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Scene Summary: Phone Call: Jean Claude to Jacque

Phone Call: Jean Claude to Jacque
JacqueFace.png JeanClaudeFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Milan Chronicle
Game Date December 5, 2015
Real Date April 21-23, 2016
Characters Jacque Beaumont
Jean Claude Danut
Locations Duomo de Milano
Previous Scene In Want Of (Jacque, Jean Claude)
Next Scene Phone Call: Jean Claude to Angelique (Jacque, Jean Claude)
Content Warnings Mental Illness
Original Scene Phone Call: Jean Claude to Jacque

Phone Call: Jean Claude to Jacque is a crossover scene from the DC Chronicle and Milan Chronicle featuring Jacque Beaumont and Jean Claude Danut. It depicts Jean Claude confronting Jacque over the theft of his cane.

Scene Summary

Jean Claude calls Jacque as he walks through his dark house, and Jacque answers from Limbo, where he is avoiding the other Toreador. Jean Claude tells Jacque that he has been forgotten in Milan, but also asks him where something is. Jacque attempts to end the conversation, but Jean Claude bemoans being abandoned in Milan and asks why Jacque must take even more from him. Jacque argues that Jean Claude is not alone and tells him that he will return his property when he is sure it is safe to do so, privately wistful that Jean Claude would so obviously prefer to switch places with him.

Jean Claude begins to cry, begging Jacque to return it to him and crying that he cannot sleep and is afraid that he may die. Jacque is upset by his suffering, but stands firm, telling Jean Claude that he knows he can be a better person but has to make sure he can protect himself. He tells Jean Claude he will return it when he can behave, which offends Jean Claude, who stops weeping and accuses Jacque of disrespecting him. He tells Jacque that even Julian Augustine could not control him, and Jacque tells him that Chason Wells could before ending the call.

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Phone Call: Jean Claude to Jacque Script Summary

Jacque is at Limbo, lagging behind a group of other Toreador. Jean Claude walks down the hall in Milan, running a finger along the wall as he listens to the phone ring. He stops when Jacque answers.


JEAN CLAUDE: Hello, Jacque. Were you expecting someone else?

He chuckles and begins to walk again.


JACQUE: Hello, Jean Claude.


JEAN CLAUDE: As though Milan has not forgotten you already. No, but you have not forgotten us, I see. Where is it?

Jacque moves away from the other Toreador.


JACQUE: I cannot help you right now. I must call you back.


JEAN CLAUDE: Oh. Well, I would not want to interrupt. You are so busy now, yes? And so very far away... You left me. Here all alone, while you and my songbird... Now you take him from me? When I have nothing left?

Jacque sighs.


JACQUE: You are not alone, Jean Claude. Your toy is safe. And I will send it back to you when— When I feel as though I safely can. Do you understand me?


JEAN CLAUDE: Ah, yes. I see. I am to be silent in my exile. Forgotten.

He begins to weep.


JACQUE: I am not trying to be cruel.


JEAN CLAUDE: I have tried not to bother you. I will try... better. If that is what you want?

He walks outside and stands next to the ocean.


JACQUE: I know you can do better. But I have to be sure.


JEAN CLAUDE: Please, Jacque? Give it back. Please? I cannot sleep. I— I… I will die. I will be good. I promise. Please do not leave me here alone to die.


JACQUE: You may have it back when I trust you will behave.


JEAN CLAUDE: Behave? You tell me to behave? Like I am a fucking child, Jacque? You disrespect me. You steal from me. And now you think to control me?

He chuckles.


JEAN CLAUDE: Julian Augustine could not control me. Do you really think that you are up to the task?


JACQUE: No, but Chason could. Which is why it is staying here with me. Now I must go. I will call you tomorrow. We can talk more then, if you like.

He hangs up and puts his phone on silent.


  • This scene takes place entirely in French, but is translated to English here for ease of reference.

  • This scene takes place within the events of In Want Of.

  • The stolen item under discussion is Chason Wells' cane, which Jean Claude has owned since his death; Chason was his lover and Jean Claude has developed a Derangement centering on this last memento.

  • Jacque previously asked Aristide Telios to steal the cane during Contact: Aristide Telios.

  • Jean Claude's claim that Milan has forgotten Jacque is a backhanded implication that their mutual sire, Julian Augustine, has forgotten him or will side with Jean Claude against him.

  • The "songbird" Jean Claude mentions is Maeve Glaistig, who like Jacque he considers to have abandoned him.