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Scene Summary: Caravan
link-Andres_Lund CasperFace.png ColinFace2.png
GinevraFace.png IanFace.png MaeveFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Real Date October 20 - December 27, 2018
Characters Casper Iversson
Colin Thomas
Ginevra Bianchi
Ian Kross
Maeve Glaistig
Locations Thomas Circle Apartments
Thomas Circle Penthouse
Previous Scene Sign Here and Also Here (Andres)
Be of Good Cheer (Casper, Colin, Ginevra, Ian, Maeve)
Next Scene Adrift (Casper, Maeve)
Three Things That Were Real and One That Wasn't (Colin)
Green-Eyed Monster (Ginevra, Ian)
Content Warnings Ableism, Animal Cruelty, Dubious Consent, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Misogyny, Racism, Substance Abuse, Violence
Original Scene Caravan

Caravan is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Casper Iversson, Colin Thomas, Ginevra Bianchi, Ian Kross, and Maeve Glaistig , with a minor appearance by Andres Lund. It depicts the group socializing and telling stories after being affected by a joy-inducing supernatural power. Unlike most scenes, it begins in media res immediately after Be of Good Cheer.

Scene Summary

Ginevra is in her studio apartment on the phone with Victor Carewe, with whom she is arguing about Helena Taylor's insistence on

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Caravan Script Summary

Casper, Ginevra, Ian, and Maeve are in the parking lot at Limbo. Ginevra runs inside to Maeve's dressing room, where she collects a cooler bag before running out again. Outside, Casper, Ian, and Maeve are heading toward Ian's car. Casper and Ian are talking while Colin and Maeve are whispering together.


IAN: Oh no, I doubt that. It's only a recreation.

Colin nods at Maeve.


COLIN: I reckon you're right. Folk can get real ornery when they find out, too.

He accepts the rose from Ian that Maeve is holding out to him.


COLIN: Now ain't that something.

He yells at Ian.


COLIN: You soft as shit, boy! Oh, I don't know, girl. Sure he hems'n haws 'bout that car'a his so much you'd think it was his own child, but has he ever bought it a red rose?


MAEVE: That is true, mo ghra.[1] Look at you, loved more than the car! That's how you know you've truly made it with a Ventrue.

She winks at Casper. Ginevra catches up and hears the end of the conversation.


GINEVRA: Immagino che Sua Signoria non possa più collezionare cavalli, o qualunque cosa facesse.[2]


COLIN: And it's always been cars, don't let him tell you no different. He ain't never had the right kinda appreciation for good horseflesh.

Ginevra opens the passenger car door for Maeve.


GINEVRA: Ecco, piccola.[3]

She pauses, then opens the back right door.


GINEVRA: Aspetti.[4] One of you two sirs go ahead and take the front.

Maeve kisses Ginevra's cheek and gets into the car, sitting in the middle of the back seat. Ginevra kisses her back.


CASPER: Probably less snug if I sit up front, if that's alright with you Shaggy? It might be a tight squeeze back there if I tried.

Ian gets into the driver's seat and adjusts the mirrors.


IAN: I doubt you'd fit back there even without company.


COLIN: Course I'm getting in the back! You gotta give the ladies what they want, I say.


IAN: That's the problem with the Zagato, really. They elongated the nose, which looks much nicer, but they made up for it in back. I don't know why they bothered with a backseat at all, honestly. I'd rather a decent-sized trunk myself.


GINEVRA: Yeah, this back seat is not designed for somebody built like a firefighter who plays rugby on the weekends, sorry, Mr. Iversson.

Colin taps Ian's nose with the rose, then gets into the car and crawls to the far side. Ginevra gets in behind him and closes the door.


CASPER: Wait was rugby practice this weekend?

He gets in the passenger side of the car and closes the door. Maeve laughs.


MAEVE: You don't need the practice. I daresay it's perilously near to cheating already, unless you're only playing your clanmates.


CASPER: Everyone needs practice , and you'd be surprised, we did play sports back at the Heim.


MAEVE: Oh, you're wrong, Casper. I'm not surprised at all.


CASPER: Over a dozen Brujah in full speed and contact sports - exhilarating if a little bruising. Mostly I just trained the ghouls as the youngest. Sword fighting, the old languages, how to use the gifts of the blood they were starting to develop in case they ever made the change.


GINEVRA: Riuscite a immaginare, una dozzina di lui? Viviamo nel paese sbagliato.[5]


MAEVE: Comprerò i biglietti aerei se mi prometti di mandarmi tutte le foto della tua crociera in Scandinavia. Dovrà avere almeno tre scandali, altrimenti non ne varrebbe nemmeno la pena.[6]


COLIN: You need least fourteen for'a good game'a rugby, but I bet'cha they got teams all over, if you looking.


MAEVE: That sounds nice, a great big family like that. You always have such lovely stories. We'd have made room. It is probably best if you sit up front, though, if only for the sake of your poor legs, Casper!

She arranges her skirts and then cuddles Colin. Ian grumbles.


MAEVE: And besides, now I get to be the luckiest of all the ladies tonight, because every one of them will be jealous of Ginevra and me getting to take the gentleman of the hour home with us.


COLIN: Ain't no place I'd rather be, darling! Them folks was nice'n all, but I get turned around something awful if I go too long pretendin' words ain't got meanings behind 'em.


MAEVE: I understand. They can get away from you after a while. But you did so marvelously! I am sure I will get nothing in my mail except for love letters for you all week.


COLIN: He ain't goin' like that. Thinks it means we won't appreciate him.

He taps her nose with the rose.


MAEVE: As if people sending cards around ever meant anything.


GINEVRA: She's wrong. People sending cards and flowers totally means things. You get your fifteen minutes.


IAN: Too right, Ginevra. No one goes through all the effort to send something for no reason.


MAEVE: I didn't mean you, Mr. Kross, of course. With you it is always effortful, I never doubt. Why, the effort you put in is positively enormous, anyone can see that.


IAN: I'm surprised any of us got out in one piece. I hope it's not always so eventful.


CASPER: Usually not, I would say you're right that tonight was particularly exuberant.


MAEVE: Even if Ian apparently wishes he were putting us in the trunk instead of the back seat. Maybe we don't rank above the car after all. Oh, listen to him, as if all of us had as much trouble getting outside as he did. You'd think we were all nearly chained up in a dungeon.


IAN: I recall a fair bit of trouble now and then.


GINEVRA: Honey, if anyone ever puts you in a trunk...

She puts her arm around Maeve's waist.


IAN: Don't tempt me.


COLIN: He wouldn't never!

He taps the back of Ian's head with the rose.


COLIN: Then what'd he have to fuss about? He needs us, girl. We're the only thing keeping him from shoutin' at strangers on the street.


MAEVE: Oh, then we're a public service, sweetest heart. Think of all the people who would be frowned at if we weren't there.

Ian and Maeve both laugh.


IAN: Dammit, Colin. I'm driving, you're going to get us all killed.


MAEVE: Yes, you think that's funny because the both of you wouldn't even skin your knees. The rest of us would be a tragedy.


GINEVRA: Yeah, speaking as the breathing portion of the car, don't harass the driver, Mr. Colin. Some of us don't bounce.

Colin taps Ginevra's nose with the rose.


COLIN: Naw, girl, I bet you'd bounce least once. Though it prolly depends on how fast we was going at the time. But still. You'd be surprised, sorts'a things that bounce.


GINEVRA: Okay, yeah, but I wouldn't walk away. Stop hitting people with that thing or you'll knock the head off before we can get it in water, Mr. Colin.

He lays the rose in his lap.


COLIN: Don't you worry, none, girl. It's already dead. It died when they went'n cut it off the bush.


IAN: Keep him from doing anything stupid and we'll be fine.


COLIN: I ain't never done nothing stupid in my whole life! The very idea.


CASPER: It is a very impressive vehicle all the same. I am not sure they make luxury mini vans so trunk space might be the price you pay.


COLIN: I used t'have me a van. Could fit 'bout near anything in the back'a there. People, motorcycles, lawn mowers, one time I got a cow in there, which she won't too happy about, I tell you that.

He pulls Maeve close. She hums happily and nuzzles his chin, then nuzzles Ginevra as well.


COLIN: Hey! Casper. Casper. Son. You start fiddling with that radio and you find us something good to listen to while we go.


IAN: There won't be anything good on, you know. But you're welcome to try.

He starts the car and pulls out of the parking lot to begin driving home.


MAEVE: Oh, he'll find something good, I'm sure, he always does! Probably jazz.

Casper chuckles.


CASPER: That predictable am I? Hmm.


MAEVE: Predictable? I never called you predictable. Would I ever say such a thing to someone, Ginevra? Of course I wouldn't.


GINEVRA: You would never say something like that.

Casper pokes hesitantly at the flatscreen. He huffs and selects a channel entitled Oldies Jazz (1910-1940).


IAN: It was a rather good show. I can't say I absolutely hated it, at least.


MAEVE: Oh, you see? He didn't hate it. That's almost as good as being let in the car, you know. That's praise.


COLIN: Don't let on you noticed or we'll all be bouncing down the road. You know how he gets.


CASPER: I cant wait to see you to there again Shaggy. I'll have to teach you to speed up your fingers while not harming the strings, it takes a bit of practice but I'm sure you'll pick it up in no time.


COLIN: That'd be real swell'a you, son! Think'a all the songs I could play then. Shoot.

He tickles Maeve.


COLIN: What'chu say? You reckon I ought'a wander on down to the crossroads after, win myself one'a them fine guitars'a gold?


MAEVE: Hmm, is that guitars? Be careful, or you'll run into Pieter doing the same thing and the two of you would have to duel or something.


COLIN: Oh, I reckon we'll just share, it comes to that. We real good at sharing.


MAEVE: Oh, of course you are, siúil.[7] I can't think of two people more likely to play turn and turnabout fairly, of course.

A new song begins to play on the radio.


MAEVE: That's lovely, there, didn't I say he'd choose something good?

Casper begins to cry, a moment later also laughing. He blots his face with a handkerchief.


CASPER: ...Well... I'll be damned.

Ian clears his throat.


IAN: Not bad at all.

Maeve sits forward and reaches to put her hand on Casper's shoulder.


MAEVE: Casper. Are you all right? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease.

Casper laughs.


CASPER: Oh goodness no! I am sorry - it's just the song. I hadn't heard it in a while - that's my father.

Maeve pets his shoulder.


MAEVE: Oh! Then this really was meant just for you, wasn't it? What a lovely way to be outmatched in music for the evening.


COLIN: Stories and music are two dancin' partners that never did tire of one another. You oughta tell us a story to go along.


MAEVE: Oh, yes! Unless you'd rather not, of course.?


  1. "my love" (Irish Gaelic)
  2. I guess his Lordship can't collect horses anymore, or whatever he used to do. (Italian)
  3. Here, babe. (Italian)
  4. Wait. (Italian)
  5. Can you imagine, a dozen of him? We are living in the wrong country.
  6. I'll buy the plane tickets if you promise to send me all the pictures of your Scandinavian cruise. It'll have to have at least three scandals, or it wouldn't even be worth it, though. (Italian)
  7. "sun" (Irish Gaelic)


  • The majority of this scene takes place in Italian, but is translated to English here for ease of reference.