From DC by Night Wiki
Alternate Universe Scenes

The scenes below are organized by the prompt or subject they were written for and presented in a rough real-world chronological order; as they cover events that are outside the flow of time in the normal chronicles, they cannot be put in a meaningful in-universe order. Characters are referenced with their names in context of the alternate universe, but are still linked to the main universe's character.

In cases where multiple scenes are posted in the same thread, each is represented here as separate to make it clear that they do not share a universe.

Another Life

The alternate universes of Another Life present various characters as they might have lived their lives if one major event changed their destiny.

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
Another Life: Ian Kross The life of Ian Kross if he had never been ghouled Arthur Baxter, Elizabeth Crosswell, Esme Murphy, James Murphy, John Crosswell, Ian Crosswell, Margaret Crosswell, Rebecca Crosswell Content Warnings
Death, Racism, Substance Abuse

Character Swap

The alternate universes of Character Swap present various characters as written by different players than those who normally control them.

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
Character Swap: Envelope James reaches out to Vanessa for one last moment of friendship James Murphy None
Character Swap: Our Lady of Sorrows Zen looks into Maeve's soul painting Maeve Glaistig, Zen Pentecost None
Character Swap: The Summit Mr. Whiskers pronounces the laws of the animals of the supernatural Bella, Brahms, Colin Thomas, Ian Kross, Maeve Glaistig, Mr. Whiskers None

A Mundane World

The alternate universes of A Mundane World present various characters as their lives might have gone had they never been exposed to the supernatural.

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
A Mundane World: Angelique Stravinsky In which Anzhelina dies at the hands of revolutionaries Anzhelina Stravinski, Katerina Stravinski Content Warnings
Death, Gore, Violence
A Mundane World: Casper Iversson In which Casper and Issac make homemade mead Casper Lindholm, Issac Moskowitz Content Warnings
Animal Cruelty
A Mundane World: Colin Thomas In which James spends his life as a folk artist James Murphy, Esme Murphy, Rebecca Murphy Content Warnings
Ableism, Death, Racism, Violence, Warfare
A Mundane World: Jimmy Francetti In which Giacomo marries his first love and makes a life for his family Angelo Francetti, Helena Francetti, Cassandra Francetti, Isabel Francetti, Giacomo Francetti Content Warnings
A Mundane World: Maeve Glaistig In which Mary grows up and falls in love all by herself Ellen Gable, Esmeralda Feinstein, Mary O'Malley, Seamus O'Malley, Valerie Lopez Content Warnings
Child Abuse, CSA, Domestic Abuse, Gore, Homophobia, Incest, Mental Illness, Misogyny, Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Substance Abuse, Violence
A Mundane World: Pieter Van Reise In which Ferenc is executed as a mortal man Ferenc Van Reise Content Warnings
Death, Racism

Romance in Chicago

The alternate universes of Romance in Chicago present characters as they might have operated if their romantic relationships were different from those they have in reality.

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
Give Me Envy, Give Me Malice, Baby Give Me a Break In which Chason and Jean Claude are lovers Chason Wells, Jean Claude Danut Content Warnings
Ableism, Death, Fatphobia, Misogyny

World of Weird

The alternate universes of World of Weird present various characters as they might have been if they had been a different kind of supernatural creature than they actually are.

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
World of Weird: Angelique Stravinsky Atrox the Risen takes revenge on her murderers Atrox, Dmitri Turgenev, Radomir Mishkin, Stanislav Ivanov, Vasily Lebedev Content Warnings
Ableism, Death, Gore, Violence
World of Weird: Ginevra Bianchi Ginevra Bianchi, Supernatural Investigator, hunts the evil Ginevra Bianchi Content Warnings
Ableism, Misogyny, Transphobia, Violence
World of Weird: Maeve Glaistig Merymut the Mummy joins with Mary to conquer death Mary O'Malley, Merymut Content Warnings
Ableism, Death, Gore
World of Weird: Pieter Van Reise Pietr the Corax takes sides in a Garou vs. Gurahl turf war Pietr Korung Content Warnings
Ableism, Violence