From DC by Night Wiki

Clan Nosferatu

Adze (NPC) Alpharetta Derbyshire (NPC) Amos (NPC) Antifer (NPC)
Adze Alpharetta
Amos Antifer
Arlen (NPC) Beetleman (NPC) Calebros (NPC) Calvin Smythe (NPC) Cedrick Calhoun (NPC) Charles Dawson (NPC) Crevel de Prevot (NPC)
Arlen Beetleman Calebros Calvin Smythe Cedrick Calhoun Charles Dawson Crevel de Prevot
Cristoph Belgario (NPC) Darius (NPC) David Grubb (NPC) Dondinni (NPC) Edith Beaubien (NPC) Elgin Strathmore (NPC) Elzbieta Jurofsky (NPC)
Cristoph Belgario Darius Calvin Smythe Cristoph Belgario David Grubb Elgin Strathmore Elzbieta Jurofsky
Gabriella Waters (NPC) Georgette Lawrence (NPC) Glenn Courier (NPC) Guy Buchain (NPC) Hilda Washington (NPC) Il Rei dei Ratti (NPC) Jedediah Simmons (NPC)
Gabriella Waters Georgette
Glenn Courier Guy Buchain Hilda
Il Rei dei Ratti Jedediah
Jeremy Cook (NPC) Jurgis Rudkus (NPC) Khalid (NPC) La Gorgone (NPC) Leonardo Ximenes (NPC) Makayla Ellery (NPC) Marcy Peace (NPC)
Jeremy Cook Jurgis Rudkus Khalid La Gorgone Leonardo
Makayla Ellery Marcy Peace
Martin of Avondale (NPC) Memmon (NPC) Nathaniel Bordruff (NPC) Peter Walenski (NPC) Rabbat (NPC) Rowan (NPC) Rusty Shafiqah (NPC)
Martin of
Memmon Nathaniel
Peter Walenski Rabbat Rowan Rusty Shafiqah
Salt (NPC) Sarai Smythe (NPC) Silence (NPC) Solimon (NPC) Tammy Walenski (NPC) Thing (NPC) Toby (NPC)
Salt Sarai Smythe Silence Solimon Tammy Walenski Thing Toby
Tommy Walker (NPC) Traianes (NPC) Trashcan Man (NPC) Varros Dominus (NPC) Vozhd (NPC) Warren Rat (NPC) Wauneka (NPC)
Tommy Walker Traianes Trashcan Man Varros Dominus Vozhd Warren Rat Wauneka