From DC by Night Wiki
Revision as of 18:58, 13 December 2016 by Admin (talk | contribs)
The Washington Chantry house is the stronghold of the Tremere in the DC area, and is a large, grand old house overlooking a small plot of land away from the city center. Carefully maintained by the clan's ghouls, it has enough space for all the local Tremere to use its rooms for ritual purposes at once if necessary, and includes several oddly-shaped rooms and large, high-ceilinged spaces suitable for the pursuit of magery. It was built two centuries ago and would probably be a registered historical landmark if the clan didn't so carefully keep it under private ownership and of absolutely no interest to anyone for any reason.

The Chantry house is sprawling and generally dimly lit, with comfortably wealthy appointments and furniture but very little effort being made toward keeping it up to date with modern fashions and styles. The Chantry house's location is a secret, since it is not open to other clans and the Tremere are not particularly interested in letting anyone else know where it is in case they have mischief in mind.

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