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Celerity Combination Disciplines

Each combination discipline below requires Celerity in addition to at least one other discipline. Each power lists its prerequisites alongside its effects.

All combination disciplines are considered rare and are Restricted for player characters unless approved by Admin.

Celerity & Auspex

Name Prerequisites
Cowboy Shot Heightened Senses & Swiftness
Eyes of Blades Sense Vibrations & Swiftness
Eyes of the Beast Heightened Senses & Alacrity
Focused Reflexes Telepathy & Fleetness
Hand of the Master Artisan Heightened Senses & Alacrity
Preternatural Instinct Telepathy & Alacrity
Quick Sight Heightened Senses & Swiftness
Quickened Instinct Sense Vibrations & Swiftness
Unassailable Parry The Spirit's Touch & Flower of Death

Cowboy Shot

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Swiftness

Harnessing both supernatural speed and clarity of thought, you may shoot as perfectly accurately as if you were standing in a firing range even if you are running, riding a vehicle or mount, being shaken around, or otherwise in an unstable situation.

Eyes of Blades

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Swiftness

You may enter a trance in which you focus on nothing but attacks coming your way from an enemy; you cannot attack in return, but while you remain in this state, you are able to parry attacks from up to five enemies at once, making it impossible to gang up on you.

Eyes of the Beast

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Alacrity

You are impossible to gang up on; when you use this power, you can respond to every opponent in a violent situation as if they were the only one, seeming to preternaturally respond in time for each blow or attack.

Focused Reflexes

Requirements: Telepathy & Fleetness

You may attune yourself to an enemy's most minute movements and patterns, learning their reflexes almost as well as you know your own. You can mirror their movements perfectly or react to their attacks as if you knew they were coming.

Hand of the Master Artisan

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Alacrity

You are so physically adept that you can create a work of art at high speed, completing a complex sculpture, intricate novel, or beautiful painting in only a few moments where it would normally take hours, weeks, or even longer. The artwork is exactly as perfect as you would normally be able to create at a more average speed.

Preternatural Instinct

Requirements: Telepathy & Alacrity

You may dodge and avoid dangers that you have no way of knowing are coming, almost as if predicting the future; whether it's a sniper on a rooftop or a falling tree heading for your roof, you sense the danger in time to just barely avoid it. This does not tell you what was about to happen, nor what did happen if you avoid it but do not see the results; all you know is that something endangered you.

Quick Sight

Requirements: Heightened Senses & Swiftness

You may restrict your perceptions and enter "bullet time", seeing quickly-traveling objects such as missiles, insects, or flying debris as though it were moving at a more leisurely pace. Time does not truly slow down, but your perceptions and thoughts speed up enough for you to respond as if it had.

Quickened Instinct

Requirements: Sense Vibrations & Swiftness

With this power, you are almost impossible to ambush; whenever an enemy attempts to attack you from stealth, you respond with honed reflexes and they must deal with you as if you had known the attack was coming ahead of time.

Unassailable Parry

Requirements: The Spirit's Touch & Flower of Death

You may use this power to parry quick-moving projectiles with any appropriate shield, weapon, or item; arrows, bullets, thrown knives, or flying belief are all too slow to avoid you being able to bat them aside. You may also parry with your bare hands, but are likely to suffer injury if you do so (unless you have preternatural toughness of some kind, of course).

Celerity & Dominate

Name Prerequisites
Shout Alacrity & Mesmerize


Requirements: Alacrity & Mesmerize

You may use your Dominate powers at high speed by shouting loudly toward your victim; while others hear a wordless shout of anger or distress, they hear the full command and are bound to obey it the same as if they had been told so more classically. This power requires a loud shout and cannot be used at lower volumes, and you must still follow the other rules of Dominate in order to be effective.

Celerity & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Forced March Swiftness & Mettle
Hair Trigger Swiftness & Unswayable Mind
The Seventh Brother Swiftness & Aegis
Spontaneous Ignition Fleetness & Endurance

Forced March

Requirements: Swiftness & Mettle

You are capable of tirelessly covering freakishly long distances on foot. As long as you do not stop moving and remain on foot instead of using a vehicle or mount, you can move for hours at a time at Swiftness speed, never paying to use your Celerity powers again unless you stop or decide to go even faster. This power stops working if you are forcibly prevented from continuing onward or pause to rest or do something else, but you can still make brief pauses (less than thirty seconds) to plan ahead or look for directions.

Hair Trigger

Requirements: Swiftness & Unswayable Mind

You become preternaturally steady and calm in moments of great crisis and violence; you cannot be interfered with when attacking someone, whether by being tackled, injured, shot, or having someone attempt to take your weapon away. They can still do all these things, but doing so does not prevent the attack you are currently making from happening first.

The Seventh Brother

Requirements: Swiftness & Aegis

Where the joints are some of the most vulnerable parts of most bodies, yours are completely impervious to harm. It is simply impossible to dismember any of your limbs; arms and legs (and, should you have them, tails, wings, or tentacles) can be injured but never fully removed from your body while you still live, clinging tenaciously on to allow you to heal them back into fighting shape. You can still be beheaded, unfortunately, but every other part of your body refuses to discorporate.

Spontaneous Ignition

Requirements: Fleetness & Endurance

By touching your victim and vibrating so swiftly that it is invisible to the naked eye, you excite their atoms and cause them to burst into flame. They are afflicted by an equivalent amount of fire as if their arm had been doused in kerosene and lit; it can be extinguished like any other fire, but since vampires are inherently flammable, tragedy may be inevitable if it is not put out quickly. As with all times they experience the sudden fear of fire, if you use this on a vampire they are likely to immediately succumb to Rötschreck. (You personally do not catch fire, but there is no guarantee that you won't trigger your own Rötschreck if you aren't careful.)

Celerity & Nightmare

Name Prerequisites
Freeze Bones Swiftness & Mortal Fear
Hint of Fear Swiftness & Dread
Shivers Swiftness & Dread

Freeze Bones

Requirements: Swiftness & Mortal Fear

By touching your victim, you cause them to feel the terrible creeping cold of the grave, turning their skin cloudy or blue, locking their joints from the brittle cold, and even forming icicles on their extremities. They do not suffer any actual damage, but they are unable to move for several minutes while they attempt to thaw out, and they cannot use disciplines during this time as their blood is literally frozen almost solid.

Hint of Fear

Requirements: Swiftness & Dread

You no longer need to attempt to frighten others; when anyone attacks or attempts to attack you, they are automatically afflicted by the Dread power, causing them to at the very least be startled and pause. While very hardy enemies may come back for more anyway, many who are not fully committed to the task may just rethink attacking you completely in favor of fleeing into the night.


Requirements: Swiftness & Dread

You may inflict horrible, body-wracking shivers on a person with a simple touch, causing them to be unable to do or say anything coherent while their teeth chatter, their joints snap, and their body shakes as if frozen by mortal cold or caught in the grip of a powerful anxiety. They are still aware and may still use disciplines, but cannot make any physical actions or speak out loud for several minutes.

Celerity & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Shadow Feint Swiftness & Unseen Presence

Shadow Feint

Requirements: Swiftness & Unseen Presence

You may slow the perceptions of one enemy of your choice, making yourself appear to be blurring and flickering with speed, popping in and out of their perceptions so that it is difficult to pinpoint you. They cannot predict your next move with any reliability and are likely to have considerably more difficulty attacking or using powers on you as a result.

Celerity & Obtenebration

Name Prerequisites
Instantaneous Transformation Swiftness & Tenebrous Form

Instantaneous Transformation

Requirements: Swiftness & Tenebrous Form

When someone attacks you, you may instantly transform into your Tenebrous Form; the attack sails harmlessly through your untouchable form, and you are free to do anything else you like now that you are composed of pure shadow. This power does not work unless you have enough blood available to actually transform, and it cannot be used to avoid surprise attacks that you have no chance to see coming.

Celerity & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Burning Wrath Rapidity & Vigor
Burrow Swiftness & Might
Husk Alacrity & Prowess
Leaps and Bounds Swiftness & Soaring Leap
Quicken the Slumbering Vitae Swiftness & Might
Stone Cling Cat's Grace & Prowess
Sudden Strength Alacrity & Prowess

Burning Wrath

Requirements: Rapidity & Vigor

You may concentrate the burning intensity of your blood into your blows, causing incredible pain and damage to those you strike. For the rest of the scene, your body parts are alive with crackling hot-blooded energy; your attacks deal aggravated damage, ripping through flesh and bone like tissue paper and utterly destroying anything that was designed to withstand less than a missile strike.


Requirements: Swiftness & Might

You may quickly and easily burrow into the earth (or similar substances, such as sand, ice, snow, or mud; you cannot burrow into solid stone, metal, or other hard substances), creating a short tunnel and a resting place large enough for your body. While most vampires use this power in order to have an emergency escape from the rising sun, it is also popular as a form of predation, allowing you to pop out of the ground and drag your unsuspecting prey underneath it with you.


Requirements: Alacrity & Prowess

With this power, you may instantly suck your prey dry of blood in a matter of less than ten seconds, causing them to crumble into a dessicated husk in your hands. While this power instantly kills mortals, it does not necessarily do the same to vampires, and if you wish to commit diablerie, you must pause and do so at the normal speed after you have fully exsanguinated your victim.

Leaps and Bounds

Requirements: Swiftness & Soaring Leap

While most vampires are capable of impressive physical feats of strength if they put their mind to it, you can now jump unbelievable distances, such as from the top of one skyscraper to another or into a low-flying helicopter from the ground. Obviously, this power constitutes a massive breach of the Masquerade if not used judiciously.

Quicken the Slumbering Vitae

Requirements: Swiftness & Might

By removing some of your blood and storing it in a non-leaking container, you may preserve it, making it impossible for it to rot or turn to dust no matter how long it remains there. While this power is usually used in order to transport blood to ghouls or other thralls to keep blood bonds intact, it can also be used to create caches of blood that can be hidden and consumed later, allowing you to make sure you always have a backup plan in case the worst happens.

Stone Cling

Requirements: Cat's Grace & Prowess

As long as your limbs remain attached, you can use this power to climb any natural surface, even one that would normally be too smooth to find purchase one. Vertiginous cliffsides, ancient ironwood trees, and yawning mountains are all as easy to climb as if they had ladder rungs carved into them. You may also climb buildings that are largely constructed of these materials (for example, wood or stone houses), but the more modern technology and plastic or metal is involved, the harder it becomes.

Sudden Strength

Requirements: Alacrity & Prowess

With this power, you may use your Celerity to exaggerate your Potence, becoming briefly stronger than even the strongest of other vampires. Instead of moving any faster, all the force that would have gone to your speed is applied to your strength, essentially making you as slow as a human but twice as strong as you would otherwise be.

Celerity & Presence

Name Prerequisites
Instant Adoration Alacrity & Entrancement
Scalpel Tongue Alacrity & Daunt
Scourge of Alecto Swiftness & Summon

Instant Adoration

Requirements: Alacrity & Entrancement

You may now use Entrancement instantly on others, even if you have not yet spoken to or interacted with them; they have no idea why they are so drawn to you if they have never met before, but that won't prevent them from being just as mesmerized by you.

Scalpel Tongue

Requirements: Alacrity & Daunt

You think so quickly that your wittiness reaches new levels of savagery; when you use this power, you may make a single clever criticism, joke, or other statement that immediately shames your victim into silence as the barb hits home. Nothing prevents them from trying to speak again a moment later, but in the heavily politically-charged world of vampires, sometimes a single moment of public humiliation is all it takes to derail years of planning.

Scourge of Alecto

Requirements: Swiftness & Summon

With a touch, you may inflict your terrible rage on others, leaving yourself free to think clearly. You must concentrate on another person, causing your Beast to leap from you and into them; they immediately go into a rage, suffering physical wounds as the Beast, usually incorporeal but still very much supernatural and angry, claws its way back out of them from the inside in an attempt to return to you. If this power is used on a vampire or a ghoul, they enter Frenzy instantly, while others are likely to fall into similar states of raving fury or shrieking pain and distress.

Celerity & Protean

Name Prerequisites
Instantaneous Transformation Swiftness & Mist Form
Retain the Quick Blood Rapidity & Earth Meld

Instantaneous Transformation

Requirements: Swiftness & Mist Form

When someone attacks you, you may instantly transform into your Mist Form; the attack sails harmlessly through your untouchable form, and you are free to do anything else you like now that you are composed of water vapor. This power does not work unless you have enough blood available to actually transform, and it cannot be used to avoid surprise attacks that you have no chance to see coming.

Retain the Quick Blood

Requirements: Rapidity & Earth Meld

Although you lose blood swiftly in order to use Celerity, this power can help you regain it as well, quickening your body's ability to absorb sustenance. For the rest of the night, you regain a little bit of blood each hour, provided that it was lost in order to use the Celerity discipline (you cannot regain blood from injuries or other activities with this power).

Celerity & Quietus

Name Prerequisites
Retain the Quick Blood Rapidity & Dagon's Call

Retain the Quick Blood

Requirements: Rapidity & Dagon's Call

Although you lose blood swiftly in order to use Celerity, this power can help you regain it as well, quickening your body's ability to absorb sustenance. For the rest of the night, you regain a little bit of blood each hour, provided that it was lost in order to use the Celerity discipline (you cannot regain blood from injuries or other activities with this power).

Celerity & Sakti Pata

Name Prerequisites
Dance of Kali Traversal & Yama's Benefice

Dance of Kali

Requirements: Traversal & Yama's Benefice

By spinning or dancing so swiftly that you become a blur, you transform yourself into a literal storm of blades composed of your blood, tearing through your enemies in the blink of an eye. The blades are so fast that they are almost impossible to even see, let alone block, and because they are composed of blood can pass through porous surfaces and cracks in walls with no change to how lethal they are on the other side. According to legend, even powerful armor is useless against a vampire who wields this fearsome power; those wearing it simply find themselves sliced agonizingly to ribbons from inside the shell they hoped would protect them.

Celerity & Thaumaturgy

Name Prerequisites
The Humberside Panic Cat's Grace & A Taste for Blood

The Humberside Panic

Requirements: Cat's Grace & A Taste for Blood

You may grant a little of your speed to someone else; once they have drunk some of your blood, they gain all of your Celerity for the rest of the scene, making them suddenly capable of astonishing feats. Amusingly (at least, for many users of this power), this does not give them any particular knowledge of how to use or control these new skills, so the results are often almost as comedic as they are useful as the newly super-speedy vampire overshoots distances, runs into things, and generally flails around at supersonic speeds.

Celerity & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Flesh of Wind and Water Swiftness & Bone Craft

Flesh of Wind and Water

Requirements: Swiftness & Bone Craft

You may now use your Vicissitude powers almost instantly, transforming into whatever shape you please in the blink of an eye without the need for concentration and craftsmanship. Vampires with this power often use it give themselves protection from attacks or weapons when in danger without needing to think about it, but it can also be used for sudden escapes or panicked impersonation jobs as needed.

Celerity, Animalism, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Vermin Flood Unliving Hive, Swiftness, & Might

Vermin Flood

Requirements: Unliving Hive, Swiftness, & Might

You may summon every vermin in the area to swarm over the area around you, picking it clean in a vicious flood of destruction: living things are assaulted by swarms of rats, insects, bats, and so on, forced to fight them off just to survive, while buildings are destroyed at the foundation and plants picked bare down to the roots. This is an obvious breach of the Masquerade, so incautious uses are likely to cause immediate lashback from any Camarilla vampires who suspect you.

Celerity, Auspex, & Fortitude

Name Prerequisites
Eye for the Weakness of Steel Heightened Senses, Alacrity, & Unswayable Mind
Guardian Vigil Heightened Senses, Alacrity & Unswayable Mind

Eye for the Weakness of Steel

Requirements: Heightened Senses, Alacrity, & Unswayable Mind

You know instinctively where to strike; with this power, you automatically know exactly where the weakest spot, the least powerful armor, or the already-bleeding wound is so that you can strike with maximum efficiency.

Guardian Vigil

Requirements: Heightened Senses, Alacrity & Unswayable Mind

With this power, you may enter a quiet, trancelike state, meditating on nothing and responding to nothing as you extend your senses throughout the area. As long as you do not move or do anything else, you have a heightened ability to recognize and react to things; you may react to any change in your environment more swiftly than even Celerity would normally allow you to do. Once you have moved, used a power, or otherwise stopped focusing on your senses, this power's effects end.

Celerity, Auspex, & Obfuscate

Name Prerequisites
Doubletalk An Ear for Lies, Alacrity, & Silence of Death


Requirements: An Ear for Lies, Alacrity, & Silence of Death

You may speak one sentence "underneath" another, with only those you intend hearing the second one. Everyone else hears only the first sentence, but the person you choose gains the secret knowledge of the second, hearing both and instinctively knowing that this is a message meant only for them. Others with enough heightened senses to hear the second sentence experience it only as meaningless placeholder syllables such as "um" or "oh".

Celerity, Fortitude, & Potence

Name Prerequisites
Blood Propulsion Alacrity, Endurance, & Prowess

Blood Propulsion

Requirements: Alacrity, Endurance, & Prowess

This power allows you to spit out a propulsive jet of your own blood, powerful enough to knock someone over or push you several yards away. Since this power does not directly harm your enemies (although it may inconvenience them and ruin their clothes), it is most often used for vampires who are floundering in deep water or floating in vacuum and need a way to push themselves in the right direction.

Celerity, Obfuscate, & Vicissitude

Name Prerequisites
Circumspect Revelations Alacrity, Mask of a Thousand Faces, & Fleshcraft

Circumspect Revelations

Requirements: Alacrity, Mask of a Thousand Faces, & Fleshcraft

Although modern medicine and supernatural powers can change someone to become completely unrecognizable, you are so skilled in these arts that you cannot be fooled. By touching someone, you can cause a hidden identifying mark - for example, a tattoo, birthmark, cluster of freckles, scar, or anything else that is unique to them - to become visible again, even if it was completely removed by surgery or reshaped by a supernatural power. Your victim may of course have it covered or removed again, but until they do it remains where it is, proclaiming their original identity to anyone who understands what it means.

Celerity, Potence, & Presence

Name Prerequisites
The Wish Swiftness, Might, & Summon

The Wish

Requirements: Swiftness, Might, & Summon

With this power, you may grant someone the incredible powers of your vampiric body... only to demand a great price of them in return. By simply touching a willing subject, you may grant them all of your Celerity and Potence abilities for the next 72 hours; they have all the same physical skills you do, although they may need to learn how to use them on the fly. In return, at the end of this time they return to normal and are immediately summoned back to you, enthralled as if by a full blood bond for a period of one year. Many vampires take this opportunity to institute an actual blood bond or turn them into a ghoul while their servant has no ability to refuse them, although some feel that it is only honorable to accept the single year of service.

You may only use this power on someone who understands what they are agreeing to and is not coerced into it by you in any way; threats, physical force, or trickery will still grant your subject your powers briefly, but will fail to make them beholden to you afterward. Once you have successfully gained the servitude of your subject, they are essentially incapable of disobeying you - in fact, they don't even want to try to disobey you in most cases - and behave in general as if you were the center of their universe.

Combination Disciplines
Combination Disciplines Animalism Combination DisciplinesAuspex Combination DisciplinesCelerity Combination DisciplinesChimerstry Combination DisciplinesContinence Combination DisciplinesDaimonin Combination DisciplinesDementation Combination DisciplinesDominate Combination DisciplinesFlight Combination DisciplinesFortitude Combination DisciplinesKoldunism Combination DisciplinesMelpominee Combination DisciplinesMortis Combination DisciplinesMytherceria Combination DisciplinesNecromancy Combination DisciplinesNightmare Combination DisciplinesObeah Combination DisciplinesObfuscate Combination DisciplinesObtenebration Combination DisciplinesOgham Combination DisciplinesPotence Combination DisciplinesPresence Combination DisciplinesProtean Combination DisciplinesQuietus Combination DisciplinesSakti Pata Combination DisciplinesSerpentis Combination DisciplinesSublunario Combination DisciplinesTemporis Combination DisciplinesTenure Combination DisciplinesThanatosis Combination DisciplinesThaumaturgy Combination DisciplinesValeren Combination DisciplinesVicissitude Combination DisciplinesVisceratika Combination Disciplines