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Joseph Fuller
Joseph Fuller
Character Information
Birth Name type here
Other Names type here
Species Vampire
Clan Gangrel
Age Neonate
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Ethnicity English/German
Birth type birthdate here
type birthplace here
Embrace type embrace date here
type embrace place here
Occupation Cult Leader
Languages English
Powers and abilities Animalism
Connection Information
Sect Independents
House type here
Relatives Adrienne Connor (sire)
Tabitha Prester (childe)
Retainers type here
Background Information
Player NPC
Chronicles DC Chronicle
Character Sheet DC Sheet
Archetypes type here & here
Astrological Sign type here
MBTI Personality type here

Charismatic, immediately commanding of attention, and intentionally as mysterious as he can be, Joseph is a classic cult leader, wielding enormous influence over a small group of weak-minded followers while he leverages them into real power in the area. Although he is seldom seen in larger Kindred society unless he senses a new person who might be recruited to his cause, he is charming and authoritative when he does socialize, and it's not uncommon for him to be mistaken for a member of a more prestigious clan.


Mortal Life

Joseph has always been a force in his environment. He recognized his ability to manipulate others early on, getting whatever he wanted in youth and carrying his charismatic powers forward to begin gathering other people to follow him even when he was still a young man. He developed an interest in the occult early in his life thanks to his search for greater power from a source that was not easily controlled by anyone else, and after becoming deeply involved in the study of ancient Egyptian lore and spells, he moved to DC with a small group of like-minded followers in order to gain access to the city's famously varied and obscure library texts.

Once he had arrived, Joseph set up shop as a local cult leader; styling himself the Pharaoh of his new little group, he gained influence among bored dilettantes and counter-culture youth in the area, creating a small pseudo-religion in which orgies, flagellation rituals, and anything else that amused him became the norm. While Joseph did believe that there must be power for the taking somewhere in the ancient Egyptian texts, he didn't believe in the cult's importance beyond a tool or in any other supernatural powers... until he was proven very wrong by the arrival of his sire, Adrienne.


Adrienne passed through DC like many other wandering Gangrel, looking for a few easy meals and an interesting direction to go next, but when she happened across Joseph trying a bizarre occult ritual in the woods of Potomac Park, she couldn't resist trying to find out what he was about. She became a "follower" of the cult and eventually his lover as well, exerting an influence over him through her supernatural blood that even he couldn't quite explain, and remained for several months until a particularly orgiastic and energetic ritual saw her accidentally enter a Frenzy and tear his throat out. Contrite, she Embraced him to prevent him from dying and promptly left the city to avoid incurring the Prince's wrath, leaving Joseph as a newborn immortal with a now even more powerful motive to assert his control over others.

Activity in Washington, DC

Joseph continues to cultivate and enlarge his cult following, which has begun gaining some traction as a few members of more politically influential families decide to turn to him for leadership and distraction. There are rumors that Joseph may have contact with the Followers of Set, trading them mysterious favors in return for their knowledge of ancient Egyptian spells and secrets; of course, there is no confirmed Setite presence in DC, but it's undeniable that Joseph has some strange ties to the local underworld that are difficult to explain any other way.

Personal Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque porttitor sem at mi faucibus, sed dapibus enim commodo. Donec ut ornare nunc. Donec ut elit ac enim eleifend porta. Proin ultricies sapien neque, sed consectetur velit fringilla nec. Nam imperdiet est magna, vel venenatis lorem aliquet vel. Sed imperdiet leo sem, et facilisis purus luctus pellentesque. Nulla eu sem tortor. Duis ac pellentesque odio. Vivamus id pellentesque diam, at ultrices nisi. Curabitur blandit nec est nec dignissim. Donec mollis cursus sapien fermentum hendrerit. Aliquam pulvinar a diam quis mollis. Maecenas velit elit, pretium eget erat sit amet, lacinia rutrum turpis.

Alternative Versions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean varius massa metus, eu tristique turpis facilisis ac. Curabitur tempus enim ut faucibus dictum. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

Coteries and Themes
DC Gangrel Arachne SilverlockArt MorganBeverly BrightColin ThomasDamien CampbellDuncan MacTavishElijah FranklinJoseph FullerLester KnifeLewis ShengMelissaNadine LewandowskiTabitha PresterViolet DelacroixZachary ForgeZion Middleton
DC Independents Aicha RanaAluc Romas de LeonArachne SilverlockArjun ShahBabs MooreBen GaluraClaudi AymerichDiarmid DunsirnDipali SuriElijah FranklinEnzo TovaniThe Gaunt ManJackson AmyzialJimmy FrancettiJoseph FullerKhadija al-KindiLester KnifeLevi MacDonaldLewis ShengMarcel JeanvierNadine LewandowskiNoah GrewelPieter Van ReiseRavennaSebastian HartSylvia RoanhorseTabitha PresterThea Noel-MacCrainTwosretZachary ForgeZion Middleton
DC NPC Vampires AdzeAicha RanaAlastair AddisonAlexa SantosAlfie RosseliniAluc Romas de LeonAmelia LockeAmosAngel DietrichAndrea Harvey-StaboliAraceli RiveraArachne SilverlockArden CantyArjun ShahArlenArt MorganBabs MooreBen GaluraBeverly BrightBig KeithBill ButlerBilly RussellBjorn GarinsonBraden WhiteBronwyn LennoxBryan MacPheeCameron ForbesCassandraCedrick CalhounCharles DawsonChuck LandisClarence BartlebyClaudi AymerichCohn RoseCorbin LennoxCynthia BlackDaryl HuntDevin BoyceDiarmid DunsirnDipali SuriDizzy SchillingerDorian AdamsDuncan MacTavishEdgeEdith BeaubienEdward WalkerElena MathersElijah FranklinEmilio GonzalezEnzo TovaniErin HildebrandErzulieEustace LancasterEzequiel CoyotlFrancois MamuwaldeFuryGabriella WatersGary StapletonThe Gaunt ManGeorgette LawrenceGideon CroupsGino MantinelliGlenn CourierGo Yu-RiHans SchmidtHugo MeyerJackJackson AmyzialJames RoystonJames van DornJasper KrevetsJeffrey GrangerJennifer MacKayJoseph FullerKarina DobsonKaryn StanislavaKevin CanterburyKhadija al-KindiKyra RipaLester KnifeLevi MacDonaldLewis ShengLianne MillerLolita HoustonLucy AsakoMakayla ElleryMama PolariMarcel JeanvierMarcus VitelMargariteMartin of AvondaleMascha BlumenfeldMateo GarcíaMax HagenMelissaMercy ValdezMichalis BasarasMilena AronyanMonica BlackMu'tazz BecharaNadine LewandowskiNaomi StewartNerissa BlackwaterNickolas WhiteNoah GrewelPeter DorfmanPhilip FreemanPreston MalenkovRachel EvansRavennaRay RidgeworthRaymond WallaceRosario BattistaRowanRusty ShafiqahSaltSamsonSandor KorvinSarah LovegoodScott LevinSebastian HartStephanie BaylissStephen NortonSun CheSydney MiddletonSylvia RoanhorseTabitha PresterTalleyTatyana MakarovaThea Noel-MacCrainThelonius FaircloughTim RocheTobyTwosretUblo-SathaVelvetVictoria LongwoodViolet DelacroixViolet MeyerVitas VarnasWalter BlackWaunekaWayland SmithZachary ForgeZal BrassfieldZion Middleton