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Scene Summary: Memories: First Meeting

Memories: First Meeting
AnneFace.png CasperFace.png
Chronicle Paris Chronicle
Game Date February 12, 1980
Real Date April 7, 2016
Characters Anne d'Arpajon
Casper Iversson
Locations Rue de la Pompe Elysium
Previous Scene Memories: Leaving Stockholm (Casper)
Next Scene Lessons and Forgiveness (Anne, Casper)
Content Warnings Mind Control
Original Scene Memories: First Meeting

Memories: First Meeting is a scene from the Paris Chronicle featuring the characters Anne d'Arpajon and Casper Iversson. It depicts the Countess d'Noailles meeting Casper and accepting him as her new paramour.

Scene Summary

Casper is at an expensive high society party, where he shifts uncomfortably in his clothing; he dislikes wearing it but is doing so because it is currently in fashion and he hopes to impress Anne when he meets her. He reflects that his sire, Ivar Ragnarsson, had to pull strings to get him an invitation in the first place and that a lot is riding on his ability to charm Anne into cementing her alliance with Ivar.

Casper is announced as a guest by the host and greets several other courtiers, who whisper about his unusual presence, before finding and greeting Anne. When she allows him to approach, he kisses her hand and uses Presence to make her like him more as he announces that he is a servant on loan as a gift from his sire. Anne is pleased and accepts his offer.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Memories: Leaving Paris Script Summary

Casper is standing near the door at a Toreador salon party in Paris, fidgeting. A voice announces his name and lineage and he enters the room. Several people murmur and he shakes hands with and greets several others before arriving in front of Anne. She pauses, then nods, and he approaches and bows as he kisses her hand. Casper uses the Presence discipline to make Anne like him more.


CASPER: It is an honor to meet you my lady, the rumors of your beauty do not do you justice. I bring you greetings from my esteemed Sire, Jarl Ivar of Stockholm, and if it would please you I have been sent to be your utmost servant in his absence.


ANNE: Indeed it would.


  • All dialogue in this scene takes place in French, but has been translated to English here for ease of reference.

  • Casper mentions his fashion choices being popular in Versailles; when Anne was alive, she was a courtier who served Marie Antoinette, then the queen of France, at the palace of Versailles.