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Scene Summary: First Sight

First Sight
AugustineFace.png OctaviusFace.png
Chronicle Milan Chronicle
Game Date October 26, 1415
Real Date January 27, 2021
Characters Julian Augustine
Octavius Sage
Locations Palazzo Augustine
Previous Scene None
Next Scene Phone Call: Jacque to Mentor (Augustine)
Ghost Love Song (Octavius)
Content Warnings Mind Control
Original Scene First Sight

First Sight is a scene from the Milan Chronicle featuring the characters Julian Augustine and Octavius Sage. It depicts the first meeting and beginning of friendship between Octavius and the newly-arisen impostor Augustine.

Scene Summary

Julian Augustine emerges from an underground stone crypt in Milan, musing about who the original Julian Augustine was and who he now is after taking on his identity. He returns to Augustine's home and family in order to orient himself for one year, but is continually bothered by the memory of Augustine's best friend, Octavius, eventually inviting him to visit.

When Octavius arrives, Augustine has made the palazzo comfortable for him with dimmed lights and sparse decoration. They greet one another and Augustine kisses Octavius' cheeks, noticing that he is tense about it, although he believes this is positive. He uses Dominate to convince Octavius that he really is his old friend and the two sit down. Augustine explains that he has changed a lot over the past century and that this is why he looks so different from the friend with whom Octavius is familiar.

The two men sit in silence for a long period of time before Augustine tells Octavius that he called him because he needs his knowledge and help. The scene ends with the implication that they will soon begin to discuss the future.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

First Sight Script Summary

Augustine emerges from his crypt and returns to his home and children. A year later, he invites Octavius to join him at his home, dispatching his oldest childe with a letter. When Octavius arrives, he has darkened the lights in the building and removed most of the furniture except for two chairs.

The two men meet at the door and Augustine kisses Octavius' cheeks. Octavius tenses at the contact.


AUGUSTINE: I know. I look much changed. But it is still I, your old friend. In a way. Please, let us sit.

Augustine gestures to the chairs and both men sit down.


OCTAVIUS: What do you mean?


AUGUSTINE: I believe that I look changed because I am changed. I have no words for it, other than those. I have searched in vain this past year and I am no closer to finding them. I simply know that I am no longer what I was before.

There is a very long silence.


AUGUSTINE: They say that sleep is peaceful, that it is nothingness, but I no longer believe that is the case. This is why I have written to you, my friend. I am in need of your knowledge. And your guidance.

There is another long silence as the men regard one another.


  • All dialogue in this scene takes place in Latin, but has been translated for ease of reference.

  • Augustine dims the lights and relies on scattered candles in this scene; this is because he is aware of Octavius' eye condition, which causes him intense pain when exposed to bright light.

  • Octavius' confusion over Augustine's appearance is due to the fact that the current Julian Augustine is an impostor who has taken on many of the qualities and memories of the original.

  • Augustine stripping all the furniture and even the tile out of his home represents his rebirth as a new person who will replace the trappings of the old.