From DC by Night Wiki

Politics are, if anything, even more complex and dangerous among the supernatural than they are among mortals. From the hierarchies and systems they construct to the natural groupings of related beings to the continual war and conflict between different beings (not to mention between factions of the same beings) to the complex social constructions of lineage and power, they are constantly-evolving and impenetrably byzantine to anyone who has not been closely schooled in their workings.

While political considerations among the supernatural often occur for exactly the same reasons as they do among humans - inheritance, temporal power, the ability to change the existing system - they also often blend with more arcane concerns involving magic or religion. See Philosophy for social considerations that are not purely political.

ChangelingsSmall.png DemonSmall.png HuntersSmall.png Kuei-JinSmall.png MagesSmall.png
Changeling Politics Demon Politics Hunter Politics Kuei-Jin Politics Mage Politics
MortalsSmall.png MummySmall.png WerewolvesSmall.png VampireSmall.png WraithsSmall.png
Mortal Politics Mummy Politics Shapehifter Politics Vampire Politics Wraith Politics