen to him. He thinks he's going to send me away on moonbeams. He thinks he's winning.


COLIN: A'Course I'm winning, girl-mine. It's only you that can't see it.


MAEVE: It's my fault. He can't abide any more singing. Poor Ian. Never a moment of peace and quiet.

Ian sighs.


IAN: True, twenty minutes is a record. It deserves some sort of reward.


COLIN: 'sides, you'd be up the wall in no time flat we gave in t'all that fussin'.

He puts his feet up on the coffee table.


COLIN: Like you ever wanted anything sensible in your life. All right, settle in now, everybody. Get nice'n comfy cozy'n ready t'drift off t'dream land.


IAN: Everything I do is sensible. Ask anyone.

Colin taps his foot and closes his eyes as he sings a love song. Ian holds Maeve close and nods off again. Maeve closes her eyes. Ginevra leans against the arm of her chair. When Colin finishes, he waits for a moment and then opens his eyes and smokes more.


COLIN: You sleep yet, girl?


GINEVRA: That was great, Mr. Colin.


COLIN: Thank ya, kindly, Miss Ginevra, that's nice'a you t'say.


GINEVRA: You're welcome, sir.

Maeve opens her eyes.


MAEVE: Not so easily, love-my-heart. But look who you have sent off. You're better than I am, you are, Colin. I could never put these great creatures to sleep.


COLIN: Like that's difficult. He's got himself a teddy bear and everything.

Ginevra snorts. Colin hums and snubs out his cigarette in the ashtray. Casper claps Colin on the knee.


MAEVE: Ah, only half better. Hello, Casper.


CASPER: Hello, hjärta.[64]


MAEVE: I thought you were asleep for a moment, too.


CASPER: Not even close, just drunk I think... I am not used to drinking so much outside of the Home. But I am not in the habit in saying no to a drink offered.

He shrugs. Ian stirs.


IAN: Pigeons come back, right? They do. Just get a pigeon. Larks do taste better though, far as grouse goes.

He nods off again. Maeve coos.


MAEVE: I thought you were gone.

She pets Ian's hair.


MAEVE: It's all right. Go on. You don't have to stay awake and police us. We'll be good.


CASPER: Bird hunting? Goodness, you really were a rich man. There a painting of you hunting foxes out there somewhere I bet.

Maeve giggles.


MAEVE: Rich as an earl, apparently.


COLIN: Naw, rich as a Marquess. You gotta get it right. You know how he gets.

Ginevra rolls her eyes.


GINEVRA: Yeah, I'm sure that makes a big difference in income.


MAEVE: Oh, of course, my mistake. Shame on me, trying to undersell him like that. Imagine how much trouble I'd be in if he could hear me.

She winks at Colin.


CASPER: Earl? That's like a Jarl?


MAEVE: I don't know! I'm sorry, I don't know all the northern titles. I don't think I learnt the older ones. But I know the rest! An earl is a peer of the realm, one of the noble titles. They own a county and help represent it in... all the representing that goes on. It's higher than a viscount or a baron, but lower than a marquess or a duke. And above the dukes are just the royalty. Unless the dukes are royalty. They are sometimes.


COLIN: Back in the day, an earl and'a jarl was close to the same thing. Earls was Anglo-Saxon chieftains back before the Normans came sailin' over, but after that, they bent the knee and ruled in the King's name. They'd call that a duke up in your parts, Casper. There's plenty'a earls these days, I reckon. Not as many marquesses. They's just like earls, 'cept they rule one'a them border counties, so they get to be more important on account'a havin' like a military position defending the kingdom from all them savages.


MAEVE: Ah, that makes sense, then. Defender of the march.


CASPER: Inherited titles can just stay in the past as far as I am concerned. No one should just inherit that much wealth or power because of their heritage. Too much money. Power. Spoils people rotten.


COLIN: Don't nobody need that much shit anyhow, pardon my French. Don't matter if you born to it or stumble up on it, power always corrupts. It's the nature'a the thing.

Casper grumbles.


CASPER: I had a dog when I was a boy. Felix. Like the cat? Because they were both black. He seemed to enjoy our home. Dogs must be special like that, loving us despite all our faults.


COLIN: Yeah, you put a dog in a cage long enough, see if it ain't a wolf comes walkin' back out. Shoot, you talkin' Felix the cat! I seen them pictures! That boy got in some situations, didn't he?


CASPER: Yes! The cat! My Ma used to take me to the pictures and we'd watch them before the film.


MAEVE: I used to have a dog.


COLIN: You know I don't think I ever did have a dog. Ain't that funny!


GINEVRA: Yeah, dogs are great. My parents have dogs, too. You can't go wrong with dogs, they just want to hang out with you and have a good time. And they're pretty obedient as long as you train them early. Lots of upkeep, though.


CASPER: I know! One of the biggest tragedies of the embrace is dogs don't like you anymore - not without ghouling them...which hardly seems fair since they don't get to chose yes or no... You should get one. They are golden.

Ginevra sighs.


GINEVRA: Dogs have to be walked, Mr. Iversson, and they need someone to spend time with them. I don't really have time for dog ownership, sad to say. Someday in the future, maybe.


COLIN: Oh, dogs ain't that much trouble, you pick the right one! All's you gotta do is rub their bellies'n maybe give 'em some'a those little red'n brown treats what smell like gravy'n carrots'n the like. Those are real good.

Ian stirs and cuddles into Maeve.


IAN: Hm? What - what time it is?


GINEVRA: About six.

Ian pats at his pockets, then groans. Maeve squeaks as he moves her to the floor and leans against him as he stands up. Casper also stands up quickly. Maeve giggles and shakes her head at Casper.


IAN: All right. It's bedtime. Everybody--


MAEVE: Not everyone is sleepy yet, you great big killjoy.


COLIN: I ain't even close t'tired.

Ian yawns.


IAN: Everybody say goodnight. It was fun. Night, Ginevra. Iversson. It's bedtime. Come on. I'm not sleeping out here.


MAEVE: Poor Ian. All right, I suppose it is late.


GINEVRA: Good night, Mr. Kross, Mr. Colin. Tornerò a fare il check-in più tardi, tesoro.[65]


MAEVE: Va bene! Sarò sveglio, poiché sarò sveglio per ultimo. E tu puoi... puoi aiutarmi a prepararmi per andare a letto.[66]


CASPER: Can I help you clean up before I head out, Miss Bianchi? I have hours yet before I will be able to fall asleep unlike these quitters.


GINEVRA: No, sir, that's not necessary. Can I help you get downstairs or anything?

Casper rolls his eyes.


CASPER: You're a champion.


MAEVE: You don't need to do work up here, Casper. You should rest, too!


CASPER: I never need to rest. Resting is for quitters.

He winks at Maeve.


MAEVE: And don't you call me a quitter. I'll still win. Good night, Casper.

She hugs Casper.


CASPER: Good evening, Miss Glastig.


COLIN: Why we gotta go t'bed just cuz you givin' up already? You need us t'tuck you in or something? I already sang you a dang lullaby, child, put your own self t'sleep.

Ian stumbles to the couch and grabs Colin's arm, pulling him to his feet.


COLIN: Hey, now! Don't be grabbin' on me! What'chu doing? What's wrong with you?


IAN: It's six in the damn morning, you're lucky I don't you tie you to the bed, you mad bastard.

He turns around and scoops Maeve off her feet with his other arm. She squeals.


COLIN: You see this boy manhandlin' me? It's disrespectful is what it is.


MAEVE: I see him. All hands!


IAN: What part of bed and now don't you understand? Call me a child, I know what a bedtime is. Ridiculous.


CASPER: See you all later, pleasant dreams.


MAEVE: Night!

Casper goes to the coat closet and retrieves his coat. He leaves the apartment and goes downstairs to his own, closing the door behind him.


MAEVE: Oh, careful, Ian, you'll drop us all!


COLIN: You fall on us, we all dead, careful where you steppin'.

Ian carries Colin and Maeve to the bedroom.


MAEVE: I was just saying good night, you despot. Colin, he's going to roll us all into bed clothes and all!


IAN: Yeah, yeah, I'm a bloody tyrant, I know.


COLIN: He ain't goin' do no such thing, girl, don't you worry. He ain't goin' no much'a nothing here shortly 'cept saw logs'n leave us to entertain ourselves. You want us in here, bored, while you slip off t'dreamland all weak'n defenseless like a newborn babe, I reckon that's fine by me.


MAEVE: Must be he just can't help himself, my love. Remember, he thinks we want to be bored--


IAN: I want you to go to bed like a normal person, that's what I want.

He pushes Colin toward the bed and tosses Maeve into it. Maeve squeals.


IAN: There. Behave already.

Maeve sits up. Colin giggles.


MAEVE: I have behaved very nicely.


COLIN: Maybe he don't know what misbehavin' looks like. Maybe that's the problem.

Ian falls into the bed and kicks off his shoes. Colin dodges him. Maeve squeaks and scrambles out of the way. Ian fumbles with the buttons on his shirt and Maeve laughs.


IAN: Look, see, everything's going to be wrinkled now.

He closes his eyes. Colin shakes his head. Maeve crawls across the bed to help unbutton Ian's shirt.


MAEVE: It's all right, silly. It'll unwrinkle.

She tries to pull the shirt off but fails and laughs. Ian grabs her, pulling her into his arms.


MAEVE: Bhidse.[67] Should have seen that coming, shouldn't I.

Colin and Maeve both laugh.


COLIN: Darling, no! He got you! He's goin' drag you right down with him. Which a'course would mean I win.

He sits up against the headboard and leans his face in his hands.


MAEVE: Not fair, he cheated on your behalf.


COLIN: I reckon you're real lucky I love you more'n I love winning, huh? Now you just mind your head, girl.

He lies down next to Ian and blows in his ear. Ian sputters and flails. Maeve rolls away and Colin helps pull her out of Ian's arms. Ian sits up. Maeve cuddles Colin.


COLIN: Take off your shirt, dummy. It'll wrinkle.

Ian pulls his shirt off and throws it on the floor.


IAN: Go to sleep.


MAEVE: You're a fair man and true. Don't you count me out yet, my--

Ian lies back down, then rolls over and grabs Colin, pulling him into his arms. Colin squeals. Maeve rolls away and laughs as Ian falls asleep.


MAEVE: Oh, no.

She crawls back over to them, still laughing.


COLIN: And so falls poor Icarus.

He rests his forehead against Ian's.


MAEVE: Poor Ian, he's gone. Poor Ian.

She brushes Ian's hair away from his face.


MAEVE: And poor you! And me with no skill at all in rescue.

She crawls across both of them and then cuddles against Colin on the opposite side.


MAEVE: There, fair now. I'm an honorable woman, too. We'll just have to be very quiet like little mice while we wait to see who wins, won't we?


COLIN: Won't hear nobody say otherwise, darling.

He worms an arm free and reaches back to pull her closer.


COLIN: Though I wouldn't call this right fair.

Colin buries his face in Ian's neck. Maeve falls asleep and Colin remains in bed for a while after.


  1. "my love" (Irish Gaelic)
  2. I guess his Lordship can't collect horses anymore, or whatever he used to do. (Italian)
  3. Here, babe. (Italian)
  4. Wait. (Italian)
  5. Can you imagine, a dozen of him? We are living in the wrong country. (Italian)
  6. I'll buy the plane tickets if you promise to send me all the pictures of your Scandinavian cruise. It'll have to have at least three scandals, or it wouldn't even be worth it, though. (Italian)
  7. "sun" (Irish Gaelic)
  8. "long-beard" (Old Norse)
  9. "long-beard" (Old English)
  10. God gone boating. (Italian)
  11. And the saints chasing ducks. (Italian)
  12. "butterfly" (Italian)
  13. "angel" (Italian)
  14. "you long-legged meatball" (Italian)
  15. "treasure" (Irish Gaelic)
  16. We'll have to drag our heels to give them a chance. (Swedish)
  17. Come on, sweetheart. (Italian)
  18. It was chaos. (Italian)
  19. You have the blood of Medb of Connacht in your veins. (Irish Gaelic)
  20. Don't you know when someone is shooing you out of the room? (Italian)
  21. I don't know why he'd bother. The saying isn't "five's a crowd." (Italian)
  22. "Colin-my-love" (Irish Gaelic)
  23. "queen" (Old Norse)
  24. "your Highness" (French)
  25. What a definition of royalty they must have where you come from, Casper. Ah, but you'd know, I forgot! (French)
  26. "sun" (Irish Gaelic)
  27. "thoroughly mixed"; colloquially, a cake sweetened with honey and served on Rosh Hashanah. (Yiddish)
  28. "love of my heart" (Irish Gaelic)
  29. Jesus, Mary, the holy Infant, and the bordello. (Italian)
  30. "comrade" or "friend" (Irish Gaelic)
  31. "my love" (Irish Gaelic)
  32. Jesus Christ Almighty and every holy saint. (Italian)
  33. Darling, I'm so sorry, I would do you, too. But I can't, I'm... (Italian)
  34. You're not making ME blue or gigantic. (Italian)
  35. May I eat something, please? (Italian)
  36. Of course. Of course! Come on, let's go get you something to eat, babe, you're out here letting these guys run you around after you had to go to Limbo tonight, for God's sake. Shoo, come on, I've got you. (Italian)
  37. When I catch you I will toss you in a pot and make stew! (Old Norse)
  38. Slow down, sweetheart, you'll trip me. (Italian)
  39. "queen" (Old Norse)
  40. Hello there my [queen], don't mind us, we're just sorting out who owns what bridge. (French)
  41. Pardon me, I am being called away, we'll have to finish this conversation later. (French)
  42. "fool" (Irish Gaelic)
  43. "sun of my heart" (Irish Gaelic)
  44. "hill people"; colloqiually, "fairy folk". (Irish Gaelic)
  45. Saints preserve us. She's coming for me next, I can feel it. (Italian)
  46. "love at first sight, my dear" (Italian)
  47. "dear" (Italian)
  48. Or something better, my favorite one? (Italian)
  49. Babe, that poor man would be dead on arrival and you know it. (Italian)
  50. Oh, god, honey, stay there. (Italian)
  51. When the wine is in, the sense is out. (Irish Gaelic)
  52. Legs like pipe cleaners and they both have to be hollow, too. (Italian)
  53. You're more drunk than my uncles around the Christmas mulled wine, babe. It's okay, just don't say I didn't tell you so tomorrow. (Italian)
  54. "Colin-my-love" (Irish Gaelic)
  55. Everyone wants to be a gentleman, but no one wants to carry the sack. (Swedish)
  56. "heart" (Swedish)
  57. In Paris, they always told us that the British had no tact at all, clearly they must have been mistaken. (French)
  58. You should hear him when somebody tells him he can't go in somewhere. (French)
  59. Not that I know much about any of that, sir. (French)
  60. Shit, you should hear what we say in Ireland. (French)
  61. Oh, yeah? (French)
  62. "my heart" (Irish Gaelic)
  63. "beautiful" (Irish Gaelic)
  64. "heart" (Swedish)
  65. I'll be back to check in later, sweetie. (Italian)
  66. Okay! I'll be awake, since I will be awake last. And you can... you can help me get ready for bed. (Italian)
  67. Damn. (Irish Gaelic)


  • This scene features eight different languages in its dialogue: English, French, Irish Gaelic, Italian, Old English, Old Norse, Swedish, and Yiddish.

  • Maeve's repeated references to Colin's "night" refer to him guest starring with her at Limbo to great acclaim earlier in Be of Good Cheer.

  • Ginevra's repeated discomfort at her enjoyment of Maeve's gestures of affection is due to being bloodbound to her, which is interfering with her sexual orientation.

  • Casper's unnamed but semi-famous musician father is Werner Lindholm; his storied mother is Hanna Lindholm.

  • The "trouble" Ian refers to at Limbo is Chas Voyager attempting to kiss Maeve, although she does not recognize the reference.

  • Casper is confused by supposed siblings Colin and Maeve being so affectionate with one another, something he sees as sexual; he is unaware that they are not actually related.

  • The steamier Limbo performance Casper refers to in passing is seen in In Want Of.

  • Colin and Maeve refer to going to the crossroads to win a guitar; they are riffing on the folk legend of a musician selling their soul to gain musical talent, a common southern American legend made most famous by Robert Johnson. Maeve's question about whether that is really guitars refers to the fact that the most common variant of the legend involves gaining skill at the violin (although guitars are also a frequent variation).

  • Colin jokes that Ginevra would need fourteen Swedes to make a rugby team; although he doesn't know it, Casper has exactly fourteen broodmates in the House of Ivar.

  • Casper's mention that his father marrying a Jewish woman was unpopular after 1930 refers to the rising antisemitic sentiment in Europe, eventually culminating in the Holocaust.

  • Colin's references to his "lady" refer to Lady Luck, a folkloric personification of good fortune. Colin has the Luck Merit.

  • Ian's mention of "Mr. Darcy" refers to Fitzwilliam Darcy, one of the main characters of Jane Austen's 1813 novel Pride and Prejudice.

  • Ian's negative reaction to Casper's story about his childhood is due to him having similarly lived in poverty with his wife Rebecca Crosswell after being disowned by his family.

  • Maeve is incorrect in her assumption that Colin does not speak Swedish; he is a natural linguist and speaks most Germanic languages fluently.

  • Maeve's joke about her accents refers to the Italian accent she uses when in her Maria Lilicentra mortal persona; in the Chicago Chronicle, Ian was vocal about his dislike of it.

  • Ginevra accuses Maeve of sounding like a Lombard, causing significant confusion; she means someone from the Italian province of Lombardy, where Maeve's House's base of Milan is located, but Casper misunderstands it as a reference to the famous Hollywood actress Carole Lombard, and Colin misunderstands it as a reference to the ethnic group the Lombards, a group of Vikings who settled in northern Italy in the sixth century.

  • Colin's subsequent joke of giving Maeve a beard is based on this, since the name of the Lombard ethnic group translates to "long-beards".

  • Casper compares his own laugh to that of a character from a Ptushko film; Aleksandr Ptushko was a famous Russian film director in the early 20th century and is often referred to as the "Soviet Walt Disney".

  • Casper's labeling of Colin and Ginevra as "thought" and "memory" refers to the twin ravens with those names (Huginn and Muninn) who are said to accompany the Norse god Odin; one represents knowledge and wisdom while the other represents memory and experience. Casper is a follower of the ancient Norse religion, and his sire Ivar Ragnarsson has delusions of being Odin himself.

  • Colin's passing reference to Maeve not knowing her own history refers to her failure in Be of Good Cheer to recognize the legend of Irish mythological heroine Étaín.

  • Maeve's suggestions for a new name for Colin are all intentionally overblown: Saint Sebastian is a martyred saint in Catholic folklore who was healed of mortal wounds by divine power, while Charlemagne is the famous European king who founded the Holy Roman Empire and Solomon is an ancient Jewish king famous for great riches, supernatural power, and uncanny wisdom.

  • Colin thinks that Ginevra's suggestion of the name "Aldo" is similar to "Solomon"; Aldo means approximately "old and noble", a reasonable name for a wise king.

  • Colin suggests the name "Finn" for Casper; although Maeve misunderstands this as a reference to the Irish mythological warrior Finn MacCool, he more likely means the Frisian king Finn, who appears in the Norse epic poem Beowulf. Casper will moments later suggest naming Colin himself "Beowulf" after the poem's titular king.

  • Maeve objects to naming Colin after Beowulf, asking Casper not to send him off to fight dragons; although Beowulf defeats many supernatural enemies, his epic ends when he is killed by the poison from a dragon he slays.

  • Colin has a t-shirt featuring the bluegrass band The Whiskey Rebellion; the band is named after the real-life Whiskey Rebellion, a short-lived rebellion agains the United States government in the late 18th century in protest of the taxation of whiskey and similar liquors.

  • Maeve tells Ginevra not to give Ian the Kahlua since he has behaved himself tonight; she knows that Ian dislikes coffee-flavored liquors.

  • Although none of the characters recognize the yellow cyclopean creature on Colin's thermos, it is most likely a Minion, a character from the popular animtaed film franchise Despicable Me and its spin-offs.

  • Colin's mention of running out of "the good stuff" with Pieter Van Reise refers to having spent the night with him and various recreational substances the previous evening.

  • Andres refers to Colin as "the oddly attractive Trainspotting cowboy"; Trainspotting is a 1996 film about heroin addiction and Colin is both skinny and addicted to heroin (although Andres does not know this).

  • The scotch Casper provides for Ian is The Macallan brand and retails for approximately $250 - $500 per bottle, depending on the batch and variety.

  • The phrase Colin uses to mock Ian, "there's a sucker born every minute", is attributed to famous American showman and circus-owner P.T. Barnum, who frequently used hoaxes in his entertainment.

  • Casper's mention of Maeve's tastes in wine refers to their conversation in The Bearer of Bad Tidings.

  • Casper refers to marijuana by its slang name "Mary Jane"; he is unaware that this is actually Maeve's real name.

  • The "other band" Ginevra refers to is made up of Octavian Markham and Rob Amblin; the original band they replaced was composed of Jonathan Stewart and Sean Fallon. It is unclear whether their domitor Pieter Van Reise is aware that they are all different people.

  • Colin refers to Maeve as having the blood of "Medb of Connacht" in her veins; Medb is an Irish mythological queen from the Ulster Cycle, and the modern-day anglicization of her name is "Maeve".

  • The movie and its director that Colin references in his story about Vegas Vic are The Professionals and Lee Marvin.

  • Colin's suggestions for turning Maeve into a cowboy - teaching her to "rope'n ride", getting a "six-shooter", and "singing campfire songs" - are all references to the lyrics of Toby Keith's 1993 song "Should've Been a Cowboy." Colin recently sang the same song with Maeve in The Wild Frontier.

  • The pool hall Ian recalls Maeve being comfortable in is seen in Welcome to the Jungle.

  • Casper's thought that American roads are "no German highway" that Ian can drive on at maximum speed refers to the Autobahn, the German cross-country highway that famously has no speed limit.

  • The gun Maeve mentions Jimmy Francetti giving her is seen in Honey and Vinegar.

  • Maeve's internally embarrassed reaction to Ian asking if she has to drink everything she's given is due to her having recently drunk Casper's blood in Happier Things.

  • The world's biggest ball of yarn, discussed here by Casper and Colin, is located in Butte, Montana.

  • It is unclear which serial Casper saw someone go over Niagara Falls in a barrel in, but the stunt has been popular since the late nineteenth century; the first recorded person to go over the falls in a barrel and survive was Annie Edison Taylor in 1901.

  • The stars in the ground Colin and Casper refer to visiting are the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

  • Maeve is lying about not knowing how to play blackjack, although she is not good enough at that particular game to actually hustle anyone.

  • Casper refers to Maeve as a valkyrie; in the Norse religion he follows, valkyries are supernatural women who collect the dead from the battlefield and ensure they arrive in the afterlife.

  • The tea collection Casper mentions receiving from Jacque can be seen in Midnight Tea.

  • Casper's confusion over Colin mastering the guitar in a week is due to the fact that Colin's mental illness causes him to occasionally forget that he knows how; he was already a master guitarist when Casper started "teaching" him.

  • Maeve's joke about Casper looking woebegone without shoes refers to him showing up at her apartment shoeless in Catching Breath.

  • Several of Maeve's Irish endearments for Colin are used slightly incorrectly due to her only knowing a small, colloquial amount of the language.

  • All blackjack hands featured in this scene were generated live via online card programs.

  • Although everyone else assumes he is using pet names, Casper's use of "queen" and similar titles for Maeve refers to him having taken an oath of loyalty to her.

  • In spite of his protests, Ian really does sound like a toff; he was an English viscount in life and still speaks with an old-fashioned Received Pronunciation accent.

  • Casper's flashback to having drinks in a blue bar with Maeve recalls the events of Art and Artifice.

  • Ian's assertions that Colin has cheating in his blood and will take everyone's tin are negative stereotypes associated with Irish Travellers (of which Colin is one) that were especially popular during Ian's lifetime; in particular, Travellers were known for being master tinsmiths (although they were unfortunately also believed to all be thieves). Maeve's confusion is due to the fact that, being much younger and American, she has never heard this stereotype before.

  • Colin's reference to Ian having "too much Béarla blood" refers to him being English; béarla is an Irish term for Anglo-Saxon or English.

  • Colin's offhand thought that Maeve is mistaken for a fragile egg or bird due to confusion over her name is because the Old English word mauve means "seagull".

  • Casper's objection to wearing wigs is a reference to his conversation with Maeve in Nordic Fog.

  • Although Casper claims he has to excuse himself to make a business call, in reality he is drunk dialing Rosalina de Leon.

  • Maeve's joke that she would grow wings if she needed them foreshadows Pieter Van Reise giving her illusiory wings in Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails.

  • Casper and Colin being unable to agree on the details of trolls is due to their culture clash; Casper is referring to Scandinavian troll folklore, while Colin is referring to actual Changeling Trolls.

  • Ian's injuries are due to the events of No Choir.

  • Ginevra's surprise at Maeve requesting blood is due to the fact that Maeve's eating disorder usually prevents her from eating; she has been temporarily freed from its effects by being high on marijuana.

  • Colin's renaming of Casper to Finn becomes prophetic when Maeve later grows him to giant size; the Irish hero Finn MacCool is often described as a giant and is credited with creating the Giant's Causeway between Ireland and Scotland.

  • The brief quote Maeve recalls about reality and stories was spoken to her in the past by Dominic Vaughn.

  • Colin's brief confused memories of Maeve eating sugar when she was alive are due to him confusing her with his dead sister, Rebecca Crosswell.

  • Colin's demand for laurels refers to the custom of crowning winners of athletics competitions with a laurel wreath, a tradition that can be traced back to the ancient Greek Olympics and the god Apollo, who was often shown wearing one due to being the patron of sports.

  • The daughter Casper mentions making flower crowns for is Sophie Peterrson.

  • Maeve's aborted quote about Colin's golden head is from George du Maurier's 1898 novel The Martian: "I have twined the delicate rosemary with roses white and red, making a gracious garland to crown your golden head."

  • Colin's declaration that he is the god Bel echoes Casper calling him a "prince in May"; Bel is a Celtic sun god whose feast, Beltane, is famously held on May Day and involves bonfires and fertility rites (Casper misidentifies him as a harvest god, but his festival takes place in the spring and summer, not the fall). This also references back to Colin's call for laurels, as the Romans identified Bel with Apollo. (On a less positive note, Beltane is one of the four Celtic sabbats, and Colin was originally Embraced as a member of the Sabbat.)

  • Maeve's reference to the meaning of the cosmo flower is due to the tendency of Clan Toreador to use the Victorian language of the flowers to communicate subtly; cosmos often stand for love, beauty, harmony modesty, and tranquility, but were especially popular in the Victorian era as invitations to go walking with a suitor.

  • Similarly, the dahlias Maeve uses to make Ian's crown represent dignity, elegance, and refinement. Her brief pause is due to the fact that dahlias sent from one person to another may also be used as a warning of impending betrayal.

  • Colin's reference to seeing shapeshifting as a child is due to the fact that he was Garou Kinfolk when he was alive and was exposed to shapeshifter culture.

  • Colin's suggestion to call Ian Donn refers to the Irish god of the dead, to whose house all living humans are believed to go after death. His follow-up suggestion of the aos sí refers to Irish legends of the fairy folk, who must be respected and appeased to avoid causing havoc upon mortal communities. (Ironically, while both Colin and Maeve do have fairy blood, Ian does not.)

  • The blue silk rose Casper asks Maeve about was given to her by him after she and Rosalina de Leon rescued him from shapeshifters in Luck Runs Out.

  • Maeve's statement that Colin thinks pink suits her refers to the childrens' clothes he bought for her in A Strange Sort of Serenity.

  • Maeve's memory of being told not to use the Italian word cara unless she means it refers to a conversation with Octavius Sage in the Raleigh Chronicle; as an old-fashioned Italian man, he considered the endearment to be weighty in spite of its looser modern usage.

  • Although Maeve calls Casper an "alder-king's son" with the intention to reference the language of the flowers again, in which alders represent giving, nurturing, and the hiding of unseen or magical things, Colin is reminded instead of the Erlking, a malevolent fairy in Germanic folklore that steals children and can probably be traced to the tradition of the Wild Hunt, and thus ultimately back again to Odin, whom many scholars believe was the Hunt's original leader.

  • Colin's mention of "Bran and his dang crows" refers to the Celtic god Brân, lord of ravens and crows; in Celtic mythology, such birds are always harbingers of death.

  • Colin's assertion that no one can stay awake longer than he can is due to his insomnia; he very seldom sleeps at all.

  • Casper's feeling that he failed to "clap and believe in fairies" is a reference to J.M. Barrie's 1911 novel Peter and Wendy, in which fairies are said to need belief to survive. Although Casper is unaware of it, Maeve was in fact kinain before her Embrace.

  • Although Maeve doesn't specify which sire used to call her "daybird", she means Dominic Vaughn.

  • Casper calls Maeve a hamingja, a Norse concept of personal fortune and destiny; in more modern usage, the hamingja is usually conceived of as a guardian angel or fairy.

  • Maeve's reference to Ian sleeping later when they were together in Chicago is due to the fact that he was so low on Humanity that he could not stay awake late or wake up early; since then, he has regained several points.

  • Ian's story about the exploits of American soldier Audie Murphy is largely accurate to history (if possibly embellished).

  • Maeve's brief memory of waiting for Ian to go to sleep refers to the events of Veritas.

  • Maeve's statements about stories becoming true if enough people reject reality echoes Dominic Vaughn's words to her as recorded in Stories Are Made to Be Told.

  • Maeve telling Casper he knows "her feelings about trolls" refers to her objection to the last time he told her a troll story in St. Lucy's Day.

  • The song Colin sings includes elements of multiple famous British folksongs and rhymes, most notably the nursery rhyme "One I Love" and the Robert Burns poem "A Red, Red Rose."

  • The unnamed man in Maeve's memory of being scolded for drinking too much at Christmas is Octavius Sage.

  • The Felix cartoon character that Casper and Colin refer to is Felix the Cat.

  • The dog Maeve mentions having once owned is Brahms.

  • Colin's correction to Maeve that Ian is rich as a marquess rather than an earl is a fabrication intended to annoy him; Ian was a viscount in life and the son of an earl, but never a marquess.

  • Colin refers to himself as Icarus when Ian captures him for the night; in Greek mythology, Icarus was an inventor's son who gained the power to fly with wings made of wax and feathers, but fell out of the sky and drowned when he attempted to go too high and the sun melted the wax.

Songs Featured

One I Love, Shawn James