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Monica Black.png
Monica Black
Clan: Lasombra
Age: Ancilla
Sire: Marcus Vitel
Childer: None
Status: Acknowledged, Cherished, Esteemed, Faultless
Position: Seneschal of Washington DC

Monica is a powerful force, immediately noticeable when she enters a room and undeniably influential over almost everyone she interacts with. Intimidatingly beautiful, regally haughty, and sharp enough to cut with her wit alone, she glides the halls of the powerful like a shark among fish, doing her Prince's will and not incidentally plenty of her own as well. There is some gentleness in Monica, mostly reserved for her twin sister, and she is not above enjoying herself with other Kindred from time to time, but anyone who forgets who she is and the power she wields does so at their peril.

Mortal Life

Monica was a fashion model in life, although even then anyone who thought this meant she must be flighty or vapid learned otherwise very quickly. Determined to make a name for herself in an industry that would prefer to use lighter-skinned models whenever possible, Monica rose to prominence through a savvy combination of blackmail, seduction, and well-practiced business acumen, eventually managing to launch her own fashion line within only a few short years of beginning her career.

Although Monica's stylish caftans and daring headpieces earned her acclaim among fashionistas, she was not content to simply let her empire rest there. She branched out into various other businesses, particularly in imports and exports, and eventually managed to control enough interests to gain the attention of the shadowy owner of most such industries in the area.


Prince Vitel, who had until that point been unchallenged in control of Morocco's business along the Spanish coast, found Monica's initiative worth preserving and Embraced her, subjecting her to a full Blood Bond as a matter of course to ensure that she continued to conduct business as he preferred. Monica, overwhelmed by the power of the bond, immediately fell madly in love with him and followed him to the Americas, although she continued to administer her business prospects from afar.

Relationship with the Prince

Unfortunately, Monica eventually realized that her feelings were not reciprocated; the Prince had no particular room in him for interest in anyone but himself, and continually ignored or rebuffed her advances (although he did Embrace her sister Cynthia at her request, a gift Monica was not quite sure was altruistic). Having realized that it was really her business skills and financial empire he was interested in, she slowly became more and more bitter, although she hid it from others well.

Aware that she would be Prince if she were in any other city but the one dominated by her sire, Monica has begun slowly attempting to build her own power blocs, preparing for the day that she breaks away to establish power elsewhere or leads a revolt against Vitel; the second possibility still seems all but unthinkable for her, but she is too shrewd not to consider it as a possible final solution.

Additional Information

Character Sheet