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Scene Summary: Hope for the Hopeless
Hope for the Hopeless
HopeFace.png MaeveFace.png MarcusFace.png
Chronicle DC Chronicle
Game Date November 16, 2015
Real Date November 30 - December 2, 2015
Characters Ginevra Bianchi
Hope Gutierrez
Maeve Glaistig
Marcus Vitel
Locations Limbo
Previous Scene This is a Legitimate Place of Business (Ginevra, Maeve)
Maeve's Journal: From Paris to DC (Hope)
Territorial Nature (Vitel)
Next Scene Assemble the Players (Ginevra)
Familiar Strangers (Hope)
Duty and Devotion (Maeve)
That Good Night (Vitel)
Content Warnings Mind Control, Sexual Harassment
Original Scene Hope for the Hopeless

Hope for the Hopeless is a scene from the DC Chronicle featuring Ginevra Bianchi, Hope Gutierrez, Maeve Glaistig, and Marcus Vitel, with minor appearances by Jonathan Stewart and Sean Fallon.. It depicts Hope and Maeve meeting for the first time at Limbo.

Scene Summary

Pieter is running the bar at the Pit, reflecting on the fact that he likes being in charge because he can do whatever he wants but does not

Script Summary

The script summary for this scene pares it down to only dialogue and action directions, allowing for a quicker and easier read through what was actually said and done by the characters. Click on the "Expand" tag to the right to view the entire script summary for this scene.

Hope for the Hopeless Script Summary

Maeve arrives in her dressing room at Limbo. She discovers an ice bucket with a blood pack in it and a card from Ginevra. She crosses to the wardrobe and starts going through the clothing. She sighs. Outside, Ginevra comes down the hall, holding a card and frowning at it, and pauses at the door to a different dressing room.


GINEVRA: Sorry, guys. It's probably going to be a bad one.

She closes the door and continues down the hall until she arrives at Maeve's dressing room. She enters, closing the door behind her.


GINEVRA: Ti hanno mai lasciato indossare qualcosa di normale?[1]

She begins to do Maeve's hair, piling it high on her head and pinning it in place.


GINEVRA: Il resto di loro, intendo. La tua famiglia. Il Principe.[2]

She lays the card face-down on the counter. Maeve sorts through accessories.


MAEVE: Non proprio. Hanno passato centinaia di anni, in alcuni casi, a guardare diverse mode che vanno e vengono. Suppongo che probabilmente siano annoiati da qualcosa di "normale". [3]

Maeve turns around and takes Ginevra's hand.


MAEVE: Hai avuto la possibilità di mangiare ancora qualcosa stasera? Sembri stanco. Ecco, siediti, gestirò tutte le gonne senza di te ora che abbiamo la ... cosa del filo a posto.[4]

Ginevra giggles and sits down. Maeve begins to start hooking a corset.


MAEVE: Hai già visto Jonathan e Sean?[5]


GINEVRA: Li ho sbirciati. Probabilmente andrò al Pit con loro dopo lo spettacolo e andrò a cenare lì. Supponendo che Pieter si ricordasse di farne uno qualsiasi. [6]

Ginevra rubs at the sole of her foot. Maeve flips the card on the counter over and reads it.




MAEVE: Ah. Questo spiega perché mi vesto per un funerale.[7]

Ginevra gets up and begins to fasten the back of Maeve's dress.


GINEVRA: Onestamente, penseresti che vorrebbero sentire cose carine. Come se non avessero molto tempo per rimuginare.[8]


MAEVE: Immagino ... a loro piace sentire qualcosa di forte. Non sono sicuro che tutti distinguano davvero più, tra sensazioni piacevoli e sensazioni che non lo sono. Potrebbero considerarli tutti come sentimenti.[9]


GINEVRA: Sei sicuro che non possiamo chiedere al Principe di mantenere le cose un po 'più spensierate? Ho incontrato uno dei suoi servi l'altro giorno, potrei sempre andare a prendere un messaggio per te.[10]

Ginevra finishes with the dress and smooths it down, then starts to organize her hair.


GINEVRA: Intendo. Se tu volessi che lo facessi.[11]


MAEVE: Non preoccuparti, amica mia. Sto bene. Sarò solo stanco più tardi, tutto qui.[12]

Ginevra pins a black veiled hair piece to Maeve's head and hugs her.


GINEVRA: Abbiamo del cibo qui, okay, e posso sempre averne dell'altro, o qualsiasi altra cosa di cui hai bisogno. Quindi fammelo sapere? Forse dopo ci divertiremo tutti a casa di Pieter.[13]

Someone briefly opens the door and hisses at them from the doorway before leaving.


GINEVRA: Sei bellissima. Avanti, ti mancherà il segnale. Vai, vai.[14]

In the club proper, Hope arrives along with Beverly Bright and Rosario Battista. They split up and Hope sits down at a corner table. She begins to play games on her phone.

Maeve leaves her dressing room and walks slowly to the wings, where she puts a hand on Jonathan's and Sean's shoulders. She mouths the word DESPAIR at them. After she lets them go, she walks out onstage and stands in front of a microphone. Hope puts her phone down to watch. Maeve sings a sad song and uses the Melpominee Discipline to force the audience to feel despair. Several members of the audience begin to weep as Hope gets up and makes her way toward the stage, where Maeve is turning to leave.


HOPE: Hey you! That... was awesome. Do you make people cry every night?

Jonathan and Sean begin wheeling a synthesizer offstage, blocking the stage door. Maeve walks toward the side stairs.


MAEVE: I think... only three nights out of four.


HOPE: Oh. That's a pretty decent record. Do you dress yourself? Nevermind. I don't care.

She leans toward Maeve.


HOPE: What are you doing here? Do you like making people miserable? Or do you sing what they tell you to?

Maeve comes down the stairs.


MAEVE: Well, I asked a rather large favor from the Prince when I arrived here, and now I'm working it off. I'm afraid he makes requests, but he's kind enough to leave it up to me to interpret them. Of course, he hasn't actually requested anything happy yet, so that would probably account for my record. Then again, I'm not... very good at happy, these days. I'm sorry, I should have said. I'm Maeve. It's lovely to meet you.

Hope crosses her arms.


HOPE: Hope. You don't have to smile, if you're depressed. I can't stand people who smile all the time. They make me violent. You're new here? I don't know everybody in court. Because I'm an anarch and completely above such small things. It blows here but some of the people don't suck.

She shrugs.


HOPE: Good a place as any.


MAEVE: Yes, I'm afraid so. I just arrived... not quite a month ago. I haven't met any of the local Anarchs before you yet, but I'm glad to. Some of my best friends have been Anarchs.

She sighs.


MAEVE: I don't want to be rude, but would you mind it if we went backstage right about now? There's always the chance someone will recover and decide that they want revenge. In which case I'd rather I wasn't wearing this dress when they start to chase me. It would be very romantic but I probably wouldn't get very far.

Hope shrugs.


HOPE: Okay. Yeah, they're pretty fast.

They leave through the side door and go backstage.


HOPE: We're around. Rosa and Bev came with me. Not really our scene, though. Generally speaking. But we're around.


MAEVE: Yes, well, I think it's only some very specific peoples' scene. I imagine there are better things to do.

They arrive in Maeve's dressing room and she closes the door. Maeve sits down at the vanity and starts unpinning the veil from her hair. Hope leans against a wall.


HOPE: It's subtle. Where'd you come from?


MAEVE: Paris, most recently. And Milan, before that. I don't really live either place, I just... sometimes end up there.

She pulls the veil free and sets it off to the side.


MAEVE: Before that... Chicago.

She unpins her hair and it falls down.


MAEVE: And you? Have you always lived in DC?

Hope's eyes widen.


HOPE: Uh, yeah... Not long. Like almost a year, maybe. I was around California before that. Got some bad news, decided to pack up and see a different coast.


MAEVE: I've heard a lot about the west coast, but I've never been there. I imagine it's at least as interesting as the forty-fifth Toreador salon of the season in Paris.

She pulls a robe out of the wardrobe and shrugs it on. Hope crosses her arms and legs.


HOPE: I figured it out. Where I've seen you before. On the internet, fucking my sire.

Maeve freezes. There is a silent pause.


MAEVE: Ah. Then you know why I'm not smiling much lately.

She puts her hand on her forehead.


MAEVE: I... I'm sorry, I need to eat. Would you like to share it with me?

She gestures toward the ice bucket.


HOPE: I'm okay. That's pretty cold and gross. You go ahead.

She slides down the wall and sits on the floor.


HOPE: Guessing you two were a thing then?


MAEVE: Yes. We were.

Maeve gets up and goes to the ice bucket. She pushes a straw into the bloodpack and begins to drink from it.


HOPE: We didn't stay in touch. Not really. On account of him being such an enormous asshole. You probably knew that already.


MAEVE: I didn't, actually. I didn't know he had any childer.




MAEVE: But he didn't get around to much of his history. There was a war going on. As for the other thing... Well, I did meet him.


HOPE: Huh? Yeah, he was the worst.

Hope stands up again.


HOPE: Ugh! This sucks. It's stupid and depressing. And not even, like... Whatever. If there's one fucking person who could make me miserable from the grave, it's him. Do you want a beer?


MAEVE: It is those things, I suppose. All right. But I don't know the city, so you'll have to decide where to go.

The lights in the dressing room flicker and dim. Vitel walks down the hall, his shadow unnaturally darkening the hallways with the Obtenebration Discipline. He knocks on the dressing room doom and his shadow pushes it open. Hope shrinks back against the wall.


VITEL: Well done, Songbird. A very lovely performance.


MAEVE: As always, a pleasure.

Vitel walks away and the lights return to normal. Maeve puts the half-empty bloodpack back in the bucket.


HOPE: Goddamn, he's creepy. Does he do that every time?

Maeve closes the dressing room door and then retrieves her street clothes from the wardrobe.


MAEVE: Three out of four times, again. He doesn't usually come down here, though - he'll catch me leaving or send a ghoul down with flowers instead or something.

She drops her robe and pulls her dress quickly over her head.


MAEVE: I suppose he just wants to remind me that he knows I'm here. Or it's his version of being nice, I'm not sure.


HOPE: Good. I know of a few places. Not as fancy as this one, but...


MAEVE:That's fine with me.

Hope removes her phone and texts Beverly Bright and Rosario Battista. She shrugs. Maeve finishes getting dressed.


HOPE: That's kind of the point.

She puts her phone back in her bag.


HOPE: Probably some bars on the windows, though, so you'll feel at home.


MAEVE: Oh, good. I wouldn't know what to do with myself otherwise.


HOPE: You can ride with me. Um... I'm thinking Purgatory. Because it sucks less, and Bjorn probably isn't there right now. Also, alcohol.


  1. "Do they ever let you wear anything normal?" (Italian)
  2. "The rest of them, I mean. Your family. The Prince." (Italian)
  3. "Not really. They've spent hundreds of years, in some cases, looking at different fashions come and go. I suppose they're probably bored by anything 'normal.'" (Italian)
  4. "Did you get a chance to eat anything yet tonight? You look tired. Here, sit down, I'll manage all the skirts without you now that we've got the... wire thing on right." (Italian)
  5. "Did you see Jonathan and Sean yet?" (Italian)
  6. "I peeked in on them. I'll probably go down to the Pit with them after the show and get some dinner there. Assuming Pieter remembered to make any." (Italian)
  7. "That explains why I'm being dressed for a funeral." (Italian)
  8. "Honestly, you'd think they'd want to feel nice things. As if they don't have plenty of time to brood." (Italian)
  9. "I imagine... they just like feeling something strongly. I'm not sure all of them really distinguish anymore, between feelings that are pleasant and ones that aren't. They may just think of them all as feelings." (Italian)
  10. "Are you sure we can't ask the Prince to keep things a little more light-hearted? I met one of his ghouls the other day, I could always go take a message for you." (Italian)
  11. "I mean. If you wanted me to." (Italian)
  12. "Don't worry, my friend. I'm fine. I'll just be tired later, that's all." (Italian)
  13. "We have food here, okay, and I can always get more, or anything else you need. So just let me know? Maybe afterward we'll all go have a good time at Pieter's." (Italian)
  14. "You look beautiful. Go on, you'll miss your cue. Go, go." (Italian)


  • Pieter suffers from pica, a Derangement that causes him to occasionally eat solid items that make him ill. In this case, he eats both a cigarette and some barbecued pork ribs, neither of which he can digest.

Songs Featured

Missing, Evanescence