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Scene Summary: Flashback: Siblings

Flashback: Siblings
IanFace.png Grace3Face.png MargaretFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date June 22nd, 1915
Real Date May 19th, 2019
Characters Ian Kross
Grace Crosswell
Margaret Crosswell
Locations Lamberhurst
Previous Scene Flashback: Reading Up (Ian, Margaret)
Next Scene Hope (Ian)
Content Warnings None
Original Scene Flashback: Siblings

Flashback: Siblings is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ian Kross and Margaret Crosswell, with a minor appearance by Grace Crosswell. It depicts Ian and Margaret making small talk before dinner.

Scene Summary

Ian returns to the house and up to his rooms, where he is dressed by his father's valet, Russell, a situation that makes him uncomfortable since he doesn't know the man well and is upset by his stories of his son's exploits in France; he wishes that he could spend time with footmen closer to his own age, but they have all been drafted into the war by this time. He returns downstairs but is much too early for dinner, and spends some time looking at the furnishings in the drawing room, finding their old-fashioned glory disheartening. After a while, he sits down on a sofa and closes his eyes, only to have to get back up quickly when Margaret arrives.

Margaret teases him about his height and they banter about his repeated growth spurts, but the conversation is uncomfortable. Margaret asks him about his time at Oxford, and he tells her that he mostly studies rather than getting into trouble, causing her to make fun of him for being incapable of enjoying things. She reminds him of sneaking out together to steal biscuits as children, although he remembers the incidents less fondly due to Margaret often blaming him when they were caught. Ian is distracted, thinking about how old and rigid the house is, until Grace arrives and calls for him.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Flashback: Siblings Script Summary

Ian returns to the house and is dressed for dinner by a valet. He goes downstairs to the drawing room and walks around, looking at the furnishings, and finally sits down on a sofa near the fireplace. Margaret enters the room.


MARGARET: My, you do look comfortable.

Ian gets up and Margaret laughs.


MARGARET: How on earth are you still growing, Bay> I've only just seen you in the spring and you've grown another foot, at least.


IAN: Can't say I know. Luck, I suppose.


MARGARET: Well, I don't know how lucky it is. You'll be ducking under all the chandeliers soon if you keep it up.

Ian laughs.


IAN: But I'll never have a bad seat at the theatre. So there's that.


MARGARET: Hm. Tell that to the poor souls seated behind you.

She sits in a chair and Ian sits back down on the sofa.


MARGARET: So, how's Oxford treating you?


IAN: Oh, well enough. It's not so very different from Eton, you know. All those old buildings start to look the same after a while. I quite like having a bit more time to myself, though. That's a nice change.


MARGARET: Time to get yourself into trouble, more like. Isn't that the point of university? To get it all out of your system before you're dragged back home.


IAN: Not that I've seen. I spend my time studying mostly. But I imagine I could get myself into trouble if I wanted, so that's something.


MARGARET: Of course, you've never known how to properly enjoy anything. Do you remember when we used to sneak down to the kitchen after nanny went to bed? All that trouble and you only ever took one biscuit.


IAN: Can't say that I do.

There is a long pause. Grace arrives.




  • Ian's discomfort when hearing the valet's stories of his son's adventures in France is due to World War I, ongoing at this time.