From DC by Night Wiki

Scenes with Antonella Rossini

The scenes below are presented in chronological order within each chronicle, or in order of writing if they do not fit within a game's chronology. Links are provided to the beginning of the thread or document. Content warnings indicate sensitive subjects that may be discussed or situations that may arise within the scene.

Antonella Rossini appears in the Chicago Chronicle.

Chicago by Night

October 2012

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
The Devil You Know Richard and the Archon arrive in Chicago Antonella Rossini, Jacque Beaumont, Richard Montague Content Warnings
The Devil and His Due Maeve and Richard meet at court and Ian is banished from Elysium by the Archon Alphonse Capone, Antonella Rossini, Colin Thomas, Genevieve d'Joie, Ian Kross, Jean Claude Danut, Maeve Glaistig, Richard Montague Content Warnings
Ableism, Mind Control, Misogyny

December 2012

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
Mr. Self-Destruct Ian informs Capone of Maeve's kidnapping and Colin announces that the Sheriff was a traitor Alphonse Capone, Antonella Rossini, Arianna Popesco, Colin Thomas, Ian Kross, Richard Montague Content Warnings
Ableism, Captivity, Mental Illness, Misogyny, Substance Abuse
Shadow Boxers Mila and Vanessa declare war on Ian and Maeve while Clan Toreador suffers the shock of an elder's death Alphonse Capone, Antonella Rossini, Arianna Popesco, Brennon Thornhill, Chason Wells, Colin Thomas, Genevieve d'Joie, Ian Kross, Jacque Beaumont, Jean Claude Danut, Maeve Glaistig, Mila Kross, Olaf Holte, Richard Montague, Vanessa Keasley Content Warnings
Ableism, Body Horror, Death, Domestic Abuse, Homophobia, Mental Illness, Mind Control, Misogyny, Rape, Sexual Harassment, Violence