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Hunter Flaws

Hunter flaws refer to inborn disabilities, problems, or aversions that are exhibited only the Imbued, or rarely by other, more mortal types of supernatural hunters. They generally represent problems or struggles unique to them because of their combination of dangerous lifestyle and mundane origins and limitations.

Some hunter flaws are even more specific, being most often manifested only by members of a specific creed or organization, although it is not always certain whether it is impossible for other hunters to have these flaws or simply very, very unusual.

General Hunter Flaws

The Beast Within: This hunter has a Beast like one of the monsters they hunt, making them prone to descending into frenzy.

Combat Novice: This hunter has never encountered real violence and is likely to panic or flee when they do.

Dark Heritage: This hunter has someone not entirely human in their lineage somewhere, causing other hunters to view them with suspicion.

Disreputable Cenacle: This hunter's local group has been shamed or failed notably in the past, leading to them having low status with other hunters.

Secret Friendship: This hunter is secretly friends with a supernatural being, making them a target if other hunters discover this.

Supernatural Nemesis: This hunter is hated by a specific supernatural being, who wishes ill to them personally and is likely to dedicate significant time to ruining or ending their life.

Imbued Flaws

Psi Focus: This hunter needs a physical object to trigger or control their powers and cannot use them effectively if they lose it.

Psychic Feedback: This hunter becomes exhausted when using their powers, and may even find them painful if they overextend themself.

Unsetling Effect: This hunter makes others around them feel uncomfortable from their psychic radiance.

General Flaws Mental FlawsPhysical FlawsSocial FlawsSupernatural Flaws
Being-Specific Flaws Demon FlawsFairy FlawsGhost FlawsHunter FlawsKuei-Jin FlawsMage FlawsMortal FlawsMummy FlawsShapeshifter FlawsVampire Flaws