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The Followers of Set
Nicknames: The Serpents, The Setites
Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Serpentis
Sect: Independent
Status: OPEN for new characters

The Followers of Set (also referred to as "Setites") are a shadowy and mysterious clan, and none of the other Kindred clans are too fond of them. Dedicated to the ancient Egyptian god Set, a lord of storms, chaos, and implacable violence, the Setites are steadfast believers in the ancient Egyptian religion; they believe that Set is dead but only in an impermanent sort of sleeping death, and that when the world is appropriately ripe he will be awoken to reign again. To that end, they intentionally spread chaos, corruption, and hedonism among everyone they meet; they can think of no more perfect world for Set's return than one already in the chaotic turmoil that is his calling card.

Not every Setite is Egyptian - in fact, most younger Setites are not, with only the elders retaining concrete ties to their homelands. No new Setites are indoctrinated without being fully initiated into the religion, however, and while a few of the younger ones see it more as an excuse to do whatever they want rather than taking their ritual duties seriously, most are dedicated at least to the ideals of the clan's goals, if not the actual beliefs behind them.

Clan Advantage and Weakness

Advantages: Setites are the only clan other than the Tremere that can learn the secret powers of Thaumaturgy, by virtue of their connection to the ancient magical rites of Egypt. Only a few Setites are ever given this honor, and their magics, although they often boil down to the same types of abilities as those of the Tremere, are flavored with the secret rituals of the ancient Egyptian priests that have passed them down. Setites are not guaranteed to learn these powers, but if they can prove their worthiness to their elders, it is possible.

Disadvantages: Setites are creatures of darkness and are exceptionally sensitive to light. They have a hard time functioning anywhere that is bright or well-lit and often have to take precautions to shield their eyes, and they suffer even more painful damage if exposed to sunlight than do other types of Kindred.

The Followers of Set in DC

The Setites maintain a large temple in the sewers beneath DC, out of sight and knowledge of the Camarilla, who would assuredly wish to root it out if they were aware of it. The Nosferatu are aware of the temple's location, but tolerate it in favor of the extra information they can sometimes glean from the Setites (although they are likely to break this uneasy truce if they start to feel that the Setites encroach too much on their territory). Although they stay out of the public eye as much as possible, the Setites control much of the underground drug trade in DC, and more than a few street-savvy Camarilla Kindred have wondered why it's so difficult to get a foothold in the underbelly here.


In Mexico, a bloodline originally split off from the Setites calls themselves Tlacique, and venerates Tezcatlipoca, the Mexica god of darkness and sorcery, instead of the Egyptian Set. They are extremely hostile toward the Kindred of the Camarilla, who controlled the invading Spaniards who destroyed their Mesoamerican kingdoms in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, and plot an overthrow that will return them to once more ruling directly over mankind, Embracing only from the ranks of those native Mexican mortals who were likewise disenfranchised by invasion. They possess the Protean Discipline instead of Serpentis.

The largest of the Setite bloodlines are the Warrior Setites, who act as the clan's enforcers and ensure that its priests and sorcerers are not endangered by any misguided attempts by outside Kindred intent on disrupting their rituals. They have the Potence Discipline instead of Obfuscate, and while they are considered something of a necessary evil and none-too-bright by their fellow Setites, they still form an important line of defense for the clan and are often seen out and about on errands for their more mysterious masters.

An obscure third bloodline was known as the Witches of Echidna, and were active in ancient Greece before becoming presumably extinct some time during the Middle Ages. The entire bloodline had the powers of Thaumaturgy as well as possessing Animalism instead of Obfuscate. They worshiped the ancient Greek monster-goddess Echidna, but were overthrown and presumably destroyed by the Ventrue powers that arose in imperial Rome.

Notable Followers of Set

Ravenna, High Priest of the Temple of DC