From DC by Night Wiki
Scenes with Veronique DuBray

The scenes below are presented in chronological order within each chronicle, or in order of writing if they do not fit within a game's chronology. Links are provided to the beginning of the thread or document. Content warnings indicate sensitive subjects that may be discussed or situations that may arise within the scene.

Veronique DuBray appears in the Paris Chronicle.

Background Scenes

February 2014

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
The Ginevra Files: Paris Ginevra keeps files on her attempts to find her missing domitor Alessandra di Napoli, Antoinette d'Exupery, Ginevra Bianchi, Giuseppe Valletti, Jean Claude Danut, Lali, Lawrence Wilson, Manolo d'Artagnan, Marie Mageaux, Pieter Van Reise, Simon DuBois, Veronique DuBray, Vitus, Walter Pêcheur Content Warnings