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Kuei-Jin Flaws

Kuei-Jin flaws refer to inborn disabilities, problems, or aversions that are only exhibited by Kuei-Jin. They generally represent problems or struggles unique to them because of their origin as the living dead or their connection to local folklore, and many of them, if visible, immediately indicate that the user must be superantural in origin.

Some Kuei-Jin flaws are even more specific, being most often manifested only by members of a specific dharma, although it is not always certain whether it is impossible for other vampires to have these flaws or simply very, very unusual.

General Kuei-Jin Flaws

Akuma: This Kuei-Jin has been branded a traitor by the other Kuei-Jin due to being perceived as serving the forces of chaos; whether it's true or not, they are shunned and often risk aggression from their fellows.

Cannibal: This Kuei-Jin must get their chi from consuming human flesh.

Ch'ing Shih: This Kuei-Jin has fallen into decay and disrepair, making it very difficult for them to pass as a human (not to mention very unpleasant for even other Kuei-Jin to be around).

Defiled: This Kuei-Jin has ingested corrupted chi and suffers from horrifying nightmares, and may lose permanent strength as well as chi whenever too forcefully reminded of their dreams.

Didactic P'o: This Kue-Jin is prone to giving long philosophical lectures whenever it comes up, and furthermore often gets the philosophy wrong in some important way.

Different Body: This Kuei-Jin had to reincarnate into a new body instead of their original one and finds that they struggle to work in it and avoid being overwhelmed by its original personality.

Hungry Dead: This Kuei-Jin is affected by human superstitions about Kuei-Jin and cannot enter religious shrines or look into mirrors, along with other inconveniences that may range from minor to life-threatening.

Kanbujian: This Kuei-Jin was born somewhere other than the traditional kingdoms of the Kuei-Jin and has only a very shaky grasp of dharma and Kuei-Jin politics.

Life-Blind: This Kuei-Jin lacks the usual power to see the auras and emotions of those around them, and also cannot see any spirits in the ether around them.

Vengeful Ancestors: This Kuei-Jin is haunted by the ghosts of their ancestors, who hate their existence as the undead and repeatedly harass them about it.

Wandering Spirit: This Kuei-Jin is attracted to the spirit world and needs twice as long to return to their body whenever they are severed from it.

Westerner: This Kuei-Jin is noticeably Western in appearance or behavior, causing more traditional Kuei-Jin to mistrust and avoid them.

Dhampyr Flaws

Ignorance of Self: This dhampyr is unaware of their true nature and believes they are a normal human with no powers.

Poison Joss: This dhampyr has difficulty using their protective powers and must invest twice as much energy in them, even then finding that sometimes they fail to work.

Sheltered Upbringing: This dhampyr has been brought up in Kuei-Jin circles and knows them well, but has little idea how mundane society works.

Strong P'o: This dhampyr has a more powerful inner drive toward anger and violence than most human beings, similar to a normal Kuei-Jin.

Sun Allergy: This dhampyr is especially sensitive to sunlight and suffers from severe skinburns and eye irritation when exposed to it.

Tainted Joss: This dhampyr attracts bad luck and dangerous creatures whenever they use their protective powers.

Vivophage: This dhampyr can only regain chi from a living or only recently killed person and cannot feed on the dead at all.

General Flaws Mental FlawsPhysical FlawsSocial FlawsSupernatural Flaws
Being-Specific Flaws Demon FlawsFairy FlawsGhost FlawsHunter FlawsKuei-Jin FlawsMage FlawsMortal FlawsMummy FlawsShapeshifter FlawsVampire Flaws