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Scene Summary: Plumbing the Depths

Plumbing the Depths
GinevraFace.png JacqueFace.png SeanFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date December 8, 2015
Real Date May 7-15, 2016
Characters Ginevra Bianchi
Jacque Beaumont
Sean Fallon
Locations Ginevra's Studio Apartment
Previous Scene Warm Thoughts (Ginevra)
Phone Call: Jean Claude to Angelique (Jacque)
In Want Of (Sean)
Next Scene Loose Lips (Ginevra)
Heed the Spark or Dread the Fire (Jacque)
Lost and Found (Sean)
Content Warnings Ableism, Death, Mental Illness, Misogyny
Original Scene Plumbing the Depths

Plumbing the Depths is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ginevra Bianchi, Jacque Beaumont, and Sean Fallon. It depicts Jacque visiting Ginevra and helping her with maintenance.

Scene Summary

Casper runs down the street, dodging pedestrians as he fears he will not arrive at his destination before it closes due to having slept late.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Plumbing the Depths Script Summary

Ginevra cleans her apartment and gets dressed. She does her hair but stops as a pipe bursts and causes the sink to begin leaking. She stuffs towels underneath the pipe and then closes the bathroom door with a sigh. Outside, Jacque smokes as he drives to Thomas Circle Apartments, where he gets out and climbs the stairs. He knocks on Ginevra's door. Ginevra checks her hair in the mirror inside and then opens the door for him.


GINEVRA: Hey, come on in. Go ahead and get comfortable.

She steps aside and Jacque enters, closing the door behind him. Ginevra goes to the coffee pot and pours two cups of coffee, which she brings back to the table. Jacque takes off his coat and sits down across from her.


GINEVRA: Here we are. And before you say anything, look, I'm sorry. I know I'm always calling you and I know you have other things to do.

She shakes her head.


GINEVRA: But in this case... well, I mean, it kind of had to be you. It's not like talking about it to someone else would be any help.


JACQUE: Do not apologize. It is quite embarrassing to admit how very few things I have to do these nights. Certainly nothing better.

He drinks from the coffee.


GINEVRA: You might not have anything better to do, but I'm sure you have things more pressing, so I appreciate it, anyway.


JACQUE: What would you like to talk about?

Ginevra drinks from her coffee.


GINEVRA: Um... Well, I know it's kind of a sensitive subjcect, but after the past couple of nights, it's gotten pretty clear that we need to do something about it, so I thought maybe, if I could ask you some things?


JACQUE: Of course. You may ask me whatever you like. Always. And I will tell you the truth.


GINEVRA: Well, good, because I have no idea who else I could ask.

She puts her cup down.


GINEVRA: I need to know what happened to Maeve in Paris. I mean, besides that somebody died, I got that far, but other than that. I know, it's not really any of my business, but people keep turning up and asking about it, she keeps getting letters and calls and god knows what else, and if she's not going to handle it then somebody has to. I know you weren't actually there, but you're the only person I could think of who might know who was... well, you know, safe to ask.


JACQUE: I only know what Jean Claude told me. He could have been lying, but... I believe what he told me more than I believe what he has told others.

He drinks from his coffee.


JACQUE: Jean Claude followed Maeve to Paris. She was searching for her sire, Octavius Sage, and she found him. Jean Claude killed Octavius Sage while he slept. Maeve witnessed it and collapsed. The boy left her there in torpor.


GINEVRA: Why. Did he do that. Did he KNOW she was alive?


JACQUE: Yes, I imagine that he did. She was in torpor. He believed that she would not wake until she wanted to. She was in mourning. He would not do anything to hurt Maeve. He only cared for killing her sire. Jean Claude is an impulsive, spiteful child but I do not understand why he did it. I know that he was sent to the Black Rose twice. Though that is no real explanation. Jean Claude is... Jean Claude is unpredictable.

Ginevra snorts.


GINEVRA: Well, that explains some things. So is that common knowledge? At least in her family?

She takes a spoon from the drying rack near the counter and stirs her coffee, then gestures with the spoon as she talks.


GINEVRA: Like, is that what I tell people in letters from her who won't be put off after the fifth time?


JACQUE: It is common knowledge that Jean Claude killed Signore Sage, yes. The story that he has told the family is that the Black Rose was awake when he was destroyed. That they fought. I do not know what reason he is giving. It probably changes with the telling.

He sighs.


JACQUE: As to what you should tell those who ask, I do not know, Ginevra. It is something you should ask Maeve.


GINEVRA: Thanks, but that did occur to me. I wouldn't have bothered you if I could just have asked her.

She shakes her head, finishes her coffee, and pours another cup.


GINEVRA: She... well. She doesn't remember anything.

She waves her hands.


GINEVRA: The shock, or something, I don't know. She knew... she said someone was dead, it was one of the first things she said. After she started talking again, anyway. But what actually happened, she doesn't remember. So I figured, we need some idea what happened before she can pick a version.


JACQUE: I have told you what I know. There are people in the family I could ask for more information, if you would like. It may help her decide on what story to tell. If she wants to know what actually happened, she should ask Jean Claude. I think she would be the most likely to hear the truth.


GINEVRA: I don't mean to snap at you, thanks. It's more than I knew before you got here, so don't think I'm not grateful.

Her phone buzzes and she holds up a finger for a moment. She sends Andres Lund a text message and Jacque finishes his coffee. As Ginevra texts, the pipes in the bathroom hiss.


GINEVRA: Hold that thought, excuse me.

She gets up and goes to the bathroom, where she tries to plug a leaking pipe with a towel. After a moment, Jacque also gets up and follows her.


JACQUE: You did not turn off the water?


GINEVRA: What a great idea, turning off the water.

She knots the towel over the pipe, slowing the flow of water.


GINEVRA: Unfortunately, this is an apartment building, Jacque. I can't turn off the water, I have to get a super for that. It just popped a few minutes before you got here. I put in a call, but of course he hasn't called me back, probably because he always avoids answering calls late at night because he doesn't want to come out.


JACQUE: No, that is not what I meant. There is a valve underneath—

He steps inside and inspects the pipe.


JACQUE: Or there usually is. I apologize.

Ginevra huffs and kicks more wet towels under the sink, then puts her hands on her hips.


GINEVRA: Well, I'll just have to call again. Look, this is probably going to take a while. You don't have to stay while I sort it out, we can always catch up later.


JACQUE: You should dry off. I will see if I can slow the leak enough to save the floor from being damaged at least.


GINEVRA: With what, one of my towels? No, I'll just have to change into something dry.

Jacque takes off his jacket and rolls up his shirt sleeves before crawling under the sink.


GINEVRA: Okay, well, I'm going to pull the door to.

She leaves and closes the bathroom door behind her. Jacque mutters as he works on the sink and tightens a fitting by hand while being soaked with water.


JACQUE: Ginevra! Let me know when you are finished.

In the living room, Ginevra undresses and takes new clothing from her drawers. She finishes dressing and starts searching the kitchen.


GINEVRA: I'm good.

She retrieves a hand towel and returns to the bathroom.


GINEVRA: You, on the other hand... You might as well dry off your face anyway.

She offers him the towel, which he accepts. Jacque dries his face and then puts the towel in the sink. Ginevra puts her hands on her hips.


JACQUE: Ah, thank you.


GINEVRA: And get out of that wet shirt, you're soaked. I'll take it down to the laundry with mine, unless you have somewhere you need to be right now.

Jacque takes off his shirt and wrings it out before putting it in the sink.


JACQUE: How may I help?

Ginevra takes the shirt from the sink.


GINEVRA: Well, we could gather up the towels, anyway, I don't think they're helping much anymore. Might as well get everything in one trip.

She bends down to look under the sink.


GINEVRA: Hey, that looks a lot better. What, were you also a plumber's apprentice at some—

Outside, Sean walks up the stairs and knocks on Ginevra's door before opening it and walking inside.


SEAN: Man on patrol duty here, you got a—

He puts his hands in his pockets and looks her up and down.


SEAN: Girl, don't you ever WORK?


GINEVRA: Sean, do you understand doors? As in, you knock, and then you wait for someone else to open them? Phones are also great, because you could have called to tell me you were coming instead of being an inconsiderate jackass. What do you want?

Sean raises his hands.


SEAN: Hey, don't have to yell at me, could have just said no. Well, assuming you know that word, try it out sometime. What do I want, I'm just on business. You know, for the job I work that has a boss.



  • The majority of this scene takes place in Italian, but is translated to English for ease of reference; only the interlude involving Sean is spoken in English.