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Fortitude represents a vampire's ability to survive dangers and hardships that would utterly destroy anyone and anything else; Fortitude allows them to keep going even with flesh hanging off their frame, to shrug away injuries and exhaustion that should bring them to their knees, and to come back even from the very brink of death if necessary. Many Kindred make a point of trying to learn some Fortitude, even if it is not one of the favored powers of their clan, simply because they know it will prolong their lives, and those who do have it enjoy the luxury of being able to walk away from even the most terrible calamities, dusting themselves as they go.

Basic Powers


Although you can't strictly avoid being hurt by anything that would normally harm you, you can mitigate the effects of that hurt; all normal wounds feel only about as bad as a serious bruise, and you are not slowed down or hampered by them until knocked out. This does not include actual decapitation - having an arm lopped off will still cause you all the usual problems of suddenly trying to function with one less limb than you had a moment ago.

Unswayable Mind


You can now take more damage than any other Kindred; if the injuries you suffer would exactly render another vampire torpid, you will still be conscious and able to soldier on (although probably not very comfortable, all things considered). You feel much less pain than most Kindred as well, although you may counteract this by using the Auspex power of Heightened Senses.

Intermediate Powers

Defy Bane

Fortify the Inner Facade


The most terrible types of damage that can afflict a Kindred - sunlight and fire - are lessened for you, allowing you to suffer only as much pain and suffering as you would for less heinous injuries such as those from weapons or crushing. This can only help save you from small amounts of damage; if you choose to stand outside in broad daylight or become trapped in a burning building, you still suffer from the majority of the damage as any other Kindred would, and can only downgrade a little bit of it to make less life-threatening wounds. This power does not protect you from the danger of Frenzy when confronted with fire.


Draught of Endurance


You now simply take less damage than anyone else when wounded; blades bounce off your skin, blows hurt the person punching you rather than yourself, and only the most determined assaults can make a dent. You suffer only half the injury and pain of any disaster that strikes you, making you able to get up out of the wreckage of a car crash and walk away while others might have been killed on impact. You still do suffer pain and injuries when appropriate, but it is about as difficult to hurt you as it would be to damage a solid steel structure.


Advanced Powers


You are so indestructible now that you can quite literally ignore death itself. If you would be killed by something, you may use this power to rise up out of your own ashes a moment later, unscathed. This power is intensely exhausting to use, and cannot be used more than once in a very great while, making it hoarded jealously and generally brought into play only in moments of extreme emergency.

Flesh of Marble

Prowess of Pain

Elder Powers



Arm of Prometheus

Armor of Kings

Armored Flesh

Curse the Laurel

Eternal Vigilance

King of the Mountain

Personal Armor

Repair the Undead Flesh

Resilient Mind

Sensory Shield

Shared Strength

Stand Against All Foes

Important Things to Keep in Mind

It can be easy to forget that Fortitude still requires you to use blood to fuel its powers, so pay attention to making sure that your character is appropriately exhausted if they've been through the wringer recently.

Common Disciplines AnimalismAuspexCelerityDominate • Fortitude • ObfuscatePotencePresence
Rare Disciplines AbombweAlchemyBardoChimerstryCountermagicDaimoninDeimosDementationFlightKaiMaleficiaMelpomineeMytherceriaNihilisticsObeahObtenebrationProteanQuietusRiftSanguinusSerpentisSpiritusStrigaTemporisThanatosisValeranVicissitudeVisceratika
Blood Sorcery AkhuAnarch SorceryDark ThaumaturgyDur-An-KiKoldunismMortisNahuallotlNecromancyOghamSadhanaSielanic SorcerySihrThaumaturgyVodounWanga