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== Trivia ==
== Trivia ==
* The war Ian and Percy are discussing is World War I.<br>
* The war Ian and Percy are discussing is World War I.<br><br>
* The lodge Percy mentions being given as a wedding gift is [ Hamptworth Lodge], then a brand-new construction incorporating bits of an older seventeenth-century building. Given this, it is likely that their friend is the son of Harold Moffatt, who commissioned it to hold his furniture and artwork collection.<br>
* The lodge Percy mentions being given as a wedding gift is [ Hamptworth Lodge], then a brand-new construction incorporating bits of an older seventeenth-century building. Given this, it is likely that their friend is the son of Harold Moffatt, who commissioned it to hold his furniture and artwork collection.<br><br>
* The word that Ian overhears that causes him to go to break up the fight is an ethnic slur used against Irish Travellers.
* The word that Ian overhears that causes him to go to break up the fight is an ethnic slur used against Irish Travellers.

Latest revision as of 11:51, 11 August 2024

Scene Summary: Flashback: Oxford University

Flashback: Oxford University
IanFace.png Percy2Face.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date September 5th, 1914
Real Date October 22, 2016
Characters Ian Kross
Percy Sutton
Locations Oxford University
Previous Scene None
Next Scene Flashback: Rescue Party (Ian, Percy)
Content Warnings Racism, Warfare
Original Scene Flashback: Oxford University

Flashback: Oxford University is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ian Kross and Percy Sutton. It depicts Ian and Percy chatting over a normal evening at college, only to be interrupted by a nearby disturbance.

Scene Summary

Ian is reading in the commons of Oxford University when he is interrupted by Percy, who makes fun of him for studying so much and invites him to walk back to their apartment together. On the way, Ian argues that he is doing poorly in school and needs to study, while Percy dismisses this as unimportant. They discuss the progress of the war and the recent engagement of a mutual friend of theirs, who has become engaged to an American heiress and has invited several friends, including Percy, to visit his lodge to celebrate. Ian wryly guesses that Percy wants him to drive him down, and Percy admits this, teasing Ian about having a car when he doesn't.

They continue to walk toward home, Percy enticing Ian with the promise that a Lady Eleanor will be at the estate, which embarrasses Ian, who tries to pretend that he never had any interest in her. As they banter, Ian overhears some indistinct shouting nearby and shushes Percy so that he can hear better. Percy suggests that it's only a few boys roughhousing, but Ian hears an ethnic slur being used and disagrees, heading toward the commotion while Percy tags along behind.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Flashback: Oxford University Script Summary

PERCY: Bayham!

He crosses the commons at Oxford University toward Ian, who is reading.


PERCY: Terrific! I worried you had set off for the night.


IAN: Then you're in luck. Chaucer has only now defeated me.

He puts a bookmark in his book and closes it.


IAN: Shall we walk back together? Or are you off to somewhere more exciting than the rental?


PERCY: At 7 o'clock I would certainly hope so!

He sits on the arm of the couch Ian is sitting on.


PERCY: But let's walk together. I can make sure you don't spend all evening with your nose in a book.


IAN: Unfortunately some of us find need to study on occasion, Sutton. My marks have been abysmal so far.

He puts his books away in a satchel, then stands and slings it over his shoulder. Percy laughs.


PERCY: As though that were at all the reason we are here.

Ian laughs. They leave the building and walk down the street into town, making conversation about the war.


PERCY: Oh, did you hear? Reggie’s gotten engaged! An American heiress, if you can believe it, with him only in line for a baronet. But his father is over the moon about it, of course, and gave the happy couple the lodge at Hamptworth as an early wedding present. It’s so enormous, it’s ghastly. I was thinking about heading down for the 'weekend', as it were, get in a day of shooting before I have to come back to the monotony of this place. And I thought you might like to come with me.


IAN: And you thought I might like to drive you?

Percy laughs.


PERCY: Oh, would you?

Ian laughs.


PERCY: Come on, you know it is absolutely ridiculous that you have a motorcar and I don't. It's not fair!


IAN: Yes, your father hasn't embraced the nouveau riche lifestyle as well as you would have hoped, has he?


PERCY: Not at all. I imagine it’s meant to teach me character or something equally droll.

Ian sighs.


IAN: Ah, character. I’ve heard of that. Dreadfully middleclass, you’re right.

Percy slaps Ian on the back.


PERCY: So what do you say, old man? Come on... Reggie's invited loads of people to stay. I even heard rumor that one Lady Eleanor may be visiting her cousins for the week. Hm?


IAN: I have no idea why you think that would be of any consequence to me, Mr. Sutton. I have never—

Percy nudges him. Voices are heard shouting in the distance.


PERCY: You never what, Lord Bayham? You never wrote an entire book of cringeworthy poetry over—

Ian holds up a hand.


IAN: No, be quiet. Did you hear that?


PERCY: What?


IAN: Shouting. Over there, I think. I just heard—

More shouting is heard nearby.


PERCY: Oh. Sounds like a few boys roughhousing is all. What’s the matter?


IAN: No, it doesn't.

He begins marching toward the shouting.


PERCY: Wait. Where are you— Bayham!


  • The war Ian and Percy are discussing is World War I.

  • The lodge Percy mentions being given as a wedding gift is Hamptworth Lodge, then a brand-new construction incorporating bits of an older seventeenth-century building. Given this, it is likely that their friend is the son of Harold Moffatt, who commissioned it to hold his furniture and artwork collection.

  • The word that Ian overhears that causes him to go to break up the fight is an ethnic slur used against Irish Travellers.