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Blood Doll

A blood doll is a person, usually a mortal, who serves as a regular feeding source for one or more vampires. Blood dolls are generally kept and taken care of by a particular vampire or coterie of vampires, which makes sure that their physical needs are met and that they are generally protected from harm; in return, the blood dolls are frequently fed on by the vampire who controls them.

Most blood dolls are visibly unhealthy, as even with regular care and a compassionate master they are likely to lose weight and appear pale from the frequent donation of blood; similarly, they may see other physical symptoms of anemia and related problems. They often spend time with one another, if there are enough of them to form a small group, and when around those not in the know about vampires usually wear clothes covering most of their bodies to prevent anyone from seeing the evidence of their feedings.

While most blood dolls are attached to a specific vampire or coterie, some are free agents, selling units of their blood to a small group of vampires on their own terms or rotating among multiple vampires in order to make sure they are fed on more often. These arrangements are unusual, however; it is generally safer and easier for a vampire to simply keep their blood dolls in-house.


Blood dolls are the most involved and protected any mortal can be in vampire society; although they lack the prestige of being full-fledged ghouls, they are still the only mortals who are allowed to know the truth behind the Masquerade and live, which causes different vampires to place a variety of restrictions on them (up to and including blackmail, threats, disciplines, or withholding of the Kiss) to make sure that it stays that way. While they get absolutely no respect in vampire society, many blood dolls feel special to be chosen from the ranks of humanity to learn these secrets, and some are even lucky enough to develop a relationship with the vampire who feeds from them, although this tends to be rare.

They may not get much respect, but blood dolls are considered to be essentially property of the vampire or coterie that owns them; therefore, they are protected from danger by their masters in much the same way any expensive belonging might be protected. Because they cannot meaningfully fulfill their function if they are unhealthy, they also often receive better medical care and nourishment than they might otherwise be able to afford on their own.

The main benefit of being a blood doll is being guaranteed to experience the Kiss frequently, anywhere from nightly to once in a while depending on how many vampires are feeding and what their needs are. Most blood dolls are addicted to the Kiss, usually as a result of once being fed on, and they are likely to instantly volunteer for feedings and to jockey with their fellows to be chosen more often, even when this is a detriment to their health. Because the Kiss is considered so paramount for so many blood dolls, they occasionally develop small internal hierarchies based on who is "loved" more by the vampires that feed on them.

Although some blood dolls fool themselves that their position makes them more likely to be Embraced, the truth is that most vampires consider them good only for food and would have made them ghouls if they'd had any interest in their futures.


Blood dolls may get access to an exclusive world, but they are unfortunately the most disposable people living in it. Blood dolls often have very short lifespans; if an enemy vampire doesn't kill them to upset their master, a marauding shapeshifter might, or a hunter might firebomb the house when they're inside, or (most commonly) their vampire master will be extensively injured or just careless some night and exsanguinate them completely.

Similarly, while they are considered the belongings of their masters and therefore can cause political upsets and dangers if tampered with, they are often the target of malicious attacks by their vampire's rivals or enemies, sometimes for a purpose but often just to make the vampire's life harder or more upsetting. Because blood dolls are just mortals and are easily replaced, they are considered less of an "important" possession than a ghoul or revenant, so the spillover protection they gain from their masters is counterbalanced by the fact that hurting them is the easiest and lowest-stakes way to wreck someone's night without too many consequences.

Blood dolls can also develop severe health issues; in fact, most do if they remain in the position for more than a short period of time. The human body is not designed to be repeatedly exsanguinated, leading to blood dolls often being afflicted by conditions such as permanent anemia, shock, blood pressure problems, and autoimmune diseases triggered by the repeated stresses to their bodies.

Supernatural Blood Dolls

It is technically possible to have supernatural beings that are also blood dolls. Many supernatural creatures are also susceptible to the Kiss, in turn making it possible for them to become addicted to it, and others simply see it as a useful way of exchanging favors, allowing vampires to feed from their blood in return for access to information or resources. Some even view it as a moral imperative; after all, a supernatural being can survive a vampire's attentions much more easily and bounce back much more quickly, and if they didn't do it, some hapless mortal would probably have to.

Supernatural blood dolls tend to be uncommon, however, because they are much more difficult to anticipate and control than are mortals. Supernatural blood dolls are much more capable of refusing to offer up blood or brokering deals when they do, which is a problem for a vampire in a hurry or suffering from serious injuries, and because it is harder to control their minds with disciplines and other machinations, they cannot be relied upon to decide to remain in the vampire's employ as long as they want them to.

Notably, supernatural blood often also has odd side effects on vampires who consume it, which can also make a supernatural blood doll impractical. The heightened emotions and rage induced by feeding from a shapeshifter may be a hindrance more often than they are a help, and the euphoric drunkenness of feeding from a fairy can reduce even elders down to useless stoners, making both impractical options.

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