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Scene Summary: That Good Night

That Good Night
JacqueFace.png MarcusFace.png MonicaFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 19, 2015
Real Date January 1-3, 2016
Characters Delia Chambers
Jacque Beaumont
Marcus Vitel
Monica Black
Locations Coolidge House
Previous Scene The More the Merrier! (Jacque)
Territorial Nature (Monica)
Hope for the Hopeless (Vitel)
Next Scene La Vie d'une Rose (Jacque)
Regrets of the Dying (Monica)
Adventures in Babysitting (Delia, Vitel)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene That Good Night

That Good Night is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Jacque Beaumont, Marcus Vitel, and Monica Black, with a minor appearance by Delia Chambers. It depicts Jacque becoming Vitel's student in matters of the Abyss.

Scene Summary

Monica is in the Coolidge House, which she finds old-fashioned and uninteresting. She is interested in why a Toreador neonate is getting a private audience with Vitel and lingers until he arrives. She comes down the stairs as Jacque enters the building, carrying a letter and a package. He is nervous, knowing that he will no longer be able to pretend to be Jean Claude Danut's childe in this meeting, and worries that he will let his real master down. When Monica descends the stairs, he greets her and thanks her for her warm welcome the other evening, having mistaken her for her sister Cynthia Black. Monica corrects his mistake and leaves him to be mortified as she exits the building.

Jacque's gift to Vitel

Delia leads Jacque to a sitting room where Vitel is waiting, closing the two of them inside. Vitel orders Jacque to sit and then asks why he is here, prompting Jacque to hand over a letter which he reads. Vitel asks again if Jacque knows why he is here and Jacque admits that he does not but also does not want to guess. Vitel finds Jacque a strange choice for a new Lasombra but trusts that his old friend Julian Augustine knows what he's doing. He tells Jacque that he has been sent to learn certain mysteries, which Jacque knows nothing about but agrees to do his best to learn.

Vitel asks Jacque about darkness, philosophically explaining the idea of different seasons and colors of it, but Jacque is unable to understand what he is talking about and apologizes. Vitel dismisses him but instructs him to meet again later in he week. Jacque is worried that he has made too many mistakes, but offers Vitel the package he is carrying, which contains a vial of water from the Costa Verde off of Spain, hoping that it will be an appropriate gift, before bowing and leaving the building.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

That Good Night Script Summary

Jacque arrives at the Coolidge House carrying a package and a letter and steps inside. Monica is walking down the stairs.


JACQUE: Good evening, Madam Black.


MONICA: Good evening. It's Mr. Beaumont, isn't it? You are here for your audience with the Prince, I assume?


JACQUE: Yes, madam. On both accounts. And I would say thank you, again, for your reception when I arrived. I, ah, look forward to court.

Monica reaches the bottom of the stairs and pauses for several seconds.


MONICA: Your thanks are misdirected, Mr. Beaumont. I suggest that in the future you apply directly to my sister when you wish to speak to her.

She walks past him toward the front door. Jacque bows his head. Monica waves back over her shoulder.


MONICA: The ghoul will take you up. I'll be sure to tell Ms. Black, should I see her, that you were looking for her.

Jacque sighs. Delia appears from under the stairs and leads him down a hallway. She reaches a door and opens it to allow Jacque to enter. He does and she closes the door behind him, remaining in the hall. Inside, Vitel is sitting in an armchair next to a cold fireplace. Jacque bows. There are several seconds of silence.


VITEL: Mr. Beaumont. Sit.

Jacque sits in a chair.


JACQUE: Thank you, your Majesty. For your time.

Vitel nods.


VITEL: Tell me why you are here.


JACQUE: I am here to deliver a message, your majesty.

He hands a letter to Vitel.


JACQUE: From my master.

Vitel takes the letter and reads it. He uses the Obtenebration discipline to make the letter vanish into the shadows around his chair.


VITEL: Do you know what you were sent here for?


JACQUE: No, your majesty. I have not been told and it would not be wise to assume.


VITEL: Augustine.

He pauses.


VITEL: Was an old friend. Very old indeed. You have been sent here for instruction and introduction, in certain mysteries you now have cause to become acquainted with.


JACQUE: I see. Then I am at your disposal, your majesty.


VITEL: Have you ever noticed the seasons of the night? Its spring is in the rosy air after sunset, darkness purple and thin around the horizon. Summer comes on its heels, heavy and fragrant, like warm breezes off the hills. Autumn, in the small hours of the night; this is the season of darkness' zenith, when even the memory of light is banished, and even the bodies in the heavens remember only what was and what will be, not what is below them. And winter follows, pale and thin, as white begins to ice the rim of the world.


JACQUE: No, your majesty. I apologize, I have not. Should I?

There is a long pause.


VITEL: It is not a question of whether or not you should. We will speak again on Tuesday, at my club.


JACQUE: Yes, your majesty. Thank you.

Jacque stands up and offers the package to Vitel.


JACQUE: It is an expression of my gratitude. For your hospitality, your majesty.

Vitel takes the package. Jacque backs up several steps and bows. He turns and leaves the room.


  • Monica's mention of the prestigious history of the Coolidge House refers to its history as the temporary home of United States president Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s while the White House was being repaired.

  • Jacque's confusion is due to the fact that Harpy Cynthia Black and Seneschal Monica Black are identical twin sisters.

  • The letter Jacque delivers to Vitel is from Julian Augustine.

  • The "mysteries" Vitel refers to instructing Jacque in are the tenets of Abyss Mysticism.

  • Jacque's gift of a vial of seawater comes from the Costa Verde in Spain; like most members of Clan Lasombra, both Jacque and Vitel have a fascination with the ocean, and Jacque knows that Vitel is originally from Spain and may find the ocean there especially meaningful.