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== Mortal Life ==
== Mortal Life ==
Amos was bred and born in Washington, DC, growing up half on its grimy streets and half in a crammed tenement with too many other children and parents who were frankly too tired to keep up with them. He started trying to do odd jobs around the city by the time he was ten years old, and eventually just stopped going home a few years later, making his living on the streets and avoiding the police wherever possible.
Norman was born the first son to an upper-class family. His father was a congressman, and during the Depression rose to become Governor. His mother was a popular radio show actress with a substance abuse problem that the family kept carefully hidden. Norman was brought up with high expectations, his father sending him to Princeton to become a lawyer. While he was away at college, war broke out in Europe.
By the time he had reached the age of 18, Amos was doing most of his "odd jobs" for the mob, which used him as an errand-runner and carrier for various items, correctly guessing that he was none too bright and not imaginative enough to be a serious risk to any operations.
His father had the political pull to keep Norman out of the draft, but Norman secretly (and mistakenly) yearned for adventure and so enlisted himself. Given his education, he was put through officer’s training and ended up in a communications office in France, where his knack for languages helped him translate intercepted Axis communications. Toward the end of the war, he was placed on an undercover reconnaissance mission in Berlin which he narrowly survived after his cover was blown. He hid in the sewers of Berlin for five months, thought to be MIA by his command back in France until they started receiving coded messages. Haynes had memorized the sewer network and was able to track and monitor the comings and goings of key German officers. When the Allies finally took Berlin, Haynes emerged haggard from the tunnels to the cheers of his fellow soldiers.
After the war he was swiftly recruited by the fledgling organization that would soon become the Central Intelligence Agency. When the Cold War began to intensify he was deployed undercover to the eastern soviet bloc. During the 50s he worked as agent code name FOXTAIL to gather intelligence on Soviet forces in the region. He was in his prime—smooth with a lady as he was with his gun.
== Embrace ==
== Embrace ==

Revision as of 19:25, 22 April 2016

Norman "Foxtail" Haynes
Clan: Nosferatu
Age: Neonate
Sire: Nikola Vesely
Childer: None
Status: Acknowledged

When he’s not lurking about invisibly, Haynes is a six-foot-tall cross between Frankenstein and Swamp Thing. His molted face is patched with scales and a cavernous unhealed wound stretches across his neck. He attempts to cover himself up as much as possible to maintain some vain semblance of civility. He can typically be found wearing slacks and a tall-collared jacket, and a hood pulled over his leathery head. As for what people think of him, well, if they think much past its cover, the book of Norman Haynes isn’t too pretty on the inside either. People might, if they’re generous, respect his attention to detail, his resourcefulness, or his ability to make you feel like your life has been vivisected and is open for him to scrutinize. But mostly they just think: there goes an ugly fucking asshole.

Mortal Life

Norman was born the first son to an upper-class family. His father was a congressman, and during the Depression rose to become Governor. His mother was a popular radio show actress with a substance abuse problem that the family kept carefully hidden. Norman was brought up with high expectations, his father sending him to Princeton to become a lawyer. While he was away at college, war broke out in Europe.

His father had the political pull to keep Norman out of the draft, but Norman secretly (and mistakenly) yearned for adventure and so enlisted himself. Given his education, he was put through officer’s training and ended up in a communications office in France, where his knack for languages helped him translate intercepted Axis communications. Toward the end of the war, he was placed on an undercover reconnaissance mission in Berlin which he narrowly survived after his cover was blown. He hid in the sewers of Berlin for five months, thought to be MIA by his command back in France until they started receiving coded messages. Haynes had memorized the sewer network and was able to track and monitor the comings and goings of key German officers. When the Allies finally took Berlin, Haynes emerged haggard from the tunnels to the cheers of his fellow soldiers.

After the war he was swiftly recruited by the fledgling organization that would soon become the Central Intelligence Agency. When the Cold War began to intensify he was deployed undercover to the eastern soviet bloc. During the 50s he worked as agent code name FOXTAIL to gather intelligence on Soviet forces in the region. He was in his prime—smooth with a lady as he was with his gun.


Unbeknownst to Norman, his soon-to-be sire had been stalking him for quite some years since he had arrived in Poland. One fateful night in 1962, when Norman thought he was going to meet and assassinate a Soviet agent, he encountered his sire instead. Horrified by what he saw, he emptied his clip into the monster, to no avail. His sire fulfilled the Embrace, and Norman became very familiar with life in the sewers once more.

Initially, Norman resented his sire for cursing him. He spent countless nights moping and bemoaning his fate. His sire took a hardline stance against this behavior, however, and in a near-death gauntlet of events Norman was molded into a different kind of agent. Working now for his sire to spy on Kindred and bring back their secrets, Norman was ruthlessly effective. After he gained his bearings, he resumed his correspondence reports with the CIA. His new abilities gave him distinct advantages when gathering intel, and his work over the next few decades would be instrumental in the collapse of Soviet regimes throughout the eastern bloc. Norman didn’t love his sire, but grudgingly came to respect him.

Activity in Washington DC

Newly returned to D.C., Norman wants to get his bearings on the Kindred court here and meet up with his Toreador contacts. In doing so, he hopes to learn some things that give him some influence over various members of the court and of the city itself— influence not necessarily for himself, but ultimately also for his sire. On a more personal scale, he’s looking forward to rediscovering the city where he used live part-time while he’d spend summers visiting his father. And later his time with the CIA before his deployment overseas.

Additional Information

Character Sheet