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Fairy Flaws

Vampire flaws refer to inborn disabilities, problems, or aversions that are only exhibited by fairies or their Changeling children. They generally represent problems or struggles unique to them because of their origin as creatures of the Dreaming, and many of them, if visible, immediately indicate that the user must be fae in origin.

Some gairy flaws are even more specific, being most often manifested only by members of a specific kith or other group, although it is not always certain whether it is impossible for other vampires to have these flaws or simply very, very unusual.

General Fairy Flaws

Anachronism: This fairy has trouble understanding how human time works and often appears old-fashioned or alien.

Banality Magnet: This fairy is extremely sensitive to Banality and is harmed by it more than their fellows.

Banished: This fairy has been banished from their court or even their entire kith.

Chattel Appetites: This fairy is addicted to some mortal pleasure (for example, a game, food item, or sex act) and must repeatedly go among humans to satisfy it.

Child of Inanimae: This fairy is the child of two inanimae and is considered somewhat unnatural or, at best, to be a curiosity.

Chimerical Disability: This fairy's very fae nature has been permanently damaged, causing them to have trouble interacting with chimerae and glamour.

Chimerical Magnet: This fairy is extremely attractive to chimerae and is constantly being approached by them.

Cleared Mists: This fairy's powers are not hidden by the Mists, making them visible and recognizable to other beings.

Delicate Soul: This fairy is very sensitive to changes in magic currents around them and can be severely upset or disoriented when spells and supernatural creatures are around.

Demonic: This fairy appears terrifyingly monstrous in some way and is often mistaken for a demon by mortals.

Eochaid's Curse: This fairy can possess humans, but is affected by their personality and goals and cannot simply steamroll them.

Fallen Noble: This fairy was once a powerful noble but has since lost their holdings and influence.

Forsworn: This fairy has broken a magical oath in the past and has a terrible reputation as a result.

Fosterling: This fairy has not yet joined a court and is considered not yet adult in fairy society.

Frailty of the Flesh: This fairy is affected by mortal illnesses.

Genius Loci: This fairy is mystically bound to a specific landmark or area and cannot leave without weakening and even dying.

Guileless: This fairy can't tell a successful lie to save their life and is at a severe disadvantage around other fairies.

Hostage: This fairy is being held hostage long-term as part of a political power play.

Iron Allergy: While fairies feel pain from the touch of iron, this one actually suffers burning wounds that must be healed, and begins feeling pain when even in the vicinity of large amounts of iron.

Iron Tongue: This fairy not only shouldn't break their oaths, they actually can't without suffering horrifying pain and even death.

Jack o' Will: This fairy is addicted to ravaging, making them dangerous and unstable (and usually unpopular).

Known Echo: This fairy's personal weaknesses have been immortalized in folklore or media and enemies could potentially know what they are.

Nature Bound: This fairy is mystically bound to the wilderness and must remain in mostly natural areas or begin withering and weakening.

Oathtaken: This fairy is bound by oath to a more powerful fairy they must treat as their liege.

Parfum de Goat: This fairy smells strongly of animal musk and cannot in any way prevent or wash it away.

Sidhe's Curse: This fairy is especially vulnerable to Banality and suffers twice the damage from it.

Unseasonal: This fairy is marked by the season of a court other than their own (for example, a summer-aligned fairy with a frosty touch).

Wyld Mind: This fairy's mental state is as unpredictable as the chaotic Dreaming itself and they have extreme difficulty concentrating on anything for too long.

Changeling Flaws

Bizarre Quality: This changeling is just weird in some indefinable way, and mortals around them can sense it.

Changeling's Eyes: This changeling has strangely-colored or -shaped eyes that mark them as a fae creature to those in the know.

Greedy Glamour: This changeling has a poor connection to the Dreaming and has to generate more glamour to use their powers.

Iron Resistance: This changeling is human enough to not feel pain from the touch of iron (although it can still inflict Banality).

Slipped Seeming: This changeling's fairy nature keeps bleeding into their human appearance and making others see them as shockingly inhuman for only a fleeting second.

Too Human: This changeling has trouble appearing truly fairy in origin and is treated warily by other fairies.

Eshu Flaws

Lost Horizon: This Eshu has the traditional wanderlust, but is magically prevented from leaving a specific area without beginning to wither and die.

Nocker Flaws

Disbarred: This Nocker has done something illegal in the eyes of the rest of their kith and is no longer legally allowed to sell their wares.

Goblin Magnet: This Nocker is inexplicably attractive to goblins, which frequently appear and interfere with whatever they are doing.

Troglodyte: This Nocker is terribly uncomfortable with light and avoids it whenever possible.

Pooka Flaws

Animal Amnesia: This Pooka can remember nothing from when they are in animal form.

Animalistic Feature: This Pooka has animal features even when in human form and cannot easily hide them.

Environmental Need: This Pooka has the same needs as their animal forms, often causing them to be inconveniently confined to certain areas or supplies.

Hibernation: This Pooka is affected by the urge to hibernate during cold weather and struggles to remain awake or lucid if they do not.

Mortal Inhibition: Due to some situation in their mortal life, this Pooka is forced to spend most or all of their time in animal form.

Natural Urge: This Pooka has an urge related to the type of animal they are associated with (for example, the urge to dig holes and bury food) that is noticeably bizarre for someone trying to pass as human.

Pack Mentality: This Pooka loves to be part of a pack of animals (or people, in a pinch) and becomes anxious and upset when separated from them.

Redcap Flaws

Aversion: Unlike most Redcaps, this one has a single item or type of item that they simple cannot eat or digest (anywhere from "strawberries" to "any kind of animal meat" to "bricks made outside their home country").

Chicken Claws: This Redcap has chicken claws instead of hands or feet and therefore difficulty with manual tasks.

Stolen Tooth: This Redcap has lost a tooth, putting them in danger of being killed if it is found and destroyed.

Satyr Flaws

Sexual Hang-Up: This Satyr has a specific sex-related aversion that makes it difficult for them to participate joyfully in traditional sexual activities.

Wishy-Washy Ways: This Satyr cannot commit to things on the spur of the moment and often loses opportunities due to being indecisive.

Sluagh Flaws

Hag-Ridden: This Sluagh has upset a ghost and is now being aggressively haunted.

Knows Too Much: This Sluagh has seen a piece of horrifying forbidden knowledge and is now mentally broken, finding it difficult to care about or participate in anything.

Troll Flaws

Ancient Oath: This Troll has sworn an oath that they have forgotten due to the Mists and which may at any point come into play.

Blighted Face: This Troll is hideously ugly and clearly inhuman to the eye, no matter how they try to hide it.

Yearning Soul: This Troll deeply yearns for love and connection and fixates easily on anyone who grabs their attention.

Inanimae Flaws

Crafted: This inanimae was created by a human-made event (for example, the spirit of a reservoir being created by the damming of a river) and is less in touch with the fairy realm than "natural" inanimae.

Defaced: This inanimae's anchor has been damaged or vandalized, making them sickly and weak.

Inanimae Parent: This inanimae has had a child with another of their kind, causing others to dislike and avoid them for their destruction of the taboo against doing so.

Glome Flaws

Pig-Pen: This Glome leaves a trail of dirt and debris wherever they go.

Kubera Flaws

Hibernation: This Kubera is tied to the movement of the seasons and sleeps through the winter unless they put forth monumental will to stay awake for a little while.

Ondine Flaws

Water Under the Bridge: This Ondine's memory is like water and they have extreme difficulty remembering anything that happened more than a few hours ago.

General Flaws Mental FlawsPhysical FlawsSocial FlawsSupernatural Flaws
Being-Specific Flaws Demon FlawsFairy FlawsGhost FlawsHunter FlawsKuei-Jin FlawsMage FlawsMortal FlawsMummy FlawsShapeshifter FlawsVampire Flaws