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Mummies are the rarest and most little-known of supernatural creatures, ritually and magically preserved immortals who reincarnate again and again throughout time, each time attaching themselves the the soul of a living person and creating a new, fused whole. Mummies generally go unnoticed even by other supernatural creatures, as they are concerned primarily with learning and maintaining a balanced world, and while they can be very frightening, most are a far cry from the horror-film shambling corpses of popular culture.

The Amenti

The Amenti are what most people picture when they think of mummies: the immortal royalty of the ancient kingdoms of Egypt, preserved by the divine powers of their homeland. Inscrutably powerful and created to endure into literal eternity, the eldest among them not only remember a time when gods walked on earth, but may have actually met and served them personally.

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Kher-Minu Khri-Habi Mesektet Sakhmu       Sefekhi       Udja-Sen

The Capacocha

The Capacocha are the mummies of Central and Southern America, preserved by ritual and weather on high mountaintops and deep in sacred caves by the native empires that once spanned great swaths of the continent before the arrival of European invaders. They are more numerous in number than the other groups, although still very rare, and are most often to be found in the great cities of the Americas.

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Chaskimallki Intimallki Pachamallki Uchumallki

The Wu T'ian

The mummies of China, the Wu T'ian, were created as warriors in the struggle between the immortal gods and their chaotic opposition. Unlike western mummies, they do not attach themselves to a currently living mortal; rather, they remain preserved in guarded tombs and simply continue a single, unbroken existence for as long as possible.

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Wu Feng Xian Lung

The Banes

Bane mummies are hideous and terrifying abominations; there may only be a handful of them in the world, but the fear they inspire is enough to shake even the eternal composure of other mummies. Victims of a failed and incomplete version of the preserving rituals that raised the others, bane mummies are now monstrous, chaotic forces for evil, warped and damaged into creatures that know nothing but the desire to destroy.

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Apepnu Asekh-Sen

The World Beyond

While the types of mummies above are undoubtedly the most well-known, even to mortals, it is unlikely that they are the only branches in existence. Other cultures with ritual preservation of the dead or religions that recognize a second or continuing life after death are probably retelling tales of similar creatures from their own homelands, and rumors persist about the rising of bodies from the bogs of Scotland and blazing corpses with open eyes emerging from the seaside cliffs of the Philippines.