From DC by Night Wiki

Scenes with Abraham DuSable

The scenes below are presented in chronological order within each chronicle, or in order of writing if they do not fit within a game's chronology. Links are provided to the beginning of the thread or document. Content warnings indicate sensitive subjects that may be discussed or situations that may arise within the scene.

Abraham DuSable appears in the Chicago Chronicle.

Chicago by Night

March 2013

Scene Title Summary Characters Warnings
What Your Eyes Can Do Ian declares himself an Anarch and Colin confronts Octavius about his abuse Abraham DuSable, Annabelle Treabelle, Bret Stryker, Colin Thomas, Ian Kross, Jean Claude Danut, Laurence Chantilly, Maeve Glaistig, Michael Payne, Richard Montague, Sharon Payne, Sophia Ayes, Tamoszius Kuszleika, Tiffany Salisbury Content Warnings
Ableism, Domestic Abuse, Mind Control, Sexual Harassment, Substance Abuse, Transphobia, Violence