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Scene Summary: The Ginevra Files: Paris

The Ginevra Files: Paris is a scene from the Paris Chronicle primarily featuring Ginevra Bianchi, with minor appearances by Alessandra di Napoli, Antoinette d'Exupery, Giuseppe Valletti, Jean Claude Danut, Lali, Lawrence Wilson, Manolo d'Artagnan, Pieter Van Reise, Simon DuBois, Veronique DuBray, Vitus, and Walter Pêcheur. It depicts Ginevra's increasingly desperate search for her missing domitor Maeve Glaistig, who has vanished.

Scene Summary

A colorful polka-dot plastic filing cabinet is kept in Ginevra's apartment, each of its five drawers containing different files. The top drawer contains currently active correspondence issues and miscellaneous time-sensitive documents. The second drawer contains identification and legal documents for Maeve and her various identities. The third drawer contains Maeve's financial information and paperwork, all scrupulously filed by institution and agency, all completed. The fourth drawer contains Ginevra's personal paperwork. The final, largest drawer is labeled PARIS, and contains a succession of files.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jacque Beaumont informs him that she is sorry to contact him but that Maeve has disappeared and she is unable to find her. She asks if he has any advice or can help in any way. There is no return correspondence.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Antoinette d'Exupery, in which she pretends that Maeve is conducting business out of town and wants to know if Antoinette has any contact information that she does not.

A collection of handwritten notes by Ginevra discuss attending Elysium on November 14th, where she spoke to all the other ghouls working there that night. She suspects Antoinette and Marie Mageaux of digging for information about Maeve, and is told by Manolo d'Artagnan that he thinks Maeve has eloped with Etienne de Bouvoir, and by Lali that she saw Maeve being devoured by François Villon in a dream. Simon DuBois tells her that the Toreador Primogen, Anne St. Croix, has also been wondering where Maeve went. Vitus suggests that Maeve may have returned to Milan, but cannot explain why; Ginevra thinks something bad must have happened to him and doesn't question him further. Other ghouls she speaks to have no leads.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Evelyn Summerfield tells her that she hopes she is all right since the fall of Chicago and asks her if she or her domitor Ian Kross have heard from Maeve or know where she might have gone. There is no return corespondence.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Lawrence Wilson, in which she apologizes for contacting him out of the blue and asks if he or his domitor Ian Kross has heard from Maeve.

A police report from the central Parisian office details the missing person status of Maria Gloria Lilicentra, who has been reported missing by her roommate, Ginevra. The report notes that Ginevra reported Maria missing after she was missing for thirty days, and that she was last seen out with friends and never came home. Ginevra is noted insisting that Maria would not have disappeared voluntarily.

A letter from Antoinette to Ginevra informs her that Maeve has been absent long enough that the Harpy Elizabeth Savage has declared her no longer a resident of Paris.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Giuseppe Valletti reminds him that they met in Milan a few months before and tells him that Maeve is away on "private business", asking if he has any information about how to reach her.

A boilerplate contract with the private investigation agency Securite d'Abord Agencie/P-Eye Investigations shows that it was filled out and signed by Ginevra Bianchi, contracting private investigator Josef Montmiel to investigate the disappearance of Maria Lilicentra.

A sheet of handwritten notes by Ginevra describes a phone call with Lawrence on February 16th, in which he told her that Ian was dead and that he didn't think Maeve had been with him, but has no other information. Ginevra also writes that she regrets her letter to Evelyn, which she now worries might have upset her.

A letter from Giuseppe to Ginevra informs her that Octavius Sage, Maeve's sire, was recently killed and that Maeve was killed alongside him.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Giuseppe offers her condolences for Octavius' death, but informs him that Maeve cannot be dead, although she is missing. She points out that she is blood bound to Maeve and would know if she died.

A letter from Giuseppe to Ginevra expresses sadness that she is having trouble absorbing the news and suggests that she should start looking for a new mistress in Paris.

A letter from Ginevra to Giuseppe that only says "Kindly fuck off" appears never to have been sent.

An arrest report from the Paris police describes the arrest of Ginevra Bianchi on charges of trespassing and evading arrest. The report notes that she was cooperative with police and was released to Italian authorities, where all charges against her were dropped.

A sheet of handwritten notes by Ginevra explains her discovery that she is no longer allowed on the Paris Elysia and subsequent break-in at the Rue de la Pompe Elysium by climbing a fence. She notes that she could not find any clues and was forced to flee the premises after being caught trying to get into a locked desk. After climbing the fence again, she fell and twisted her ankle and was caught by the police, leading to her arrest. She notes that she had to call her father to keep her out of jail and that she will need a better approach when she tries again at the Rue des Barres Elysium.

Ginevra's DC filing cabinet

A Missing Persons flyer shows a photograph of Maeve, which it refers to as Maria Lilicentra. It claims that she was last seen on the Rue de la Pompe on November 18th, and offers a reward for any useful information given to G. Bianchi.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jean Claude Danut apologizes for contacting him directly and asks if he has any information about where Maeve has gone, pointing out that he is the last person to see her before she vanished. She notes that she was not able to get in contact with Jacque.

A letter from Jean Claude to Ginevra agrees to help, but only if Ginevra will formally ask him a favor, implying that he knows where Maeve is and will then tell her.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jean Claude confirms that she does want him to help, and adds that she would be glad to share any information she finds with him but has not yet been able to find many leads.

A letter from Jean Claude to Ginevra informs her that he killed Maeve by beheading her and offers some of her ashes as a gift, adding that he is too sentimental to part with more than a little of them. He then tells Ginevra that they are friends now and offers to help her or take her on as a ghoul himself. The letter arrives with a small plastic bag of grey ashes.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jean Claude politely expresses that she doesn't think he deserves any more attention.

A clipping of a personal want ad in the La Croix newspaper offers a reward for any information about the missing Maria Lilicentra, who it describes and says was last seen in the Rue de la Pompe.

A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Domenico Lilicentra informs him that his daughter has gone missing and that she is trying to contact her. She adds that she hopes that she is at home with her family and would like to catch up with her if she is.

A memo from the Police Nationale of Paris declares that the investigation into the disappearance of Maria Lilicentra is being closed after no evidence or information has been found. It provides a phone number and the names of the two detectives who worked on the case.

A sheet of handwritten notes by Ginevra records her attempts to continue interviewing other ghouls, now at the cafe a block away from Elysium to avoid being arrested again. She notes that she believes that some of the Toreador ghouls might have some kind of magical sight or be able to ask their employers to use it on her behalf. She also notes that she avoided or could not find Antoinette, Manolo, or Jean Valmont. Alessandra tells Ginevra that she does not have the skills she's looking for and suggests she ask Walter. Marie offers to help, but refuses to be specific, leading to Ginevra becoming suspicious about whether she can do what she claims. Simon agreed that his domitor could do this but did not think it was a good idea to ask, suggesting that Ginevra find some Malkavian ghouls to ask and then withdrawing his suggestion. Veronique said that she was too busy to help, while Vitus was uncomfortable discussing it and only Walter eventually admitted that he could help if Ginevra signed a contract to help him in return.

A service contract signed by Ginevra and Walter, promising that Ginevra will complete up to 50 hours of administrative duties, up to 20 errands or drop-offs, up to two vampire events as a service member, one unspecified favor, and up to 10 emergency calls for any of these. In return, Walter promises that he will then use supernatural powers to investigate Maeve's disappearance.

An unopened envelope sent to Domenico's address has been stamped "Undeliverable for reason stated - return to sender".

An article from the La Croix newspaper dated Sunday, July 10, 2015 describes a police stakeout of the Jardin du Luxembourg park to apprehend drug dealers. Several people were arrested, but the article has been highlighted where it says that several other suspects escaped the scene.

A sheet of handwritten notes by Ginevra details her meeting with Walter to fulfill his end of their agreement. She notes that Walter sensed something strange at the Rue de la Pompe Elysium but could not say what, and that he sensed nothing out of the ordinary at the Rue des Barres Elysium, the apartment she shared with Maeve, the Musee du Louvre, or the Palais de l'Elysee Elysium. Walter offered her his condolences and left.

A printout of a webpage shows the volunteer missing persons site The Doe Network's profile on Maria Lilicentra. It lists her vital statistics and a plea for help finding her current location.

An EMS ambulance emergency report lists the arrival and treatment of Ginevra Bianchi. The report notes that Ginevra said that she thought she had broken her arm, and later explained that she slipped coming down the stairs. She was treated and taken to the hospital.

A collection of handwritten notes by Ginevra describing her attempt to investigate another Elysium. She relates spending the rest of her funds on purchasing the Harpy's event calendar from Elise Jenelle in order to choose a date when it would not be in use, then climbing the wall again to get into the building. She describes searching the ground floor and basement levels of the building until encountering security, leading to her needing to flee and hide in an operating theatre. She was discovered by Vitus, who misdirected security to give her time to escape. She was forced to climb out a second-story window and fractured her wrist in the fall. She closes her account by noting that she probably cannot try again, since the Elysia will probably have additional security.

A memo on letterhead from the private investigator Josef to Ginevra reports that his office has completed their investigation and found no evidence of foul play, nor any leads about where Maria Lilicentra has gone. He thanks her for hiring them and says that she is welcome to reopen the investigation if she finds new information.

A sheet of handwritten notes by Ginevra that record a phone call she received from a stranger named Pietr. He claimed to have been given Ginevra's information by a ghoul from Chicago and to be looking for Maeve, who he intends to rescue. Ginevra notes that she does not trust him or know what he's doing, but is running out of things to try.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

The Ginevra Files: Paris Script Summary

A colorful polka-dot file cabinet holds Ginevra's important files. The fifth and largest bottom drawer is labeled PARIS and contains all documentation related to her search.

ENTRY ONE: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jacque Beaumont.


GINEVRA: Dear Msr. Beaumont,

Events in Paris have become somewhat overwhelming, so while I would normally never contact you this way, I find myself in need of your advice. I hope it is not too much of an imposition.

Put quite simply, my employer seems to have vanished, and no one has any idea where she is. I have been unable to find her through conventional means or by speaking to the other workers in the city. It's as if she just vanished, right off the face of the earth. She's been gone for weeks now and I am starting, quite frankly, to panic.

I'm sure you have a great deal to do yourself, since you were forced to leave the city so quickly, but any help you could provide, even just a little advice, would be greatly appreciated.

Yours, Ginevra Bianchi.

ENTRY TWO: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Antoinette d'Exupery.


GINEVRA: To Madame D'Exupery:

I hope this letter finds you well. I write in service of my employer, Ms. Maeve Glaistig of the House of Sage, in the hopes of gaining additional insight into providing for her needs.

Ms. Glaistig has elected to conduct some business out of the eye of the general public, and while this is not out of the ordinary, I am hoping to anticipate her return in order to best serve her requirements at that time. Since she cannot be contacted via normal avenues at this time, I turn to you in the hopes that she has confided additional contact information to you or to your employer.

As always, I hope that your nights run smoothly, and that the office of Harpy weighs on your employers with all due respect and enjoyment.

Ginevra Bianchi, on behalf of Maeve Glaistig, of the House of Sage.

ENTRY THREE: A series of notes by Ginevra on pink notebook paper, surrounded by doodles.


GINEVRA: Elysium, November 14.

Madame D'Expury: She had received my note but did not respond as she said she had no further information. She expressed interest in what Maeve might be doing, probably on the Harpy's behalf.

Walter Pecheur: Had not noticed that Maeve was not at court lately, but promised to help if possible. Did not seem hopeful about the offer.

Veronique DuBray: Chatted for a little while (she is acquainted with Msr. Beaumont from some time ago). Suggested patience and not to worry - they sometimes just disappear and it's usually harmless.

Ms. Marie: Claimed that she might have heard something, but got evasive and vague when pressed for details. She works for the Lesser Harpy, and might just have been trying to see what I already knew. In the end, suggested I was "out of my depth" and left to talk to someone else. I don't think she actually knows anything?

Manolo D'Artagnan: Expressed unfounded and frankly insulting opinion that Maeve must have run off with the local Brujah Primogen. He suggested she would "turn up" when she "got bored".

Lali: Claimed she saw Maeve in a dream, and she was being devoured by someone named Villon. Did not seem especially coherent overall. Dreams don't count.

Simon DuBois: Noted that the Primogen was also wondering where she went, so they're just as clueless as we are. He suggested I get in touch with the Nosferatu ghouls... but didn't know how to find them.

Vitus: Said she wasn't at court and he'd know if she were, but vague on the details of how. Seemed to think she might have gone back to Milan for some reason, but she wouldn't have just left me here like that. He was very confused and I left him alone after a while - he looked like something bad might have happened to him in the recent past. Poor guy.

ENTRY FOUR: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Evelyn Summerfield.


GINEVRA: Dear Evelyn,

I hope this letter finds you well. We haven't spoken since everything happened in Chicago, and I sincerely hope you were able to move somewhere safe sooner rather than later.

I would say that Maeve sends her regards to everyone... except I can't, because honestly, I can't find her. She seems to have totally vanished, and I have no idea where or why. I thought, since she was so close with you and Mr. Kross in Chicago, maybe you would know something I don't about where she might have gone, or what might have happened to her?

Even if you don't, I still hope you're all right and that everything is going well. Regardless of anything else, we should catch up - it's been a while and I would love to hear from you!

Fondest wishes, Ginevra Bianchi.

ENTRY FIVE: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Lawrence Wilson.


GINEVRA: Dear Mr. Williams,

I apologize for contacting you out of the blue like this, but I'm hoping you can help me with a small issue I'm currently having concerning the whereabouts of my employer. Since she and Mr. Kross were so close in Chicago, I am reaching out to you in the hopes that you might have further information.

Perhaps pursuing some agenda of her own, my employer, Maeve Glaistig, seems to have gone missing. If you know of anywhere she might have gone, or have heard anything from her, I would be very grateful if you would share that information.

Of course, please let me know if you need any other information from me, and I hope all is going well for you these days.

Sincerely, Ginevra Bianchi.

ENTRY SIX: A police report from the central Parisian police office, detailing the reported missing status of one Maria Gloria Lilicentra, as reported by her roommate, Ginevra Bianchi. The report contains a physical description of Maria as she was last seen.

The Additional Information section reads: Subject, Ginevra Bianchi, reported roommate missing after being absent from shared apartment for a period of thirty days. Subject reported that Ms. Lilicentra had told her she was going out with friends at 8 p.m. and did not return that night or any later date that she is aware. She expressed concern that she might have met with foul play, and was insistent that her roommate would not have voluntarily vacated and left her possessions behind without notice.

ENTRY SEVEN: A letter from Antoinette to Ginevra.


ANTOINETTE: Dearest Ms. Bianchi,

I regret that, failing any contact or information about her residency, the Harpy has officially decided to consider Ms. Glaistig to be no longer in residence in the city of Paris.

Should she appear in the city again, please let her know that we look forward to re-confirming and acknowledging her at the Prince's court.

Madame Antoinette d'Exupery on behalf of Lady Savage, Harpy of Paris.

ENTRY EIGHT: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Giuseppe Valletti.


GINEVRA: To Sr. Valletti:

It is with some small concern that I write to you from the city of Paris, where my employer, Ms. Maeve Glaistig of the House of Sage, and I most recently spent a brief period of time. We were of course in Milan a mere few months ago, where I hope you will remember that I made your excellent acquaintance.

My employer has vanished for the time being, most likely on some private business, and in pursuit of supporting her endeavors I am reaching out to you to see if you might have any news about her. It has been suggested to me, here in Paris, that she was always at her happiest at home in Milan, and that no one would know better than the city of her House.

I respectfully look forward to hearing from you.

Ginevra Bianchi, on behalf of Maeve Glaistig, of the House of Sage.

ENTRY NINE: A standard contract for a private investigation agency (Securite d'Abord Agencie/P-Eye Investigations), filled out with an agreement by the agency to investigate the disappearance and whereabouts of Maria Lilicentra. The contract is listed as continuing its investigation for an indefinite period of time, and is signed by Ginevra Bianchi.

ENTRY TEN: A series of notes by Ginevra on pink notebook paper, surrounded by doodles.


GINEVRA: Phone Call with Lawrence Williams, February 16th.

Received return phone call from Lawrence Williams, former employee of Ian Kross today, regarding my letter and request for any information he might have. He seems to be doing all right, which is good, but couldn't help with any new information.

He revealed that Mr. Kross is dead, but did not get details due to shock of the announcement. He did not think she had been with him at the time, however, or that she was anywhere near the Chicago area.

Now seriously regretting writing to Evelyn without realizing this news. I hope she's all right.

ENTRY ELEVEN: A letter from Giuseppe to Ginevra.


GIUSEPPE: To Signa. Bianchi, this First of March:

It is with great sorrow that I must inform you that the House of Sage is currently in universal mourning for the death of its patriarch, the inestimable Sig. Octavius Sage, who was recently taken from us under violent circumstances. I regret to also inform you that your domitor, Signa. Glaistig, was deceased in defense of her father and is no longer with us.

We hope that you will observe these sorrowful times with all due decorum.

Sig. Giuseppe Valletti, On behalf of Sigra. Montmerci, Harpy of Milan.

ENTRY TWELVE: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Giuseppe.


GINEVRA: To Sig. Valletti:

I was shocked and horrified to hear of the loss of Sig. Sage, which is no doubt a tragedy that requires most of your attention and effort at this time. I am sincerely sorry to hear of the city's sorrow, and of the current mourning state of the House of Sage.

However, I must respectfully inform you that your information is incorrect. Signa. Glaistig is not currently deceased, although her whereabouts are unknown. I would have been aware of such an eventuality, seeing as I am still in her service, and can only conclude that there is some error in reporting.

I wish you all the best in your time of sorrow, and hope to hear from you again at a later date.

With greatest sympathy, Ginevra Bianchi, on behalf of Maeve Glaistig, of the House of Sage.

ENTRY THIRTEEN: A letter from Giuseppe to Ginevra.


GIUSEPPE: To Signa. Bianchi, this Seventh of March:

It is understandable that, in such trying times, you find it difficult to accept this sorrowful news. On behalf of all of Milan, allow me to offer our condolences and our sincere hope that your recovery is swift.

We regret that there is nothing further we can do to help you at this time. Perhaps you would be better served to reach out to other servants in your area in search of a new mistress.

Sig. Giuseppe Valletti, on behalf of Sigra. Montmerci, Harpy of Milan.

ENTRY FOURTEEN: An unsent letter from Ginevra to Giuseppe.


GINEVRA: Dear Sig. Valletti,

Kindly fuck off.

Sincerely, Ginevra Bianchi.

ENTRY FIFTEEN: A custody report detailing the arrest of one Ginevra Bianchi on charges of trespassing and attempting to evade arrest on a prominent Parisian mansion property. The report does not discuss her motivations, but notes that she was cooperative with police and was released into the care of the Italian authorities, after which point charges were dropped.

ENTRY SIXTEEN: A series of notes by Ginevra on pink notebook paper, surrounded by doodles.


GINEVRA: Elysium, March 13th.

Discovered that since Maeve is no longer an official "resident" of Paris, I'm no longer allowed on Elysium grounds. Waited for a non-court night to climb the back wall fence of the Rue de la Pompe Elysium, where she was last seen, to look for clues.

Saw a few people I recognized, but luckily most of them didn't notice me. No clues in Toreador meeting rooms, no recognizable dangerous people she's ever mentioned. Eventually found the records room, but was surprised by several ghouls while trying to pry the desk drawers open, and forced to flee.

Tried to climb back over the wall before police arrived, but fell off and twisted an ankle, and ended up getting arrested. Ended up having to call Babbo to get me sent to the embassy instead of jail.

Considering better approach for Rue des Barres Elysium.

ENTRY SEVENTEEN: A photocopied Missing Persons flyer, giving basic details on the missing Maria Lilicentra.

FLYER: Last seen near the Rue de la Pompe on November 18th, 2014. If you have any information or have seen Maria, please contact her roommate, G. Bianchi, at 505-145-4331, or contact law enforcement if in an emergency situation. Reward offered for any useful information.

ENTRY EIGHTEEN: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jean Claude Danut.


GINEVRA: To Msr. Danut:

I apologize for contacting you directly, but I hope that you will forgive me once you understand why. You were very close with my employer, Maeve Glaistig, for some time, and now that she has gone missing I believe you might have been the last person to see her before she vanished.

I reach out to you in the somewhat desperate hope that you may know where she might have gone, or have any other information about her whereabouts or wellbeing. She has not been seen in Paris since you departed it several months ago, and I have not been able to uncover any evidence pertaining to what might have happened to her.

I apologize again for the direct address; I was unable to get in contact with Msr. Beaumont.

Hopefully, Ginevra Bianchi, on behalf of Maeve Glaistig, of the House of Sage.

ENTRY NINETEEN: A letter from Jean Claude to Ginevra.


JEAN CLAUDE: Of course I would be happy to help you, poor lost lamb that you are. But you must ask.

This is how it is done, do you not know? You must beg a favor of me, Ginevra. Then I will gladly tell you where your mistress is.


ENTRY TWENTY: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jean Claude.


GINEVRA: I appreciate you reaching back out to me, considering that I am sure you have many other things to occupy your time. I apologize if I wasn’t clear in my last letter - I would very much like to ask you the favor of helping me locate your friend and mine, Maeve Glaistig.

I will be happy to share any other information with you that you like, but unfortunately I have found very little evidence about where she might be here in the city itself. Anything else you could tell me would be most appreciated.

Sincerely, Ginevra Bianchi, on behalf of Maeve Glaistig, of the House of Sage.

ENTRY TWENTY-ONE: A letter from Jean Claude to Ginevra, including a small plastic bag of grey ashes.



Yes, I do have many things with which to concern myself, but as you say, Maeve is a friend and any friend of hers is indeed a friend of mine. So, I will do this favor for you both and set your mind at ease.

Maeve Glaistig is dead. Destroyed. I cut her pretty little head from her shoulders and left what remained for the sun.

I have enclosed some of her ashes, as a gift to you. I apologize for not sending them all, but I am sentimental. I would miss her terribly if you had all of her. I am sure you understand.

I know this must come as a shock. But we are friends now, Ginevra. If you should need anything, or find yourself looking for another master, please let me know. I would love to help.


ENTRY TWENTY-TWO: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Jean Claude.


GINEVRA: To Msr. Danut:

I would like to offer you exactly as much gratitude and sympathy as you are due. As this amount is nonexistent, however, I am unable to do so.

With utmost sincerity,

Ginevra Bianchi, on behalf of Maeve Glaistig, of the House of Sage.

ENTRY TWENTY-THREE: A personal want ad from the La Croix newspaper, clipped and circled in red.

ARTICLE: MISSING: M. Lilicentra, left shared apartment on Nov. 2 to meet friends; no news of her since; about five feet tall with red hair and green eyes; last seen wearing a maroon dress with black wool coat and gloves; last known whereabouts in the Rue de la Pompe. Address her roommate G. Bianchi at 1426 Rue de Rivoli #6, Paris, France. Reward offered for help.

ENTRY TWENTY-FOUR: A photocopy of a letter from Ginevra to Domenico Lilicentra.


GINEVRA: Dear Sig. Lilicentra,

I write to you on behalf of your daughter, Maria, with whom I have been sharing a flat as a roommate for the past year in Paris. In case you have not yet been informed, she has not returned to our apartment for a few months, and I have been unable to contact her.

I hope to hear good news about her being safely at home with her family, and would like to catch up with her. In the event that she is not at home, however, I would be grateful for any information you might have about where she might have gone or how to get in touch with her.

Best wishes to you and your family, Ginevra Bianchi.

ENTRY TWENTY-FIVE: A memo on official letterhead from Le Ministere de l'Interieur.

REPORT: RE: Investigation into the disappearance of Maria Lilicentra

As of June 2nd, 2015, the offices of the Police Nationale have officially declared the investigation into the disappearance of Maria Lilicentra to be concluded. This decision has been made after careful consideration of all available evidence and other relevant factors, by Detective Sergeant THERNIEDY and Detective Senior Sergeant KONRAD. The reason for this decision is that it is believed that insufficient evidence exists of illegal activity in the disappearance of Ms. Lilicentra, and no further investigative avenues have become apparent.

If you would like to discuss this matter in person with those involved in the decision-making process, please do not hesitate to contact Detective Senior Sergeant KONRAD or Detective Sergeant THERNIEDY 9247 314.

ENTRY TWENTY-SIX: A series of notes by Ginevra on pink notebook paper, surrounded by doodles.


GINEVRA: Since I'm no longer allowed on Elysium grounds, went to the cafe row the next street over where the ghouls usually hang out between jobs. Nobody really watching that, or that would bother stopping me. After research, I believe that some of the Toreador ghouls might have some special magical sight (?), or at least they can ask their bosses to use theirs, so went in search of a sympathetic ally. Interviewed various employees with a wide range of results.

Note: Did not actually encounter, or chose not to ask for help from, Madame D'Expury, Manolo D'Artagnan, or Jean Valmont, for various reasons including disinclination to help, failure to appear, or not liking them very much.

Alessandra di Napoli: Indicated that she would like to help, but did not have the necessary skills herself. Seemed reluctant to apply to her employer for personal safety reasons. Suggested I speak to Walter Pêcheur.

Ms. Marie: Immediately claimed she could help me for the right price, then got weird about explaining exactly what she could do. As usual, I don't think she actually has anything. Threw a coffee at me. Now I have to get my coat cleaned.

Simon DuBois: Agreed that his employer (Anne St. Croix) had this skill, but advised strongly against calling her for help. Also suggested I talk to Walter. Asked if I had asked the Malkavian ghouls for help yet, then told me not to when I said no.

Veronique DuBray: Said she could help, but didn't have the free time or effort available with her employer's summer salon coming up in a few weeks. Said to see her for help again if I still had no leads by August.

Walter Pêcheur: Was evasive and weird about it, but eventually admitted he could do some searching through not strictly human means. Discussed possible contract for doing so, to include aid with administrative tasks, errands, and occasional “additional duties”, whatever that means. I told him yes, since it’s not like I’m getting anywhere on my own anyway.

Vitus: I asked him for completeness’ sake, but he said he couldn’t help and indicated that the idea of doing anything that wasn’t directly ordered to him by his “master” made him too uncomfortable to keep having the conversation.

ENTRY TWENTY-SEVEN: A generic service contract initialed GB and WP.

CONTRACT: This Agreement is made this 18th day of June, 2015, by and between Mlle. Ginevra Bianchi (“GB”) and Msr. Walter Pecheur (“WP”).


In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth in this Agreement, GB and WP hereby agree as follows:

1. Services
GB shall, during the Term (as defined below), provide to WP Services described below (the “Services”), at such times as WB may reasonably request them.

a) Up to fifty (50) hours of administrative or paperwork duties
b) Up to twenty (20) direct errands or drop-offs to be specified
c) Waitressing and servant duties at up to two (2) Kindred events
d) One (1) unspecified favor of mutually agreed major status
e) Up to ten (10) emergency calls for duties specified above

2. Specifications
GB agrees to perform these services pursuant to the specifications set forth. WP agrees, upon completion of these services, to provide one (1) use of supernatural investigative skills at each of five(5) locations, to be specified by GB in additional appendix paperwork pending completion.

ENTRY TWENTY-EIGHT: An unopened envelope mailed express mail to Italy to the address of one Domenico Lilicentra, stamped "Undeliverable for reason stated - return to sender".

ENTRY TWENTY-NINE: An article in the La Croix newspaper dated Sunday, July 10, 2015, with the headline DRUG RING BUSTED IN JARDIN DU LUXEMBOURG.

ARTICLE: Working on a long-time investigation into illegal drug trade among Paris' elite, police successfully staked out the Jardin du Luxembourg park and apprehended several suspects, whom they believe were engaged in a pre-arranged drug transaction. The suspects are believed to have been engaged in drug trades for high-society parties and personal use, and to be part of a larger organization.

Although police have not released any specifics on what items were seized in the bust, four arrests were made and several suspects that escaped the scene are still wanted for questioning. Citizens are requested to contact police with any information they may have regarding clandestine park meetings or possible trafficking.

ENTRY THIRTY: A series of notes by Ginevra on pink notebook paper, surrounded by doodles.


GINEVRA: Msr. Pêcheur, July 27th.

Met with Msr. Pecheur outside the Rue de la Pompe Elysium grounds for our agreed-upon attempt at supernatural tracking. Msr. P was concerned that I understand that he could only make an attempt to look for things already in the area, not find any evidence that was not already present.

Initial test outside of Elysium inconsclusive. Msr. P said everything was working normally and he could sense the usual residents and visitors, but that further information was sketchy. Said something about the area gave him “shivers”, but pointed out that a lot of things vampires do can do that. Couldn’t pin down exactly where the feeling came from or say anything else about it.

Second test, half an hour later, at the Rue des Barres Elysium, negative. Msr. P was not able to notice anything out of the ordinary and found the area too crowded with Kindred activity for any kind of details to be determined.

Third test was conducted in the vicinity of our apartment. Msr. P said the area was pretty much exclusively mortal and he didn’t see much if any supernatural information to go on. He seemed surprised about this, and asked how long I’d lived there, which I declined to answer.

Fourth test conducted two hours later along the Musee du Louvre boulevard where she was previously seen on social occasions, with Msr. P noticeably flagging. Bought him some coffee and ordered a taxi to give him a little extra rest time. Found evidence of Kindred activity and powers in several locations up and down the area, but Msr. P said these were fairly normal, and probably mostly tourist Toreador functions.

Conducted final test at the Palais de l’Elysee Elysium at approximately 4:08 a.m. Found no noticeable supernatural activity of any kind.

Msr. P offered his condolences before going home.

ENTRY THIRTY-ONE: A webpage, apparently printed out on a home printer, from the volunteer missing persons site The Doe Network. It lists Maria Lilicentra's vital statistics, appearance, and last known whereabouts, as well as a request for help in finding her current location.

ENTRY THIRTY-TWO: An EMS ambulance emergency report, listing the arrival and treatment of one Ginevra Bianchi, injured somewhere in the 16th arrondissement.

PARAMEDIC'S NOTES: C/C: "I think I broke my arm"

Events Leading to C/C: Patient slipped coming down the stairs and landed awkwardly on arm when trying to break her fall.

Assessment: U/a found patient sitting on curb with bystanders waiting for emergency services. Lucid and alert, but in considerable pain. Skin pale & diaphoretic. Open wound measuring approx. 0.8 inches on upper left temple, second injury 1.4 inches on right calf, blood flow and clotting normal. Left arm swollen in tarsal and carpal regions.

Treatment: Placed on cot, secured with straps in position of comfort. Temporary immobilizing splint applied to left arm. Administered 7.5 mg hydrocodone.

ENTRY THIRTY-THREE: A series of notes by Ginevra on pink notebook paper, surrounded by doodles.


GINEVRA: Elysium, September 19th.

Since Msr. P indicated that there was something strange at the Rue de la Pompe and all other areas were dead ends, decided to make another attempt to find clues on Elysium grounds. That’s where she was last, too. It has to be there.

As I am no longer allowed on Elysium grounds, spent the majority of remaining personal funds to purchase the Harpy’s event calendar for the next month from Elise Jenelle (who got it from Madame d’Expury). Per schedule, waited for September 16 evening, when Elysium was not in use and majority of usual court would be occupied at the Harpy’s autumn showcase.

Climbed wall again, which was surprisingly about the same. Managed to find an open ground-floor window and climbed inside after only three failed tries. There were definitely a few maintenance ghouls still working, so had to hide around a lot of corners.

Lacking clues, performed room-by-room search for any clues, starting at ground floor, since any holding area where she might be would have to be hidden below street level.

Nothing of note on ground floor except ghoul security. First cellar area had several locked doors, but was unable to find any way to open them. Tried cautiously making noise outside them, but didn’t hear anyone inside.

Was actually doing pretty okay until second cellar, where I ran into security. In retrospect, plan would have been better with an escape contingency if stuck two floors underground with the Keeper’s unhappy employees.

Ended up hiding in the downstairs operating theatre (?), unfortunately no windows. Found there by Vitus, who was surprised to encounter me but very kindly pointed security in the wrong direction to let me get upstairs. I need to send him something.

Lacking other options, made it to second floor and then had to climb out the window and try to climb down the molding. Fell off again, less easy to shake off from the second floor.

Luckily, there was a group of passing Swiss tourists saw me come out of the yard and sat with me until the EMS got there, which I’m pretty sure stopped anyone from chasing me out into the street. No one called the police this time? Possibly the other emmployees are more understanding than their bosses.

Final result: a few cuts and scrapes, fractured wrist (luckily not my writing arm). Nothing else. If she’s there, I can’t find her.

Probably shouldn’t try that one again. Suspect additional security will be hired.

ENTRY THIRTY-FOUR: A report on letterhead from Josef Montmiel, a local private investigator.

JOSEF: Re: the Investigation Into the Disappearance of M. Lilicentra

Dear Mlle. Bianchi,


This is in reference to yourcontracted investigation into the whereabouts of the missing persons case of Maria Lilicentra (per contract case #4729).

Please be informed that our offices have conducted a full evaluation and investigation, using all methods and avenues previously agreed upon, to determine the whereabouts of M. Lilicentra. The investigator on the case found no appreciable evidence of foul play or any probable additional investigation possibilities. We have recommended that the case be dropped, and as we are unable to proceed, will consider the investigation officially terminated for all purposes of our services and charges.

Thank you for bringing the matter to our offices. You are always welcome to communicate with us should you have any other questions or concerns, and to open or reopen any other lines of inquiry.

Respectfully yours,

Josef Montmiel
Licensed Private Investigator (PI)

ENTRY THIRTY-FIVE: A series of notes by Ginevra on pink notebook paper, surrounded by doodles.


GINEVRA: Received phone call from an unknown person who gave his name only as “Pietr”. Claimed he had been directed to me by Alison McMann from Chicago, and that he was looking for Maeve, whom he claimed is being held against her will somewhere.

Caller did not have any information to share - in fact, he was looking for information from me, and said he had been informed that I worked for her. Tried to be evasive about it, but he didn’t seem to believe it.

Caller said he would be traveling to Paris soon to look for her and that he wanted my help. I have no idea who he actually is or what he wants, except he says he’s “rescuing” her.

Gave him my address. Not sure what else is left I haven’t tried yet.


  • Ginevra's notes are all taken in Italian, but are translated to English here for ease of reference.

  • Lali claims to have seen Maeve in a dream, being eaten by François Villon; Villon is the Prince of Paris and is also missing at this time, although his subjects are afraid to presume his death.

  • The Missing Persons flyer Ginevra put up for Maeve lists her height inaccurately as 4'11"; she is actually 4'10".

  • Ginevra addresses a letter to "Lawrence Williams"; she has gotten fellow ghoul Lawrence Wilson's name slightly wrong.

  • Jean Claude is taking advantage of Ginevra's ignorance to force her to formally request a boon in her letter to him. Since ghouls cannot owe prestation, the debt will automatically become Maeve's instead.

  • Ironically, this reveals that Jean Claude is lying about Maeve's death, as a boon from her would be worthless if she were dead.

  • Ginevra's attempt to send a letter to Domenico Lilicentra about Maeve's disappearance is returned unopened; Domenico is Dominic Vaughn's mortal persona, and he is currently in torpor in the same crypt Maeve is in.

  • Ginevra mentions calling her father to keep her out of jail; as a major businessman with connections to organized crime, he was able to make sure she was released to Italian authorities instead of being charged in France.

  • The faint strangeness Walter is able to sense at the Rue de la Pompe Elysium is actually him picking up on Octavius' secret underground crypt, but as a ghoul he lacks the skills to find out anything more useful.

  • Although the article about the drug bust is dated July 10th, 2015, this is a mistake; Ginevra left the country with her domitor in May of 2015.

Ginevra's Files