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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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<td style="padding:4px; text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid #999;">'''[[#General_Ghost_Flaws | General Ghost Flaws]] &bull; [[#Spectre_Flaws | Spectre Flaws]]'''</td>
<td style="padding:4px; text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid #999;">'''[[#General_Ghost_Flaws | General Ghost Flaws]] &bull; [[#Spectre_Flaws | Spectre Flaws]] &bull; [[#Wraith_Flaws | Wraith Flaws]]'''</td>
<td style="padding:4px; text-align:center; border-bottom:1px solid #999;">'''[[#Artificer_Flaws | Artificer Flaws]] &bull; [[#Harbinger_Flaws | Harbinger Flaws]] &bull; [[#Haunter_Flaws | Haunter Flaws]] &bull; [[#Masquer_Flaws | Masquer Flaws]] &bull; [[#Mnemoi_Flaws | Mnemoi Flaws]] &bull; [[#Oracle_Flaws | Oracle Flaws]] &bull; [[#Pardoner_Flaws | Pardoner Flaws]] &bull; [[#Puppeteer_Flaws | Puppeteer Flaws]] &bull; [[#Risen_Flaws | Risen Flaws]] &bull; [[#Spook_Flaws | Spook Flaws]] &bull; [[#Usurer_Flaws | Usurer Flaws]]
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'''Shadow Haunt:''' This wraith's Shadow side has a secret [[Haunt]] of its own that the wraith usually does not know about and cannot access, allowing its worse urges to be fulfilled whenever it is not in control if itself.
'''Shadow Haunt:''' This wraith's Shadow side has a secret [[Haunt]] of its own that the wraith usually does not know about and cannot access, allowing its worse urges to be fulfilled whenever it is not in control if itself.
'''Sympathizer:''' This wraith is sympathetic toward Spectres and tries to protect them, believing they can be rehabilitated.
'''Twisted Apprenticeship:''' This wraith was given critically incorrect information about wraith society and politics when they first awoke.
'''Twisted Apprenticeship:''' This wraith was given critically incorrect information about wraith society and politics when they first awoke.
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'''Wandering Mind:''' This Mnemos has trouble focusing on the here and now and often drifts into memories, losing sight of what is happening around them.
'''Wandering Mind:''' This Mnemos has trouble focusing on the here and now and often drifts into memories, losing sight of what is happening around them.
=== Oracle Flaws ===
'''Bearer of Bad News:''' This Oracle is deeply pessimistic and more easily receives prophecies about coming disasters than about good events.
'''Flashes:''' This Oracle cannot control their visions and sometimes loses track of what's going on as they are plunged into one.
'''Kassandra Complex:''' This Oracle is never believed when they reveal their visions, no matter how they try to convince others.
'''Speaking in Tongues:''' This Oracle only gives their pronouncements in an indecipherable babble, making them difficult or impossible to understand.
=== Pardoner Flaws ===
'''Prejudicial Castigation:''' This Pardoner refuses to use [[Castigate]] on a particular group of ghosts (a politic organization, a guild, anyone with a decapitated head, etc.) and is ineffective if forced to do so.
'''Repulsive Technique:''' This Pardoner can only use Castigate through horrific torture and has a fearsome reputation as a mutilator.
=== Puppeteer Flaws ===
=== Puppeteer Flaws ===
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'''Unhealed Deathwound:''' Whatever killed this Risen did not heal up when they resurrected, causing them to constantly deal with an active wound or condition.
'''Unhealed Deathwound:''' Whatever killed this Risen did not heal up when they resurrected, causing them to constantly deal with an active wound or condition.
=== Spook Flaws ===
'''Disorientation:''' This Spook has used [[Outrage]] extensively and becomes disoriented and overwhelmed if they use their powers for too long.
'''Monitored:''' This Spook has been identified as a trouble-maker by a [[Monitor]] and must be careful to avoid being turned in.
'''Overkill:''' This Spook emotionally overdoes it and gains more [[Angst]] whenever they use Outrage.
'''Psychosomatic Disability:''' This Spook suffers backfires and mistakes whenever they use Outrage to perform a particular art.
=== Usurer Flaws ===
=== Usurer Flaws ===

Latest revision as of 03:18, 14 November 2021

Ghost Flaws

Ghost flaws refer to inborn disabilities, problems, or aversions that are only exhibited by ghosts. They generally represent problems or struggles unique to them because of their existence as bodiless spirits, and many of them, if visible, immediately indicate that the user must be supernatural in origin (not that this is usually in question for ghosts, if anyone sees them at all).

Some ghost flaws are even more specific, being most often manifested only by members of a specific Guild or Legion, although it is not always certain whether it is impossible for other ghosts to have these flaws or simply very, very unusual.

General Ghost Flaws

Antagonistic Family: This ghost's living family is involved in a major feud with another ghost's family, causing them to have to act out the conflict in the Underworld as well.

Bound: This ghost has been supernaturally bound to a certain place and cannot leave it.

Corpus Sink: This ghost has an unstable form and struggles to maintain it when they are upset.

Creature of the Deep: This ghost died at sea and appears as a hideous waterlogged corpse even to other ghosts.

Damned: This ghost believes they are a ghost due to being damned by their religion in life and suffers hysteria and pain when confronted with that religion.

Debt of Honor: This ghost owes a major favor to another ghost and must repay it when asked or suffer significant public humiliation and loss of power.

Distinctive Appearance: This ghost has a very notable physical feature that makes it hard to avoid being recognized.

Dysfunctional Family: This ghost's living family is embroiled in major dramatic problems, forcing them to try to focus and help them.

Easily Sensed: This ghost makes mortals on the other side of the Shroud uncomfortable whenever they are too near and may attract the unwanted attention of Hunters or other supernatural beings.

Echoes of the Past: This ghost involuntarily causes significant phantom sensations, sounds, and sights from their life to manifest around them.

Fragile Corpus: This ghost is fragile and suffers additional damage when harmed or passing through solid surfaces.

Headless: This ghost has a fully detached head that they must keep track of or find that they are significantly more helpless when separated from it.

Isolationist: This ghost is uninterested in the world of the living and finds it even more difficult than usual to interfere there.

Kuei Attractor: This ghost is extremely attractive to kuei, which flock to them when they use their powers or pass through an area with a lot of them.

Limited Deathsight: This ghost has greater difficulty than most when looking for the signs of death magic.

Limited Lifesight: This ghost has greater difficulty than most in perceiving living creatures and their auras.

Past Life: This ghost has lived more than one life and remembers details and skills from the last time they were dead.

Rotting: This ghost appears to be in a perpetual state of rotting, even though they have no true physical body anymore.

Umbral Connection: This ghost has a magical link to the Umbra and is vulnerable to Garou powers that normally affect umbral spirits.

Spectre Flaws

Blurred: This spectre's accelerated speed is so much that others have trouble understanding their rushed speech, and they are often frustrated by the glacial pace of everything else around them.

Decayed Corpus: This spectre's inevitable decay toward Oblivion is beginning to be physically visible as they look rotted or are missing pieces.

Foul Presence: This spectre's presence causes plants to wither and die and animals and sensitive humans to become uneasy and frightened, even if the spectre never manifests so that they can perceive it.

Hunted: This spectre is the target of a Hunter that can harry them even beyond the Shroud.

Strong Psyche: This spectre's psyche is powerful enough to constantly plague them with the emotional torment of who they used to be.

Wraith Flaws

Botched Moliation: This wraith has been severely disfigured by an attempt to reshape their form.

Disembodied Shadow: This wraith's shadow can exist separately from them and perform small mischiefs to hinder them, similar to being... well, haunted.

Embittered Shadow: This wraith's bad memories are focused on a particular fetter, making them want to destroy or damage it by any means necessary whenever their Shadow is in control.

Endless Hunger: This wraith suffers from a supernatural hunger that cannot be sated, often driving them to gorge on energy or possess humans just to feel the sensation of eating.

Improperly Buried: This wraith is tormented by the thought that their body was buried incorrectly and is mildly obsessed with their corpse and what happens to it.

Shadow Haunt: This wraith's Shadow side has a secret Haunt of its own that the wraith usually does not know about and cannot access, allowing its worse urges to be fulfilled whenever it is not in control if itself.

Sympathizer: This wraith is sympathetic toward Spectres and tries to protect them, believing they can be rehabilitated.

Twisted Apprenticeship: This wraith was given critically incorrect information about wraith society and politics when they first awoke.

Unregistered Relics: This wraith possesses relics that have not been reported to their superiors, making it likely that they would be punished if caught.

Artificer Flaws

Entropy Sink: This Artificer causes all machines they inhabit to fall apart or suffer from errors increasingly as they remain in them.

Forgemarked: This Artificer has become blackened and carbonized from their long work at the forges.

Hammerbitten: This Artificer has a severely damaged or deformed hand from forgework and cannot perform finely detailed work with it.

Platform Snobbery: This Artificer is so attached to one type of machine or programming that they have trouble using others.

Technosnob: This Artificer is convinced only modern technologies are worthwhile and is helpless to use older ones.

Virus Carrier: This Artificer has become infected with a computer virus and infects all systems they enter.

Harbinger Flaws

Eyes of the Void: This Harbinger has horrifying, monstrous eyes (for example, running with blood or bile, or constantly falling out of their sockets) that they cannot hide or treat in any way.

Perpetually Lost: This Harbinger easily gets lost within the Tempest and is in constant danger of ending up somewhere dangerous.

Weirdness Magnet: This Harbinger is beset by things and encounters that can be best described as weird, even for the World of Darkness; not all of them are dangerous, but they all require significant work to understand and resolve.

Haunter Flaws

Aggravated Quirk: This Haunter causes haunting sensory effects around them that give away their Quirk.

Anxiety Slip: This Haunter is extremely anxious and causes supernatural effects to manifest when frightened.

Wyld Intolerance: This Haunter is in conflict with the shard of the Wyld in them and reads as chaotic and unstable to others.

Masquer Flaws

Mutarophobia: This Masquer is terrified of having their shape changed and must struggle to allow it or even do it themself.

Mnemoi Flaws

Delusional: This Mnemos cannot tell the difference between what they actually remember happening and what they wish had happened, making them often recall events incorrectly.

Forgetful: This Mnemos is incapable of remembering details and may lose context for even major events.

Fragment Junkie: This Mnemos loves over peoples' memories and is prone to trying to eavesdrop on, trade for, or even steal them if they seem at all interesting.

Identified: This Mnemos has been identified and outed as their true guild and is being actively hunted by other ghosts.

Unstable Memory Palace: This Mnemos has built a memory palace that is unstable, inaccessible, or otherwise not very useful, and anyone who enters it may be trapped in it until they can construct a stable way out.

Wandering Mind: This Mnemos has trouble focusing on the here and now and often drifts into memories, losing sight of what is happening around them.

Oracle Flaws

Bearer of Bad News: This Oracle is deeply pessimistic and more easily receives prophecies about coming disasters than about good events.

Flashes: This Oracle cannot control their visions and sometimes loses track of what's going on as they are plunged into one.

Kassandra Complex: This Oracle is never believed when they reveal their visions, no matter how they try to convince others.

Speaking in Tongues: This Oracle only gives their pronouncements in an indecipherable babble, making them difficult or impossible to understand.

Pardoner Flaws

Prejudicial Castigation: This Pardoner refuses to use Castigate on a particular group of ghosts (a politic organization, a guild, anyone with a decapitated head, etc.) and is ineffective if forced to do so.

Repulsive Technique: This Pardoner can only use Castigate through horrific torture and has a fearsome reputation as a mutilator.

Puppeteer Flaws

Enemy Consort: One of this Puppeteer's usual hosts is aware that they are being possessed and actively fights against it as well as calling down outside forces to stop them.

Gender Bender: This Puppeteer is uncomfortable possessing anyone who is not the same gender as themself, and even if they succeed in doing so has trouble functioning.

Outrageous Accent: This Puppeteer takes on the accent of whomever they last possessed and cannot get rid of it.

Racist: This Puppeteer is uncomfortable possessing anyone who is not the same race as themself (by their reckoning), and even if they succeed in doing so has trouble functioning.

Sticky Plasm: This Puppeteer has a harder than usual time un-possessing a host when they need to.

Risen Flaws

Autopsied: This Risen was subjected to an autopsy before rising from the dead and, while now healed, has very visible and distinctive scars from it.

Decapitated: This Risen's head is no longer attached to their body.

Mortal Fame: This Risen was famous when alive, making it a major problem that they are now very recognizable after resurrection.

Scent of Decay: This Risen smells powerfully of decaying flesh, no matter what they do.

Unhealed Deathwound: Whatever killed this Risen did not heal up when they resurrected, causing them to constantly deal with an active wound or condition.

Spook Flaws

Disorientation: This Spook has used Outrage extensively and becomes disoriented and overwhelmed if they use their powers for too long.

Monitored: This Spook has been identified as a trouble-maker by a Monitor and must be careful to avoid being turned in.

Overkill: This Spook emotionally overdoes it and gains more Angst whenever they use Outrage.

Psychosomatic Disability: This Spook suffers backfires and mistakes whenever they use Outrage to perform a particular art.

Usurer Flaws

Considerate: This Usurer can only use Usury on willing subjects.

No Core Identity: This Usurer has no emotional landscape of their own and mirrors the emotions and personality of whomever they have most recently fed from.

General Flaws Mental FlawsPhysical FlawsSocial FlawsSupernatural Flaws
Being-Specific Flaws Demon FlawsFairy FlawsGhost FlawsHunter FlawsKuei-Jin FlawsMage FlawsMortal FlawsMummy FlawsShapeshifter FlawsVampire Flaws