From DC by Night Wiki

The Inconnu are a frightening unknown quantity - at least, they are to those who know they exist at all, which is very few. An ancient sect dating back to ancient Rome or earlier, they are made up entirely of elders of extremely advanced age, manipulating all the other sects from the shadows like aged chess-players. The Camarilla, whose younger elders believe they are in control, or the Sabbat, who believe they have thrown off the yoke of the elders forever, are both helpless to even realize they are being used by the Inconnu; such strings run so deep, so old, and so subtle that there is no chance of their discovery.

A few Kindred know the name Inconnu, and think of it as an old wives' tale, the story of ancient super-vampires told to frighten new neonates into obedience. Only a few elders in any given sect know that the Inconnu is real and active, and they generally either have very little idea what it does, or are being considered for membership themselves.

Inconnu Activity

The cardinal rule of the Inconnu is that none of its members ever, in any way, become involved in the affairs of other sects. They may observe, manipulate, or even defend themselves if need be, but they do not interact with members of other sects, the better to remain unknown by them and avoid any accidental entanglements that might aggravate them. Aside from doing their best to ensure that the vampiric race survives and prospers (which is usually their motivation for setting events into motion around the world), the Inconnu have no other unified mission statement and generally don't interfere in one anothers' affairs too much. There are no specific moral requirements of any members of the Inconnu, nor any real common thread in the clan or hobbies of members; a large portion of them claim to be seeking a sort of mythical enlightenment that would help them transcend the vampiric condition, but this may just be another layer of confusion designed to misdirect from their actual activities.

Perhaps the only true crime one of the Inconnu can commit is to kill another of their brethren. Doing so carries a death penalty, and is considered the ultimate affront to a sect designed to act as a bulwark to protect vampires from themselves.

The Monitors

Monitors are watchers for the Inconnu, generally placed in major city areas to observe the behavior and activities of other vampire sects and report back to their fellows in case any action need be taken. A Monitor generally remains in the same area indefinitely, with some carefully watching over their cities for thousands of years by these modern nights, and per the usual rules of the Inconnu never directly interfere in the affairs going on there. A Monitor might report major destabilization in the area, a threat from an outside power that might wipe out too many vampires (such as a major attack by Garou or Hunters), or a political maneuver by local vampires that would consolidate too much power in a single place.

The Monitor does not actually take action, for the most part, to solve any of these problems; it is simply their role to note them and pass the information on. If the Inconnu as a whole decide that interference is warranted, other agents will usually be dispatched to handle the problem.