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Scene Summary: Flashback: Rescue Party

Flashback: Rescue Party
IanFace.png James4Face.png Percy2Face.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date September 5th, 1914
Real Date November 2, 2016
Characters Ian Kross
James Murphy
Percy Sutton
Locations Oxford, England
Previous Scene Flashback: Oxford University (Ian, Percy)
Next Scene Flashback: Familiar Face (Ian, Percy)
Flashback: First Sight (Colin)
Content Warnings Racism, Violence
Original Scene Flashback: Rescue Party

Flashback: Oxford University is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ian Kross, James Murphy and Percy Sutton. It depicts Ian and Percy rescuing James from a beating.

Scene Summary

Ian looms over a group of young men who scatter when faced with his larger size, leaving behind the boy they have been beating lying on the ground. Ian is annoyed that Percy avoided being near when there was a threat of violence, although he admits that he also doesn't really know how to fight, either. He calls out to James to ask if he's all right, and James gets up and tells him that he is, although he has multiple visible injuries.

Percy intentionally commits a faux pas in order to use Ian's title, causing James to be surprised by the presence of a nobleman and to become very deferential and thankful; Ian is irritated by Percy's rudeness and makes a point of shaking James' hand. Percy attempts to convince Ian to leave and return to their lodgings, but Ian puts him off with the reminder that he'd planned to go out tonight and instead asks if James needs help getting anywhere. James refuses politely and thanks him again before leaving.

In and Percy begin to head for their apartment, and Ian snaps at Percy for his behavior; Percy laughs, reminding Ian that James is clearly an Irish Traveller and that it's not especially surprising to find some of the local youths beating him for coming into town. Ian tells Percy that he should have been kinder, using the old adage that kindness costs nothing, and is troubled by Percy's rejoinder that he's never had to pay for anything in his life.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Flashback: Rescue Party Script Summary

Ian encounters a group of boys beating another boy and intimidates them into scattering.


PERCY: That was easy.

He laughs.


PERCY: It's a good thing, too. I have no idea how to throw a punch. Do you?


IAN: None at all.

He advances on the beaten boy.


IAN: You there! Are you all right?


IAN: You there! Are you all right?


JAMES: Aye. Been better before, if you're asking, but I'm fine.

He gets up and laughs.


JAMES: Thank you. I surely mean it. That was very kind of you, mister.


IAN: Think nothing of it.


PERCY: Noble, even. We would expect nothing less of the Lord Bayham.


JAMES: It's a pleasure to be making your acquaintance, my lord. Thank you. Again.

He offers his hand and Ian shakes it.


IAN: Again, it was nothing.


PERCY: Spoken like the true hero he is.

He laughs and claps Ian on the shoulder.


PERCY: Now that this is all settled, though, we really should be getting on, Bay. Mrs. Prewitt is bound to get testy if dinner cools before we get to it.


IAN: I thought you were going out for the evening, Mr. Sutton. Is there somewhere we can help you get to?


JAMES: Oh, it’s no worry, my lord. It’s not far to get me home.

He tries to doff a hat, but isn't wearing one and laughs.


JAMES: Thank you, though.

He bows to Ian and walks away toward the outskirts of town.


IAN: Right. Glad to hear it, my man. Have a good evening.


PERCY: Be careful!


IAN: What in the hell, Sutton?

Percy laughs.


PERCY: What? So a pikey ran afoul of a few boys from town. That's not so terribly serious, Bayham.

They begin to walk into town.


IAN: You could have been kinder. It costs nothing, if you recall.


PERCY: Says the man who has never paid for anything in his life.


  • Ian's discomfort stems from the fact that it would be considered gauche at this time to refer to him as "Lord Bayham," which means that Percy has done so specifically to make sure James knows he's speaking to a member of the peerage.